Jan 15 2010

"Can you hold... can you hold my starfish? It doesn't like it when I'm getting excited. Oh look, it likes you! Its legs are all cree-py cree-py."

"Hey, don't... don't say anything. Why don't you put it in an email, then I can ignore it at my pleasure."

"I feel all rolley polley rolley polley. rolley pony PONY.... Splat!"


Karen's note: Another huge thank you to everyone for the wonderful support. You guys can't imagine how much pleasure we get reading all of your lovely comments.

The media attention has been an incredible shock, we're still reeling. Lots of gratitude to Mark Cooper at Van Communications for being so generous with his advice on how to negotiate it all.


  1. FFFF- That was awesome. Rolly polly rolly polly. Rolly pony PONY... SPLAT! XD I can only IMAGINE what happened there... LOL! I love this guy's active imagination. =)

  2. seems really phycotic and twisted, who would post this kind phyco babble

  3. Awww, makes me wish I had a chatty Brit sleeping next to me. Keep 'em coming STM!

  4. funniest thing iv read in yrs!!!!!!!!!!! coming from a sleep talker that is comedy

  5. "Anonymous said...
    seems really phycotic and twisted, who would post this kind phyco babble"

    - Someone who can spell "p.s.y.c.h.o.t.i.c." mate?

    You've got me hooked every day STM. Never read anything so funny :)

  6. lol sleeping Adam is so mean!

  7. wow he sure has a lot to say! have you tried communicating with him while he's sleeping?

  8. I recently added your blog to my "blog love" roll call so I'll be reading every day. Adam sounds delightful and if that picture at the top of your banner is him.. then he's a cutie too!

  9. Thank God for the RSS feeds.. I look you up daily...

  10. Ah.. seems like I´m waking up with Adam every day now. Have a good day :)

  11. Was thinking about the comments that Adam has gotten funnier with the publicity, and was thinking that Adam has gotten funnier as he is reminded of what he said. Lucid dreaming works that way---the more aware you are of dreams the more fantastical they can become. Anyway, absoluely hilarious. Glad you are capturing this gold. :)

  12. Wow! A date with Mr Schofield & Willaboobies! Exciting times ahead for Sleep Talking Man. Time to record This Morning for the 1st time in my life on Monday.....

  13. I have been following this blog since I found it on a news site, I like it a lot :D

  14. Just stumbed onto this site, started my day in stitches. Too funny, thanks!!

  15. Keep asleep Adam. Don't know how you get out of bed in the mornings!

  16. Absolutely loving this. The email one DEFINITELY needs to go on a t-shirt.

  17. Any chances you could double-update so that you'd put these up on Facebook as well? It'd be swell to receive these semi-daily updates amongst the Live Feed feature. :)

    Also, love that agressive-dismissive wit that STM spews out.

  18. lol i could start a site like this about my wife

  19. I'm absolutely loving this!

    cree-py cree-py starfish legs

  20. I found your blog today,thanks to the media covering your story...thanks so much for putting this up,this is gold!!! Adam is so funny,lots of love from Northern rivers in NSW Australia

  21. my girlfriend also sleep talk salthough most the time its in Polish which i cannot understand. one time she woke up STM style and just shouted "SEXY" as she woke up!

    great blog :D


  22. Time to set the V+ for This Morning on Monday!

  23. This is so awesome - haven't laughed so much in ages - please please keep up the blog -

    Happy insomnia :)


  24. yes, the email one is PERFECT shirt material :)

  25. Heard about the site yesterday and loved it! Certainly a worthwhile procrastination from my university revision... Thank you so much for this!

  26. On This Morning? How cool is that?!

    I won't see it though, unless it gets on YouTube, because I live in Oz now.

    Let us know how it goes. x

  27. I just found out about this blog yesterday from another bloger here in Sweden. And I haven't laughed so hard from something I've read in years. You have to keep up the fantastic work! From what I've heard I also sleeptalk a lot and when me and my sister was little she loved to tease me. When we were in the same bed she would pinch me just to get me talking, and once she put a finger on my nose and pressed down softly, I then said, very angrily -Do not touch the little stones! :D Looking forward to more updates from you guys! /Linda from Sweden!

  28. Haha, the Radio show was great!

  29. The 1 thing i do when io get to work is to look at your page and smile :9 thank you for lighting up my day :)

  30. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Heard about you via Facebook and will be adding you to my blogroll so I can visit daily. Hope you have a great time on This Morning!!!

    Best wishes

  31. i love this site - makes me smile every day. I have many friends now who enjoy his incredible imagination... i hope you have fun on TM
    Happy days

  32. Thank you so much, Alice, for pointing me at this wonderful stream of unconsciousness (spell check, Ange?:) ).

    Adam, I'm sure others will have put this more delicately than I, but I'm glad you got a break the other night. It wears a chap to out to have to perform in bed night after night after night. At least, that's what I find.

  33. Now I know how to post a comment LOL. Sent you guys an email, I bet youve got thousands! Only found you yesterday after reading about you. god it is the funniest thing ever and so natural.

    I am a great talker in my sleep, my poor partner, I apparantly swear and shout like hell. I think its because us Brits keep most of our emotions in and come the night time we just let it out in our sleep, all our inhibitions run wild in our dreams. Either that or your Fiancee has a deep rooted desire to be a comedian!!

    Keep the blog up and well done with your new found fame!!

  34. Your post's make me laugh every day! I love it! I've just ordered one of your messenger bags with the 'don't leave the duck there' comment on it - so my fav!

  35. you've hit slashdot.org :O awesome blog

  36. I am sharing you will all my Facebook friends! I have been laughing so hard (and out loud)my belly hurts!!

  37. I love this site, its hilarious!!

    My boyf talks in his sleep sometimes. Sometimes its clear as crystal and I actually think he's awake. Other times its just utter babble!!

    Good luck with This Morning and the rest of the week. Sounds like you've have some real fun!!

  38. i was having a really stressed day with my special needs son,after hearing about this i just had to check it out...thank you ..it made my day..keep it coming,pure comedy all natural, no scripts.

  39. I am so excited about seeing you on This Morning, cannot wait!


  40. I have tears in my eyes from laughing!
    My husband used to do math problems in his sleep. He would tell me school was cancelled, then go back to sleep, and the first couple of times I believed him.
    But, since you are recording this, when do YOU sleep?

  41. Only blog I will ever follow without fail. This is a goldmine.
    Keep up the laughs :)

  42. OMG I love STM!! I wish I was married to one - I'm living vicariously through you lol. That starfish one is the funniest thing I've ever heard!!

  43. This blog is awesome! Thanx for putting the time and effort into it, just to make us chuckle.

  44. Fabulous, as always :-)
    I just bought a t-shirt from you last night. The idea of a duck enjoying being on a swing fills me with unimaginable joy :-)

  45. I'll hold his starfish!!

    I hate to think what he's getting excited about though....whilst holding a starfish....

  46. By the way...



  47. Read about this a couple of days ago on an Australian news website (ninemsn.com.au) and I have to thank you so much for putting this up!!!
    Keep it up!!! It's keeping a smile on my face (and so many others by the looks of it :) )

  48. I absolutely LOVE this blog, it's brilliant. I think i'm going to have to get a t-shirt.
    I like "wife" Karen's comments just as much as sleeping Adams quips!
    You guys cheer me up endlessly on a bad day, thank you.
    Keep 'em coming!!!!
    Much love and best wishes x x

  49. this is the most hilarious thing I have ever read. Karen, you're a genius for writing this down and sharing it. thank you so much!!!

  50. ha ha! brilliant, I'll sky plus 'this morning' on monday... how excellent! famous!!!!!

  51. Adam you rule! and Karen THANK YOU so ever much for sharing your husband's sleep talking with all the rest of us :]

    I found your blog through a friend and i have since shared it with my husband and my cousin. We were crowded around my tiny laptop screen not moments ago eagerly reading your last entry.

    Thank you so much for turning the stressful day into an awesome night of laughter :D

    love lots
    Perth, Australia

  52. ive been following since you got the "blogs of note" recognition... i share you with my family and friends every day now!! i wish you continued success! the more success you have... the more laughing i will be doing... and that works out well for everyone :) G'bless you two!!

  53. This blog reminds of when I was sleep walking on a vacation in Cyprus. I was sleep walking because i had to post a letter to my class, but halfway through the resort I discovered I had forgotten to put on pants, so I want back to our house, where my brother, mom and grandmom was sleeping. Because the door auto locked when I walked out in my sleep i couldn't get in, so I knocked on the door. My grandmom was really scared that it was some robber, but I had some conversation with my mom through the door. My mom dragged me to the bathroom and splashed water on me so I would wake up. That was the only time i had sleepwalked.

    Thanks for a great blog.

    Copenhagen, Denmark.

  54. I had a dream about rolly polleys last night too. weird?

  55. I had a friend who "sleep talk" like this too. We were at college at that time. His roommates told us what he talked eveytime there was something funny. We always laughed into tears.

  56. hi from Malaysia... love this blog, it is so funny..... oh yeah... you were our daily chinese newspaper today....Bravo!!!

  57. Brilliant! We love the blog and keep all our chat stat messages updated with quotes. Hilarious.

    "Hold my starfish... It doesn't like when I'm getting excited. Oooh, it likes YOU!"


  58. I think this is just the most fabulous site! So funny and I am sure loads of fun for you! Congrats on all the media attention, your followers will be growing exponentially now! I am spreading the word over here in the states! Good Luck to ya!

  59. my boyfriend just showed me this blog a few days ago and ever since, i've checked it every day. We sit around and quote STM any time it's relevant and i've been making one of Adam's musings my facebook status every day! Thank you for all the giggles!

  60. Can we have "Can you hold my starfish" on a tshit please?!

    Also next time someone pisses me off I'm SOOO using "Can you put it in an email for me to ignore at my leisure" as a retort! :-)

  61. I only found out about this is The Sun the other day and it's so funny! I've been telling my friends and they agree.

  62. I giggled over this site all night last night, and couldn't wait to see what the morning brought! You are indeed genius Karen. And Adam? What a sport!

  63. This is hillarious, starting the day with laughing. I love his alter ego in his dreams!!

  64. The starfish rules! Thank you so much for posting these bon mots. They brighten my day. I still think that posting audio clips isn't really needed. My 2 shirts are gonna be shipped today. I'm so looking forward to wearing them.

  65. Excellent news on the media attention. Best of luck with that! The other day, my husband(British) forwarded to me your link and I was in tears of laughter. I am also from the states and my husband talks in his sleep as well, but only on rare occasions.

    Hope to see you on the news!

    Take Care,


  66. This is wonderful. I'm a college student and I read these every morning before I go to class. Starting the day with a laugh (and often tears) makes it much easier to get through! Thanks so much!! :)

  67. I love your blog. I found out about it on Twitter. The world needs more right brain nonsense/silliness and less left brain rationality/practicality. :\

    You might also want to expand into bumper stickers and/or coffee mugs.

    Take care,

    Dave in Oregon

  68. How come T-shirts via the US/Worldwide link are $17 & through the UK/EU link £15. Current exchange rate makes $17 about £10.50...

  69. I am in serious pain, I can't keep laughing like this, I can't breathe and laugh. My mascara doesn't seem to be waterproof. I daren't read any more :)

  70. Your blog is hiliarous! My husband talks in his sleep but he never says anything as funny as this.

  71. This is Kat from Hong Kong. Yes, Hong Kong. Am reading this blog as some local papers quoted UK papers coverage. And I super recommended this to my friends as well. They love it!

  72. Hello from Idaho!!
    LOVE the blog! I stumbled on it the other day and now im hooked on it. I'm sharing it with all my friends and they love it too. Keep them coming!

  73. I am so enjoying your blog. I heard about it on our local radio station, and have put it on my "favorites" and check it daily!! Thanks much for the many laughs!! Best of luck with your t-shirts!!

  74. i herd about u guys on 93.3 wmmr in philly. can i make a facebook group for this pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee i love this stufff it should be a show, or u should just make a facebook for you guys its a great way to get noticed!!! This is my facebook http://www.facebook.com/ermal350?ref=profile

  75. I LOVE IT!! This shit is so crazy theres no way someone can make it up. I'm curious what he's dreaming, I can only imagine sometimes. I'm not sure I'd get any sleep if my hubby was talking like that all night. Keep it up!!

  76. These are all so great! My wife and I have our favourite phrases.
    I noticed that you were considring putting on audio. to be honest, I don't know that I would actually want to hear his musings! Reading leaves a lot to the imagination and the notes you put on them are really great. I think hearing it would not nearly capture the whimsical spirit of what you have here.

  77. HA! Amazing :D

    Some of the things he says... you can only dream them up when you are asleep!

    Love. It!

  78. HA this is absolutely brilliant! It'd be amazing to go inside STM's dreams lol... in his sleep he really hates someone. I'd love to know who :P

  79. http://es.noticias.yahoo.com/12/20100116/tod-las-elucubraciones-de-un-britanico-q-43e76bb.html

    In spain! :)

  80. Karen,

    Please post a link to some video from the show for all your U.S. fans! Thanks!!

  81. Can you make a t-shirt about "you and your cupboard"? That one is the best by a mile.

  82. LOL!! Karen I love your disclaimer: "Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians."

  83. I am absolutely loving your blog! Been referred here by a friend and this evening spent reading the many things Adam's said has been the most entertaining since probably ever :D

    This is utter genius :D

  84. Saw your story in The Sun the other day!! This has got to be the funniest thing i have read in a long time!! Proper LOL, gut hurting belly laughs ahoy!! In this current day and and age it was a pleasure to read something that I know will brighten up my day... and God know, the world needs more laughter and light heartedness at the moment!!

    ADAM...YOU'RE A STAR!!!!!!

  85. Love this! Wish there was running video with it, although I don't really think I could take it all in. The "audio-only" version about kills me. Hilarious. Adam, this makes you really sexy and I'm not sure why.

  86. You guys make my day, everyday. Thanks for sharing!

  87. I've woke up to my hubby saying "1.21 jiggawatts is expensive."

  88. from Cordoba, Andalucia, Spain ... I am your fan from now because you have made me smile and that is priceless Thanks for being so original I have spent a bit of my post on my blog http://pilukatienecrisis.blogspot.com
    A wink from the southern Spanish kisses

  89. From Phx AZ: I asked my sleeping hub if he could handle the kittens. He said 'No, kittens are contagious.' I asked him if he knew about the duck. He said 'Its in the dog dish with the sock'. I wonder if women talk as much as guys do?!

  90. This is the funniest thing ever, and it was genius to share it. I'm very glad you guys are getting the attention you deserve. I check this site every day now via Twitter. I hope the show gets posted on YouTube as well. What a colorful imagination! Keep at it!


  91. I'm so jealous I won't get to see and hear him!! Hopefully it'll be on YouTube?!

  92. You guys rock! Good luck on the TV...love it love love it......

  93. Hi, this is Karen. Wow - Adam and I are totally blown away by all the attention we have received from the media, not just here in the UK but from so many other countries. It really is hard to get heads around.

    We are thrilled to hear how much hilarity Adam's comments bring to people. It is part of Adam's nature to make people smile and it would seem his unconcious has found an amazingly successful way of doing it!

    Adam and I read through EVERY comment and email we receive. We do try to respond where possible, but right now we are inundated! We hope you understand.

    We love to hear about how you came to find us, your stories and suggestions. We do take everything on board. For those of you who have made specific requests regarding T-shirt quotes, your voices have been heard. New designs are being posted over the next few days. We will eventually have as many of Adam's quotes on T-shirts as possible.

    To the person who mentioned 93.3 wmmr in philly. I can't tell you how overjoyed I was to hear that we were mentioned on there. I grew up with that radio station!!

    Thank you all again for your wonderful words and support. Keep in touch.


  94. This is amazingly funny and we look forward to the
    infinite quotes on shirts!

    Sincerely ,
    Rick and Carrie Harris

  95. Siobhan Allinson16 January 2010 at 23:40

    I can't wait! That's brilliant news, I will have to record This Morning as I'm at work. I read the article in The Sun about you and was crying with laughter! My husband was laying next to me in bed snoring like an amplified Darth Vader and I was spurred on to record him on my mobile...he still insists the noise doesn't come from him but it gave me a giggle. Love it, you're so funny!!
    Shivs Buckinghamshire, UK

  96. The word 'lol' is overused, but I actually did laugh out loud reading your site! Too amusing for words. Keep us the posts, and I shall try not to pmsl...

  97. Hey Karen, why don't you upload a couple of videos on Youtube? That'd would be even funnier!!!!

  98. I can't tell you enough how amazing this is..not only the irony of you having insomnia and Andrew having sleep talking issues; but really its' something that makes my day brighter when I get to yell "cock hunt" at work and everyone knows what I am talking about - and I dont get sent to HR!
    All the best, can't wait for the "desk calendars" (oh, and if you aren't doing them, can you?? and make them available to Canadians???)


  99. Haha, made my day when I found this.
    This is just great, and I love how you can almost hear the tone of what he's saying. Hilarious. :)

  100. Thank you soooo much. I honestly can't remember the last time I laughed so hard I cried.
    Made my day.

  101. I heard about this blog on an online news site in Australia, nine msn. I now check in everyday to see what Adam has said! I love it, so funny.

  102. A msg to the s(c)eptics.... lighten up and get a sense of humour. I hope Karen and Adam do make a LOT of money from this, and it really doesn't matter whether or not Adam is conscious or not when he says such amazingly hilarious stuff. I have personally witnessed some very funny sleep talking which was almost as random as Adam's, so you can count me as a believer. This blog brings so much joy to so many ppl, why would you bother to pooh-pooh it? Go on, just enjoy having a good laugh that makes your eyes water, your cheeks flush, and your belly ache. Did you know laughing is actually good for you? ;o)
    Cheers from Kate, Northern NSW Australia

    PS - Karen & Adam, if u haven't already done so, get in contact with the biggest and best marketing co. you can think of. Let them help you make the most of this world-wide interest. I don't think your lives are ever going to be the same again!

  103. hahaha! new to blogspot and you were one of the first blogs i read. i think im gonna like it here xD

  104. God I love the starfish bit. He has a funny subconscious fixation on random animals eh?

  105. A friend of mine posted the link to this site on facebook... me and my dad came in from the pub and sat here tinkling on our laptops... we both ended up in tears reading the things STM comes out with... Brilliant. Keep it going. :o)

  106. So the starfish one is probably my favorite ever. Yes. My boyfriend talks in his sleep sometimes too, but it's not NEARLY this entertaining... =)

  107. OMG never laughed so hard in all my life! Hysterically funny. I read the whole lot, trying to read it to my husband at the same time, not easy when I couldn't stop LMAO. Classic stuff. Glad to see you do get an occasional break from it.

  108. Today's entry made me laugh as well :) thanks once again!
    i do like the email quote the best of all, i think that's how most of us feel at one point or another...
    Do you plan on adding links from this morning on monday for those of us who may be unable to find them/ record them?
    thanks :)

  109. Post u and your GAY lover on youtube caught in dirty acts.

  110. Love reading these everyday...it cracks me up. Thanks for sharing them. I also like Karens notes. Looking forward to more.

  111. So lovable! I am going to spread the laugh in HK and China if you don't mind. ^^

    Thank you!


  112. this is the funniest thing ive seen in a long time im telling everyone i know about this its totally funny

  113. long time (since the blogs been up!) fan. first time post.
    Just wanna share some support.
    I here often and always enjoy what I find!

  114. This stuff is just too precious!! Karen, I know that it must take up a lot of your time to keep this blog going (inbetween living a normal life!) and we, your fans, appreciate it very much. You are reaching people all over the world, and making them laugh out loud, and for a few minutes, they are happier for it. What a gift, to be able to do that! Adam, please keep on dreaming, and Karen, please keep on blogging! WE LOVE YA!!!

  115. Heard about your blog on the Fox and Friends TV show and immediately checked it out. Read all of the posts and had the best laughs I’ve had in a long time! I laughed until I cried so many times I had to put my head down on the desk to recover. Then went back to bed because of the headache I got from laughing so hard; but couldn’t go back to sleep for still giggling. Oh my – so bad, but so funny! Please tell me STM’s alter ego is the only one with such a potty mouth! : ) The “Hey, don't... don't say anything. Why don't you put it in an email, then I can ignore it at my pleasure” line is one of my and my hubby’s favorites. There are some great one-liners to remember. Next time I have an itch I can’t reach, I’m going to ask him “where’s the cheese grater?” We both have said some crazy things in our own little twilight zone and appreciate the crazy humor. Adam is a good sport. We look forward to more entertainment!

    Laughing in Atlanta, GA USA

  116. Dreamweaver... ha ha... well said. Having read the comments of those apparently devoid of humour, that pretty much encapsulated my view of the miserable shites on here, whom have taken it upon themselves to tell others that we shouldn't find it amusing. Anyone on here writing a positve comment isn't telling everyone else that they should like it just that they do. It's made me chuckle anyway. Look forward to the results of Adam's next kip.

  117. bullshit. nobody talks that clear while asleep. stop pretending those stuff coming from a sleeping guy. just name it what it is: written comedy...

  118. always some1 who wants to try spoil things.dont bother reading it then u idiot....to karen and adam,please keep up the good work.it livens up my day when i get in from a hard days work,chill out at my laptop and read your daily log.its had me in tears.thank u....from the uk

  119. o0o0o0o0o will be looking out for you on the telly tomorrow!! Good luck with it!! xx

  120. "...ignore it at my pleasure" I'm SOOOOO saying this to someone....at some point...

  121. Okay, I have come to the conclusion that every insomniac should have a sleep talker around. It would make our sleepless nights so much more entertaining!

  122. found the youtube link! Its awesome!

    just youtube sleep talking man and it comes up! Just watching it now.. but keep up the sleep!

  123. Why don't you put it in an email, then I can ignore it at my pleasure.... Tee shirt material for sure!

  124. Can you hold my starfish?
    CLASSIC! SO funny!

  125. hahahahaahaahahhahahahaah the starfish one is deffenettly my favorite

  126. Outstanding!!!! Very funny!!!! Checked out your blogs after seeing you guys on the news. ( NEW ZEALAND)

    Go you good thing!!!

  127. Truly the funniest thing I have seen all week. I should tape my Mom (72) who honest to god also talks crazy talk in her sleep. Nothing as good as 'Could you please hold my starfish?' Mostly crazed arguments with people that scare the pants off of everyone when she comes to visit or if we holiday together. Dead serious. Picture holidays with a 72 year old who yells at 2 a.m. "Get out. I told you get out! You take your skinny ass and get out now!!" I have had numerous near death experiences while on holidays with said sleep talkin' granny.

    Paula http://www.thriftymommastips.blogspot.com/

  128. I love the one about the email... ahhhh so great!

  129. Please put this one on a t-shirt, I'd love to wear it to work:

    "Why don't you put it in an email, then I can ignore it at my pleasure."

  130. I LOVE this! My husband says weird stuff in his sleep too...whole conversations. Once he yelled at my son to get him a fork, "Ian! NOW get me a damn fork!" Ian told him he was sleeping, "I am NOT sleeping. I need a fork." This went on for a bit, then Ian got a fork for him. Husband sat up and took it, put it on the head board, and said, "Finally, I can get the carrots out of the bed."

  131. I saw the clip on Yahoo! Canada this evening, and HAD to come and check this out....then proceeded to laugh until I cried. Gonna show this to everyone that I can think of!

    -still laughing my @ss of in Newfoundland!

  132. I just found out about this blog this evening & immediately came to read the things Adam says. I laughed so hard I cried & then I called my mom & told her about it. Funny stuff! Added this page to my favorites. Keep 'em coming! Thanx!

  133. Can we get an audio clip of the starfish quote? I'm dying to hear how he sounded saying that!

  134. wow, my daughter and son in law showed me your website. I laughed so hard, because it reminded my of how my own mother used to talk in her sleep like this! Once she told my 10 year old brother that she'd come to breakfast "just as soon as she was finished challenging Death." LOLOL

  135. I wouldn't mind getting the "rolley poley rolley pony PONY... Splat!" on a shirt - even if it is rather long..... 7@=e

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