Jan 22 2010

"You know, with you you you, it's all me me me. Well fuck fuck fuck fuck you you you."

"Yeah I do. I have SO much to give. Choke on it!"

"Deedoo. It's a deedoo. A deedoo...Oh, it's not a deedoo. I have no idea what it is."

[chuckling throughout] "I'm trying not to laugh. But your face! Your face! Oh, please look away. Please?"


  1. The last bit is priceless!

  2. Wow, what a night of being full of self :D

  3. A DeeDoo. Guys thanks, this blog just makes my day every morning! Adam, you are the man :)

  4. Hilarious! My husband does this too sometimes when he's really tired. The most recent

    Him: "Shouldn't this be flowing??" (holding the blanket)
    Me: "What?"
    Him: "Flowing..It should be flowing through..right?"
    Me: "What are you talking about?"
    Him: "The feathers!"
    Me: "What feathers?"
    Him: (awake now and trying to play it off) "Aren't there feathers in this?"

  5. haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Love the last one!!

  7. That's funny. I just saw you on SBS News in Australia.

  8. Did the "Deedoo" thing sound like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jdpxiJd324 ? :)

  9. i also just saw you in australia my housemate and i have been sick for days i read some out to him and now feel a bit better for the laugh we just had i feel mean saying that i feel for you having to deal with it but what he says is so funny

  10. What the hell is a deedoo? :D

  11. This is my now favourite blog site for fun musings.

    Also these will make great status updates on facebook.

  12. You guys have made my day- again! Thanks. :)

  13. Here's the link to your segment on ABC World New 1/22/09. I hope it works:


  14. Hi All,

    I would like to say that those losers who think this is fake just don't get it. WHO F***ING CARES!!!!! It's hilarious. I've known enough comedians who would sell their souls to have material like this. I can tell you they wouldn't care if he was asleep or awake... IT'S GREAT! Thank you, keep it comin'

  15. An answer: I have no idea what a deedoo is. And neither does Adam.

  16. I LOVE the first one!! Hilarious! I read this blog every single morning!

  17. just saw you on ABC news in Tokyo. Bizarrely they were using the clip as part of english language training - hilarious !!

  18. that is so cool! the t-shirts are great idea! you should make greeting cards!!! what a crack up that would be!!

  19. he comes up with the best insults ever, in his sleep!

  20. AHHH Love the last one :)
    I talk in my sleep and say some pretty weird things to, parently i was having a conversation with the queen one night :D ha. x

  21. Nina Spitz-Swallows22 January 2010 at 11:06

    "Yeah I do. I have SO much to give. Choke on it!"
    I am usually awaken by my own sleep talking, although it doesn't happen often. It usually occurs as I am drifting off to sleep after a weekend of partying or if I have worked a double shift (16hrs).

  22. Listen. I have 2 giraffes and a pit-bull, and I'm about to put all my clocks in the bathtub. If Adam has anythin to say against that, tell him he's a todger. And I meant it!

  23. hello love your blog xo
    just found this on youtube


    ...they translated your blog to Spanish

  24. el oh el smiley face XD
    i read these every day and they are so funny.

  25. Oh, it's not a deedoo


  26. I just saw you two advertised on "The Today Show"... But I have to go to work and can't watch it! :( Congrats!

  27. I thought I was random, then I watched ABC World News last night and found this. Yeah I'm not very random anymore. Last line- HILARIOUS!

  28. I love this... it really does brighten the day!

  29. Hahahaha you made my day! lol

    I saw you on ABC world news... is so funny!!! and listen the real audio is the best!...

    Congrats!! =D

  30. "you know it's you you you..."

    Is it me? Or does this sound like a very catchy lyric from the chorus of some twisted song? Maybe that's next, Karen? CD Release? Haha...love it.

  31. I am loving this blog...picked it up on facebook at about the same time as you were about to go on This Morning. It's the perfect remedy to a long hard day at work.

    I have seen a few people bemoaning the fact that you're ad execs and therefore assuming that this must be some mystical money making scheme hell bent on forcing us to turn out our pockets and give money to satan. Can I please maybe remind people that normal people work in advertising and marketing too...we buy products, we have families, we (gasp) even know how to use the internet and share things that we find funny with other people.

    Sure Karen and Adam might make a bit of cash on the side from this, and fair play to them. But I somehow suspect that anyone in any profession would do the same.

    Good on you both.

  32. Just watched you on The Today Show. Well done!

  33. I just discovered your blog about two weeks ago and have enjoyed every minute of it. I was so excited to learn you would be on the Today SHow this morning. Just watched and got caught up on what the sleep talking man has said and now I am ready to begin my day!

  34. Just seen this on TV, hahahaha, this could be entertaining for the wife, probably sometimes aggravating and sometimes hilarious.

  35. Just wanted to say I have shared your blogs with tons of friends, family and coworkers. We all get a good chuckle and I'm pretty sure we'll be sporting t-shirts soon!

    I also saw you on the Today Show and congrats on all the fun you are having with this!

    KB - a fan in FL

  36. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I just saw you guys on the Today Show!! Congrads!!!

  37. I am so glad to hear about you on the news! I am a fan on facebook, following you on twitter and now on blogspot! Love the blog.

  38. I know what I want to be for halloween this year! STM, you are my new hero. =D

  39. Just saw your spot on the Today show and am so glad that I found your blog! My husband also talks in his sleep, although it's usually about work. One night I woke up to him leaning over the side of the bed, talking to the floor, asking "Are we good to go? Good. Right, right right right." Added you to my google reader and I look forward to many laughs in the morning!

  40. I love that today's entry is what will greet all of the Today Show viewers.

  41. Was thrilled to catch you on NBC today this morning!!! You guys crack me up

  42. As a sleep talker, I totally appreciate this blog!!! So good to see that there are others who go on in their sleep!

  43. Just saw y'all on the Today Show.

    Love the nocturnal ramblings. Help put me in a good mood when I'm pissed off.

    Keep 'em coming, I'll be here as long as you are.

  44. I just found this today from seeing you on the today show. I'm am going to save reading more until next week. I am having surgery on Tuesday, and you know what they say, "Laughter is the best medicine"! Thank you for going public, this is hysterical.

  45. saw the today show bit. i'm LMAO!!!! can i steal some as facebook status updates? ;) adam is a genius. keep it up!

  46. Hi All
    Your "inner" child? lol..wonder what the "experts"say lol
    I am 47 and have done this all my life,ptsd made it worse or "better" lol I actually screamed for about an hour ,did push ups in my sleep,had sex?lol sorry I missed it lol,kissing pillows etc.lol,calling the dog,I used to imagine a BIG fire and appear to be running,hyper ventilate,spit,scream ,WOW,yrs later I fought people and HIT my wife in the back she still has problems from it ,enough drama lol,ok update.....b.t.w. I now have severe epilepsy,sleep walk,serious R.E.M. sleep problems,allergys to meds,(lol) partial seizures around lunch ,light sensitivity ,lol a few more
    very funny ADAM just make sure you do not do anything "wrong" because WE and Her will Know tonight . Rick in Wichita Kansas

  47. I love the first one!

  48. Love the last one, Wish i could say it to a few ppl that i know!

  49. I was laughing so much I was crying. I've notice that not only will my hubby talk in his sleep, but now our 2 boys (7 & 3) have some interesting conversations as well. Now I need to invest in a voice activated recorder! :) Continued success to you both.

  50. I saw you on NECN in Boston this morning. I love that you love this. The animal theme is so endearing!

  51. Is this guy this funny when he's awake? Lucky your an insomniac. Match made in heaven.

  52. This is hilarious. The best part is that you can actually understand him. I sometimes talk in my sleep or act things out, but only when I'm really stressed. I suppose the same could be said of my husband, but when he does it, I can't understand what he's saying, so I don't get to enjoy it. Bummer!

    Lynnette Labelle

  53. Deedoo. My word for the day! Hilarious!

  54. this stuff ia ssoooo funny i will have to come back i just saw u on the TODAY SHOW and GOOGLED Adam durring the program AWSOME!!! <3 AKBUTTERFLY in NM

  55. Thank you thank you thank you everyone for the amazing comments. We really didn't know how people would react to seeing us on TV, whether it would ruin the mystery, or people would decied we were "sell outs." The truth is, we are just having a blast with all of this (although being on a show via satellite is a REALLY weird experience). And it feels so great to read the lovely things that you all write. So thank you again!

  56. What a deedoo is... well, according to a friend of mine her grandchildren call her husband Deedoo. Not what I'd want my grandkids calling their papa, but to each their own!

  57. Just saw you on the today show here in CA..had to check it out! FUNNY!

  58. This is just fantastic. As someone who blogs about my hubby's idiosyncrasies I can totally appreciate these. I have on occassion, heard hubby mumble ridiculous stuff in his sleep... I guess I'm lucky that it's not nearly as frequent as yours! Most of my hubby's ridiculous comments actually come while he's fully awake!

    Keep 'em coming!

  59. Hi. I'd just discovered your blog this morning and while I was reading it ABC Good Morning America had you guys on TV. Talk about coincidences! This blog is hilarious! Thanks for starting it.

  60. I love your blog! Thank you so much for making me smile and LOL every day! =]

  61. YOU MADE THE YAHOO HOME PAGE!!!!!! (Imagine the international exposure now!) Congratulations!!

  62. you need to clean up the language while sleeping!!

  63. I live in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. I just saw you on the today show on the internet clips. HILARIOUS!! Love it! Keep it up! I only wish that my soft mannered loving husband was as funny as yours while sleeping!

  64. Greetings from Seattle! Very much enjoyed your spot on the Today Show this morning and immediately went out to put the duck on the swing next to the pirate badger. They seem quite content.

    Oh, and Karen? Lock up the cutlery, dear. One can never be too cautious... ;-)

  65. i've been kinda depressed lately, this has totally changed how i feel. i am an effin' pirate so that pirate quote is the best! great entries today :)

  66. Hi Karen and Adam,

    This blog is hilarious, great for browsing on a Friday afternoon in the office...
    This is not a sales thing, promise! but I can't find any other way of contacting you. HulloMail provides visual voicemail but the exciting bit is you can record Hullos - short voice messages which you can send for free to whoever you like all done via your mobile, no fiddly uploading etc. I just thought that if you guys had the service you could record these excellent musings and send out to whoever you like.
    If you want to know more, drop us a line if not keep up the great blog!
    Jane (HulloMail)

  67. I saw you guys on World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer, and found your website. I have seriously never laughed so hard! I laughed so hard I cried, and then I started coughing uncontrolably... I just bought two t-shirts. I made my co-workers read it, and they are all worried it is fake. Seriously, it's so funny, I don't really care if it is!!! Kudos!

    Mary Anne in Texas

  68. My fiance talks in his sleep, but since he sells cell phones, he sometimes tries to sell them to the cat.

  69. I saw you on the TODAY show in the states today. So I had to show the clip to my husband. We are both rolling on the floor with laughter. It's great that you are doing this and your husband is open to you blogging it. I just booked marked it so I can refer to it when I need a good laugh! Thank You!
    -Lara L.

  70. I just watched your Today show clip. Loved hearing the clips!

  71. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you guys. I have not laughed this hard in years... I am out of Kleenex I am crying that hard.. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing. Bless you both...

  72. I saw the piece on ABC in USA last night and just had to check it out. This is hillarious, I haven't laughed this is a long time. Keep 'em coming. So how can I order a shirt?

  73. I just found your site today and have to say it's my favorite! Better than youtube!!! I firmly believe this is all real because my husband and I have actually held conversations at night while both of us being sound asleep. We've woken up house guests with the conversations and my mom is tickled pink when we stay over, we are her favorite entertainment. Quote from my husband "Turd burgler...(getting louder)...Burgler of turds...(shouting)....SHIT BITCH!" Quote from me: "Oh now the purple elephants are flying off with all the french fries!" Yeah...we aren't that funny when we are awake.

  74. I am in TEARS, this is hillarious. I have an ex who used to do this too, and with such attitude, but nothing nearly as funny as this!

  75. I honestly believe that Adam is hilarious. Regardless of mood, whenever I read his sleep talk it makes me laugh!

  76. Just saw you on the "Today" show. VERY funny!!! I'm an American married to a Brit but he never says anything in his sleep. Disappointing. However, our daughter (age 20) talks like your sleeping husband when she's awake.

  77. Saw you on ABC news last night and HAD to find your blog... I've been laughing so hard I'm crying at work... thank you so much for sharing your husband's hilarity with the world!!

  78. I haven't laughed until I cried since I don't know when! This is great!! THANK YOU!!

  79. caught the clip on Yahoo. You guys are great. I don't know the last time I truly laughed. Thank you so much for sharing. Just the imagry of some of those quotes...good lord!

  80. When I was a recruit in he US Navy, one night during bootcamp, my shipmate was sleep screaming: "motivate me petty officer!! motivate me" ahhh, classic. keep them coming, i love this stuff

  81. OMG!! I only just started to follow you and then you are on the news:

    Congratulations to the both of you!!!

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. I LOVE IT! Thanks for keeping the posts coming.

  84. I saw this on the Today this morning and LOVED it. I too had a husband who talked in his sleep. Unfortunately he talked so much, he told me all about the affairs he was having with other women. Two to be exact. He'd talk about where they went, what they did (some of it X rated), and he had nicknames with one of them ... Chicken feathers and Feather plucker. Don't know nor do I care who was who, but thank got he talked in his sleep or I might have never found out about the infidelity. Good lesson, if you are know to talk in your sleep (which he always did) don't do anything you don't want your wife to know about. LOL. We are now getting divorce, and I couldn't be happier.

  85. Seriously - I haven't laughed this hard in a long time... WOULD LOVE TO SEE THIS IN A MOVIE SCRIPT! lol

  86. Just saw you on yahoo home page! This is hilarious... some of these I can't help but imagine who or what is going on to make him say stuff like that. Too bad he can't remember it. Sounds like a party in his head every night.

  87. Thank you for sharing. My husband is a "nocturnal talker", too. He also says outrageously funny things. It sure makes life more interesting, doesn't it?

  88. I just found your blog and laughed my butt off. Mu husband occasionally sleep talks (he quite often sleep eats, too). The first time I heard him sleep talk he said, "Tell that cop to wait, I'm selling this guy a ring." I've tried questioning him when he does it, but he gets annoyed and stops talking.

  89. hahaha this is so great!! lol does Adam have a coworker he dislikes? Because it sounds like he's got some anger to resolve!! haha thank you Adam for coming up with some of the best insults/come-backs EVER! I'll have to remember the douchebag contents one! Priceless! PLEASE put recordings up ASAP!!

  90. I believe this 100%, since my brother use to do this every night! you could almost set a clock to him, at 11:00 pm...he would start up, and it would be pretty funny.
    Have you ever tried talking back to him? We did this a few times, and if you hit it just right, you can almost carry a conversation with them. My mom and I did this with my brother once. He woke up when I bumped the bed my accident,and was super scared we were in his room! Try it.

    I like many people saw you on the today show and died laughing, Adam seems so charming in waking hours ;) I added you to my blog roll, just to lighten my day!!!

  91. Just found out about you. Truly a bright spot to a dreary day! Does he remember any of the dreams when he wakes up? Too bad we can't record dreams--what a fun time we'd have then!

  92. I saw a bit about this on the 11Am news on Channel 7 (abc) in Denver, CO. Absolutely hilarious!!!! I haven't laughed so hard in a while!!!!

  93. I just found this... what a ray of sunshine! lol I love it!

  94. I saw you this morning on yahoo.com. Loved it! Hilarious! I immediately told my husband who is also a sleeptalker. I have trouble going to sleep so while I'm still up reading or whatever I hear him talking alot. I like to talk back to him just to try to keep the conversation going. It is so funny and he never remembers any of it.

  95. OMG...I almost died laughing....I read them all cant wait to see new ones...I would soo buy those shirts...I sleep talk myself, I laugh so hard i cry everytime my husband tells me the things I say...its hilarious not as hilarious as this though...Thanks for the laughs!

  96. That is the funniest rambling ever!!! hahahha

    Ontario, Canada

  97. I found this from the yahoo home page and oh my goodness this stuff is HILARIOUS! WAY too funny, so thanks for the laughs!

  98. "Deedoo. It's a deedoo. A deedoo...Oh, it's not a deedoo. I have no idea what it is."

    Deedoo. Sounds like the noise British police cars used to make.


  100. I must say that this is by FAR the funniest thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading! My boss saw the today show clip on YAHOO and shared it with the rest of us. 2 of us are preggo and I thought the laughter would put us into labor! I will think about these comments and laugh endlessly. Thank you so much for sharing!

  101. I'm enjoying your blog from the vicinity of the San Francisco bay area in Northern CA. I’ve read through the postings and as a result have permanently added this blog to my Favorites bar. Having had the benefit of reviewing old postings made the outbursts stand out a bit. I think we’ve all experienced the horror of a dream gone bad resulting in a sudden jolt of consciousness. Reading outbursts like “GET THE SNAKE” and “TIGER” were funny, but I was completely unprepared for "COCK HUNTER". That one complete destroyed me. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Thanks for posting these.

  102. OMG I NEVER think things are funny and I laugh untill I cry. This is great.

  103. Greetings from Atlanta, GA, USA:
    Saw you on World News. This is now one of my favorite websites. I can't get enough. Thanks for sharing.
    P.S. I would love to have a shirt that said the "no beard" pirate stuff on it. I've looked in the shop but haven't had a chance to check the whole thing. If it's already there, expect my order soon. :)

  104. I heard about your site today via Facebook, and I have not laughed *this* hard in a while! Simply an awesome idea to blog about it, congrats on your viral success! (I'm torn between buying a 'Vampire Penguin' shirt, or the 'Elephant' one, or the 'Pirate/Beard' one, but you should consider the 'Can you hold my Starfish...' quote for a shirt, too

  105. The 2nd one is a bit dirty... or maybe I have a dirty mind!

  106. Oh my god, you two are so great@ thanks for this blog, it's made my day, I can't wait to hear more zaney things and I'm going to have quite a time picking a shirt but I must...have...one...

  107. This is just hilarious! I'm sitting at work giggling like a fool. Thank you!

  108. Greetings from Louisiana! We sure are enjoying your antics down here, so thank you. I'm in law school and I know I'll not be able to get some of those amazing insults out of my mind when I'm facing my evil evil profs.
    And I agree the duck should be on the swing; it is more fun!

  109. Hello from Canada.
    This is fantastic. Thank you so much for creating this blog and making me laugh. I'm going to tune in everyday.

  110. This is some of the funniest shit i have ever read.

  111. i LOVE this blog! i've bookmarked it and shared it with my 350 friends on FB. by the way, is there any way you can get rid of the user baobao and his SPAM? congrats on going viral!!!

  112. This is brilliant! I've been sending this to everyone I can think of that would enjoy it. LMFAO. This is the best way to waste time during my long Friday afternoon at work.

  113. There's another site I just found that has recordings. Super funny: http://nateatnight.com

  114. Laughed till I cried. Thank you so much. Thank god I was on mute during conference calls today. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love me some sleep talkin' man!

  115. Absolutely hi-larious!! This site made my entire day!

  116. Guys, I love you all. I'm feeling really really sappy reading all of your comments. Wow. This just makes my day, everyday. And I know Adam feels the same.

  117. You know what - this would make a great party game - like a board game or online quiz!
    "Which ridiculous statement is really from Adam?!"

  118. I truly cannot get enough of this blog. Absolutley FANTASTIC. I will continue to follow !!! I cannot wait to see a daily post of the audios...genious.

    Sleep Tight From,
    Alberta, Canada =)

  119. Adam and Karen,
    So great to see you on video today.You're doing a great thing sharing this with the world. We all need more laughter, and Sleeping Adam is about the funniest person on the planet. And now I see he's healing the sick. Go, Sleep Talkin' Man! :)

    My friends and family all read and quote you daily, and when one of my coworkers suddenly laughs uproariously, I always know you're to blame.

    Thanks, Karen and Adam, for making life funnier.

  120. I read all his night rants...I am still crying, and my gut hurts....
    This is what the world needs...side splitting humour.
    Interestingly,we are peering into how the subconcious, takes our real world, through concious senses, then sifts and creates scenarios to bring balance. all these things are real to the dreamer...all knowledge is...I'll say in the dream state.
    May I suggest asking him universal questions...
    I mean if you look at Edgar Cacey,the sleeping prophet...
    Anyway, just an observation, and idea.
    Also, you may consider writting script for t.v. shows, or one liners for comedians.
    May as well throw in bumper stickers,greeting cards, etc...
    I truly enjoyed this, I will recommend this site to others...
    Thanks...to both of you.
    I'm sure you must laugh your head off when you hear, and type his rants.
    You will always be healthy...if you laugh hardily.
    This is good for a sick world....sleeping man, keep watching commercials and the like, you'll have an endless supply of things to create, in your sleep world.

    P.S. will check out tommorrows post...now hurry up and fall asleep...


  121. I totally love your blog. I have it now saved as one of my favorites!

  122. Always a good thing to wake up to!

  123. funny funny funny, I laughed until I cried. my only question is - does he take Ambien or anything before going to sleep!

  124. I ahve no idea what a deedoo looks like, what its for or if you can eat them but I'm going to make one....

  125. When my brothers and I were teenagers, my mother used to make us come in and kiss her goodnight after we got in from going out with our friends- or else, she said, she would wake up and worry because she wouldn't know if we were home, and then she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. So I came home one night, woke her up with a soft, "Mom? I'm back." She replied "Did you have a nice time?" "Yes." "Ok, good night sweetheart."

    The next morning when I came down for breakfast mom rebuked me for not waking her up when I came home. My dad cracked up, says he often converses with her and she doesn't remember.

    Love the blog. SWT is hysterical. "I only eat air, I'm so healthy." Exactly! (On the other hand, SWT is a bit of an ass, is it bad that I agree with him on this? Oh dear, that's gonna bother me all day!)

  126. OMG - can't quit laughing - found this site through Mashable and am glad I'm not SO late for this party...My brother use to walk and talk in his sleep. Funny funny stuff. Anyone who thinks this is fake has never met a sleep talker. Thanks for being willing to share this with the world!

  127. I can't believe that somebody speak every night something..

  128. Just found your site via Yahoo headline. So damn funny. Keep up the great blog. :)

  129. I saw you on Good Morning America and you two helped start my day off not only with a smile but many hearty laughs as well.

    Thank you for the wonderful blog and for sharing the incredibly funny and absurd things he says.

    I look forward to reading more.

    By the way I lived in London (Hanwell) in 1991 for a almost a year. I love it there!

    Have a fantastic weekend.


  130. When our daughter who is 1 1/2 says "Thank You" it comes out "Deedo" - needless to say, I laughed pretty good at that one...would love it to be a shirt ;)!

  131. Hello from Oklahoma - my husband has been doing this for years, but when he started hitting, kicking and throwing himself off the bed we decided to send him to a sleep disorder clinic. The Dr says we are all supposed to be paralized while in REM sleep, but some people are not and that is what causes the talking and moving about. I couldn't take anymore, so the Dr put him on sezure medication. It didn't stop it completely, but he hasn't ended up on the floor anymore. Thanks for the laughs!!

  132. I have sleepwalked and talked my whole life, to the amusement of my family. I'm 42 and live alone now, but I still wake myself up answering someone in a dream I'm having. I can only imagine what the cat must hear when I DON'T wake myself up. :)

  133. Sounds like the beginning of an interesting song!

  134. I just saw your interview on Todays Show! Hilarious! haha.... Love your blog!!

  135. CAUTION: Don't try reading this at work! I laughed so hard I was crying. Seriously...I had to print it and walk away from my desk! ...totally outta control... Damn good stuff!

  136. thank you so much Karen and Adam for this gem..... my hubby and i read every post you've put on here and laughed til we cried... he also talks in his sleep, usually about work, sometimes about puppies or boobs. LOL. i can't wait for more entries :) thank you so much for brightening my day!!!

  137. I heard about this for the first time on the Today Show this morning, this will be my new morning ritual to start my work day with some laughs!

  138. Please invent something you can call a Deedoo and sell it here. I will buy at least one!

  139. Apparently I once went into my parents room cupping my hands (around nothing) and said "Mum, I've caught a mouse!" Then I just turned and went back to bed.

    Another time (and I remember this) my Dad found me crouching next to a plug socket, just flicking the switch on and off.

    So you're not alone!

  140. Deedoo= Swing
    I used to call a swing deedoo when I was young
    or at least it sounded something like dee-doo

  141. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3grf3EVPsLc

  142. Is it just me, or would this be much funnier if it wasn't so obscene. Makes me think this guy needs to clean his mouth up, and his mind, during the day. The filthy talk IS NOT funny.

  143. I keep getting suggestions from you to become a fan on Facebook. I do not want to be a fan on Facebook as I subscribe to the blog and it is better than the Facebook. Besides I do not allow obscenities on my wall. I am not a prude and find it funny but I wish you would stop asking me to be a Fan.

  144. Wow, I love this! Completely random thoughts that I wish I could think of when I'm awake...lol! I just saw you on The Today Show and had to see more...fabulous!

  145. Crying with tears of laughter. This is the best!

  146. I'm from NH and this morning I was turned on to your blog...
    OMG!!!! I just want to thank you for posting, my co-workers and I never laughed so hard, we all had tears rolling down our cheeks for a good half hour...Soooooooo frigin' hilarious!!!!!

  147. Wow, he's a smart ass in his sleep! It made me lol :P Oh my goodness, this is the funniest thing I've heard of in my life. I blogged about it and put some of his funniest ones in my posts. Check it out.

  148. like lots and lots and lots of people here, i learned of you after good morning america. and this is possibly my new favorite thing. i am laughing until i'm crying. i am particularly fond of the pirate themes and butter nut squash.

    thank you for being the absolute funniest part my day.

  149. can we please have badgertastic on the t shirt, please please please? and can we get tagless t shirts please?

  150. Oh too funny. I love this. I laughed so hard I blew tea out my nose!!!

  151. I just read your blog. Thank you! This is hilarious! I haven't laughed so hard in years.

  152. I just heard about this guy today..... Its my new favorite! This dude is a nocturnal comedian...

  153. Its a current daily dose of Ad-Libs :D Out of left field and completely hilarious.

  154. You were on The Wolf In Peterborough On, Canada today!

    Entertaining for sure!

  155. I can't imagine what it must be like to be making so many people so happy! You guys deserved to have gone viral with this!! Keep posting! :-)

  156. Lol! I am so happy to find someone else with the sleep talking husband! Hilarious what they say!

    Mine often fights off attackers (usually holding the sheets), and cusses at them while telling them how badly he's going to fuck them up (hubby is quite non-violent in real life!)

    He also gets up, throws all the covers off the bed, and tells me he's looking for the rat/spider that just went under there...

    He'll cough and gag and choke (which he told me is because he has recurring dreams of acidentally swallowing broken glass/ rusty nails!)

    Once he had hold of my hand and nearly threw me out of bed because in his dream, he was holding my severed hand, and flung it away in disgust.

    He shoved one of the dogs off the bed, shouting "fucking wolves! I'll show you who's boss!"

    And my personal fave: the time he sat bolt upright in bed, eyes open, pointed to the dark corner and calmly said, "There's someone in here with us". And then he lay back down and went back to sleep.
    I am still a bit creeped out by that one... I mean, what if he can see things in his 'heightened dream state' that I can't? It also makes the invisible rats and spiders worrisome...

  157. I remember having a friend coming to Japan with me and I woke up to her screaming: I WANT TO BE A WOMAN!!!

    I had to try my best not to laugh to hard while explaining it to her in the morning.

  158. My sides hurt from laughing so hard. Best laugh I've had in a long time. I have family members who talk in their sleep, so I can appreciate it. Thanks for creating this blog.~Dianne

  159. I saw this on yahoo news and it was one of the funniest things I have literally ever heard or seen in my life. I laughed so hard I was crying. I sincerely hope you never stop this blog. I will come back daily for a good chuckle. It truly made my whole day. I soooo hope you do add the audio clips. The way he said that pirate comment made it so much funnier than just the words!!

  160. I haven't laughed this hard in a while!


  161. Just saw this on Yahoo! News, extremely hilarious :)

    Found out from my boyfriend that I too sometimes say some strange things (coherantly!) while I'm sleeping or about to wake up LOL

    Thanks for sharing this! Definitely gonna give this site bump up! :)

    To those people that still don't believe: I bet you have never been with someone who sleep talks. Also sometimes sleep talking can get really serious it may be affectng ones' health so it's not about whether or not you believe because it does happen.

  162. You guys made it on my homepage

    Well done, your boat, your rules

  163. OK...That last one [chuckling throughout] needs to be put on a t-shirt!

  164. Hey!! Shout out from Canada!!
    saw this story on Yahoo! these are soo funny!! your husband would make a great comedian LOL

  165. Do you guys get drunk or stoned when you sit down to make these up?

  166. I LOVE THIS!!! just added to my favorites lol

    i remmeber one time wen i had walked into a bedroom with my sisters friend and my sister was asleep and she randomly shouts "GET OUT OF MY STUFF!!" we both said "we're not in ur stuff" and she replied "well, get out of my stuff anyways" then she wakes up wen we say shut up and she says "i was talking about something else. . ."

  167. Deedoo ('dido') is what I called my grandfather. It's Ukrainian. (Grandmother is 'baba' fyi). Now I have to go change my pants because I laughed too hard.

  168. This comment has been removed by the author.

  169. Your husband dreams in punchlines! haha!

  170. Applause! This makes me laugh so hard! THANK YOU!!!

  171. Not only do I believe this, but I wish my wife spoke in her sleep as much as your husband does. She talks in her sleep also. Last thing I heard (a few months ago) was something about Adam Ant and some filing that needed to be done.

    Those unbelievers just really have no idea...

  172. Not a lot of things make me laugh so hard, my god, Adam you are so funny. You bring a grin to my face! Hehe.

    And you have an interesting story, glad you both got together :)

    "My badger's gonna unleash hell on your ass. Badgertastic!"

  173. You guys are awesome! Adam seems...interesting, to say the least, haha. I notice that there don't seem to be as many(any?) of the negative comments now, glad to see that the haters are few and far between. Keep this stuff comin', it's priceless!

  174. I just discovered this blog tonight because of the article on Yahoo! news. Love it. My hubby sleeps talks but only a few times a year. He tries to talk to me and gets upset if I don't answer. He once started to get angry at me for not understanding about the penguins, woke up mad and stormed out. He came back to bed a little sheepishly a few minutes later and asked what happened.

  175. Stumbled onto this gem of a blog after watching a short news clip online...it now is a part of my list of websites to visit everyday :)

    Some of these may just become my new catchphrases! :D

  176. I love it!! I very rarely talk in my sleep, although one night we were in a taxi coming home from a night out and I had fallen asleep when I turned to my boyfriend and said very matter of factly 'We can't use rubber dingies, they are WAAAY too conspicuious' (??!!)

  177. well i just tried the link for abc news it wasnt quiet right this is the real url it will take you directly to the right article

  178. Thank you for making thousands of people's day! I saw you on the Today Show and immediately went to this site. You've made my co-workers and friends laugh till they cried. If you're feeling down, all you have to do is read this stuff! Cudos to you guys! :) Thanks for making people smile. I must buy that duck t-shirt...either that or the lentil one because I myself, hate lentils. hahahaha!!!!

  179. I love this blog!

    I'd love it if you could check out mine too!

  180. where do i go to listen to the audio??

  181. I love the deedoo quote - you just MIGHT wanna make a shirt of that one, cause I would totally buy it. Funny enough, it sounds like something I would say, no sleep talking required.

  182. I am filthy minded too, because that second one totally went to a bad place straightaway, and I was laughing so hard I nearly fell off my chair.


    And to those who read the blog and want to gripe about how 'obscene and vulgar' it is - stop reading it. Sheesh.

  183. I don't know how he pronounced it but a dedo means finger in Spanish

    I don't know if that is what it means

    and yea is a lot of fun ^^

  184. A-mazing. An incredible artist :D

  185. 1st an 4th funny and mean.
    2nd and 3rd are really funny.
    i loves them all.

  186. This is hilarious. At first, I didn't believe it, but, after hearing the audio, and reading the accounts of others who have had to deal with people who were similarly eloquent in their sleep, I'm willing to believe in it.

    Especially since my ex-wife used to wake me up the middle of the night, talking to me like one of the customers she regularly talked to on the phone at work. It's more than a little disorienting being woken up in the middle of the night and being asked for my social security number. lol

  187. This one is hands down the funniest post so far.

  188. "Deedoo. It's a deedoo. A deedoo...Oh, it's not a deedoo. I have no idea what it is."

    -----> maybe Sting could colaborate with you on this one!

    ...a doodoodoo a dadada...it would be a HIT! and we wouldn't dare deedoo a doda unless it became a mashup by a DJ named...Doodeesh.

    zzzzzzzzzzzzz more,
    zzzzzzzzzzzzz more songs please.
    zzzzzzzzzzzzz, zzzzzzzzzzzz, zzzzzzzzzzzz. . .

  189. I love this. It makes me laugh SO much. I wish the last one on this set had audio. THAT would make my day.
