T-shirt feedback request

Now that the t-shirts have seen the light of day, we want to make sure we are offering something people would be proud to wear. If you'd like, please visit the shop, then check out the poll on the left and let us know what you think.

Thanks everyone for the continued support.


  1. I think you chose a nice selection of quotes, and I saw a few I'd buy for myself and others, but for me the speech bubble and quotes compete with the words.

    I understand wanting to feature a logo, but the one you have is perhaps a bit large, and takes attention away from the words.

    I'll be interested to see what you end up with!

  2. i agree.. maybe you could put the logo at the back.

  3. We originally wanted to put the logo on the back, but it would make the shirts more expensive for everyone.

  4. What is the yellow logo?

    Wish the full quote of the penguins was there...

  5. I'm not sure if I like the thought bubble, it looks kinda funny. lol I don't know Im not one that usually has things like that on my shirts but other than the bubble I like em.

  6. I meant the duck... I wish you had the penguins one : )

    And I guess I kinda make out a square sleeping face, facing up.

  7. Any chance you can carry 3x size?

  8. It's just the bubble and the zzz's for me. Logo is fine, and smart.

  9. To Velvetindigo, Please send us a note on Facebook with the quote you would like on your T-shirt and we will add it to the shop especially for you.

    Sleep Talkin' Man (Really)

  10. Looks good to me, I like 'em.


  11. The whole thing is a bit too croweded, in my mind. I could do without the bubble, and the logo is too ad-like.

    A dollar here or there shouldn't matter, should the logo go on the backside. But if it's more like ten dollars, it's very unfortunate :(

  12. I used spreadshirt for my website's T-shirts for several years. Had the same kind of feedback when it came to the logos. People liked our sayings crisp and clean on the front and a small logo for our site on the back. We also had some where we printed just our web address across the back with the sayings on the front. It did raise the price by a few dollars but the customers were happier and sales didn't drop. They increased although, to be fair, the popularity of the site itself was increasing too so I'm not sure that design change made the difference. T-shirt advertising is kind of a "Less Is More" thing. Strangers feel uncomfortable staring at someone's chest long enough to process what they are reading if there is too much of it. A quick quote will grab their attention though.

  13. prediction, i buy a combination of the bag and every tshirt u put out over the next year... alll too good for words

  14. good job with the shirts. sweet dreams!

  15. I love the T-shirts but i'd definitely buy one that said: "That's just great, peanut butter in my crack. Goddamit!" Classic!

  16. I'd prefer it with just the quote on the front and a subtle logo/blog name/adress under it. E.g:

    "Badger tickling: Proceed with caution"


  17. i really like it - but shipping to UK soooo expensive! :)

  18. The shipping to the UK is high, but because of the dollar against the pound, it works out to be about the right price total for a shirt, I think.

  19. Your white shirt preview shows that the text is also still white... But otherwise I like them, if anything I'd put a basic picture of someone sleeping in a bed and have the quote bubble coming from them and the logo on the back.

  20. i will buy lots of these goodies when the logo & bubble comes off.

    id even be fine with a subtle logo on the back, near the bottom.

  21. I like the selection, though I miss the full duck quote. I think the Logo is a bit large and takes away from the quote. I don't mind the bubble. And I will get one of the shirts for my wifes upcoming birthday.

  22. The t-shirts are a great idea. If I could offer a little feedback, it would be to go with a really simple font, remove the zzzzz's and the quote bubble and the logo. The quotes speak for themselves and people will ask other people where they got them from or will start googling it. Advertisement by word of mouth is a great way to go, it'll give you heaps of credibility in the end, even if it takes a little longer to get off the ground.

    I love the site by the way!! I talk in my sleep too so can relate to Adam and his randomness!

  23. Okay, here is my suggestion from a designer's perspective. My idea for a shirt is completely different than what you've got: A vector caricature of your sleeping husband, with a voice bubble featuring quotes.

    Right now the design is kind of robotic & unremarkable, and it ought to be more surreal and natural. It should make people think "what is that weird dreamy shirt?" and then laugh when they see it. Right now it's all lines and text.

    Also the price seems a lil high. Do a custom run!

    - Doug

  24. Also, maybe have less shirts, and on each shirt, have a few quote bubbles coming from your husband.

    Or at least a shirt or two with a collection of sayings instead of just one.

    - Doug

  25. I love the t-shirts! but it'd be nice to see a border with a different colour than yellow. Would be nice to be able to change that as well, like blur or some neon colour. ~my personal favorit would be neopink... I really want a t-shirt with neonpink / magenta border around the quote...

  26. I absolutely agree with Christopher:
    Quote on the front without distracting bubble or zzz's... small logo beneath


  27. I totally agree with some others: remove the bubble & zzz's. Just the quote with small logo beneath it. I wouldn't bother putting the logo on back. It'll look fine on the front when the bubble & zzz's are removed.


  28. It took my girlfriend and me a good 5 minutes of furious speculation and discussion to figure out what the logo represented. This is no good. Too long. It must be changed. Idea is good but speech bubble needs to be closer to the face and the face needs to look like a face. Great site!

  29. I think the t-shirts are awesome! Will be ordering soon...Great site!

  30. I agree that the logos should be not only on the back, but offcenter and towards the bottom of the t-shirt. If not then high up on the shirt near the bottom of the neck.

    I can't seem to post a link to what I'm refering to but Puma has a tshirt called poles & podiums with the back in a similar style. I would personally do away with the "zzzzz" also.

    I know half the point of the shirts are to advertise however people will definitely be asking, "Where the hell is that quote from?" Even if they don't approach a stranger regarding it, your husbands midnight musings are certainly memorable enough to stick in the mind until a passerby gets in front of a computer to search where that off color quote originated.

  31. I like the tshirts as they are, I just wish the entire quote was on it....for example I would LOVE the entire saying with the irresponsible duck! The ending is the best part sometimes!!!

  32. I do like the shirts as they are. Don't even know if my suggestion is possible, but what about putting the quote on the back of the shirt, thought bubble and zzzz's and all, and on the front, kinda on the left chesticle have the STM logo. Maybe I'll work on a mock up to show what I'm talking about.

  33. I think there's pretty clear feedback that the promo stuff kills the shirt, and also cutting the sayings off halfway through kills the point of the whole thing. I hope you take advice to heart, otherwise you're taking something unusual and funny and commercializing it poorly to the point of pointlessness. Be careful.

  34. I definitely agree that having the full phrase up would be preferable. The ending of the vegetarians one is priceless :) Not sure if logo and bubble have to go, but maybe if less salient they would compete with the quote less. Also, I might buy a few, so having lots of tshirts with the exact same design might be a bit silly, or not. Great job.

  35. Everybody's a fucking designer. The shirts are fine as is.

  36. So far, one I will most likely buy is the one about being unable to control the kittens because there's too many whiskers. I have 5 cats a litter on the way, so I know this is true, lol. I'm hoping to find that the one about the cats knowing too much is on a shirt, I really need one.

  37. So--did anyone else notice that "badger" is misspelled--"bagder" ????? (IN SVERAL PLACES) Is it really this way on the shirts too? Do you need help with quality control--I'm available.

  38. I love the quotes but would likke the shirts in a Tanktop/Muscle shirt style to war at the Gym. there she blows would be so appropriate for leg day at the gym!

  39. Just out of curiosity, I'm in Canada, can we order shirts from you as well - I've never really ordered anything online so it's hard to tell (at least for me). Also, is there a chance of getting a shirt with these two on the same shirt:

    "You can't be a pirate if you haven't got a beard. I said so. MY boat, MY rules."

    "We haven't got a plank. Just fucking jump."

    My honey has a thing about pirates and it'd be awesome if it were possible. If you wish to contact me with the info my e-mail is: thewarriorkai@yahoo.ca


  40. I just figured out you were in Canada, *shakes head*, how could I miss the fact that the funds were in Canadian? I blame it on baby brain... even though my daughter is now 3 weeks old my brain is still attempting to recover - and doing it somewhat poorly. Still wondering about the two pirate comments being put together on the same t-shirt though? And I saw the mugs... awesome idea *GRINS*.

  41. I live in California and I saw the vampire penguins t-shirt on my bartender last night. It was quite a conversation piece. I've gotta get one for my brother and I am spreading the word. Hilarious!

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