Feb 7 2010

"Imagine waking up next to you every day... One chunder-bucket moment after another."


Karen's note: What's a chunder bucket, you non-Brits ask? I had the same question, so I looked it up on UrbanDictionary.com:

"Chunder means to be sick, it originates from old seafareing days when sailers would get seasick and stick their head out of the porthole in their cabin. As they did this they would shout "Watch Under" to warn people in lower cabins of the forthcoming puke."


  1. haha harsh. i wanna know who is getting all this crap from him in his dreams!

  2. Wow thats harsh! You do have one funny husband ahaha!

  3. haha the brits are hillarious, love them

  4. I wonder if SleepAdam is talking to DreamKaren when he gives these types of comments. I like to think Adam's dreams are a parallel universe of his life: he is always arguing with his wife, DreamKaren (a rash, simpleminded woman [opposite of real Karen]). And they both throw carefully contemplated crass insults as a means of passing the time.

  5. Well, there's another "Anti-Valentine" card for you! Perfect.

  6. We do have some strange phrases... Fair play for looking it up, didn't ever know the root of that particular one. "Watch under!". Priceless. =)

  7. TOO funny! It's a good thing his conscious self loves you!

  8. He's not talking to me! I just know it!

  9. hahahaha priceless

    oh btw just got my vampire penguins zombie guinea pigs tshirt
    loveeeee it!

  10. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer7 February 2010 at 14:40

    ewch...not a pleasant picture, tmi on this one...hope they've improved for those faresouls'a'under! (like they did with the ketchup packets, whose time has come!)

    SleepAdam is a timetraveller, that piratse-ahoy is trying to breakthrough into our timezone realm saying unreally reals being the vehicle to reel us back with him...no, stop..never heard the word...

    i'll walk the plank on this one with charcoal filters on hand and one eye open to pleasanter suggestion:) today ;)...i need that ole'eyepatch (makeitred) for the ickies, itchin2getaway...and maybe that cigar-inhaler...oOh that's how popeye got his face! Spinach for health, that's the ticket!

    (don't tell anyone i've hoarded the ginger, the bracelets and tablets in my secret stach since sailing the 7 seas back then, in and out, back and forth, there's this wierd contraption too; with a long cord, it sez arl cleaner, thar, what the harl is that, heard overtthar in a sailersuit...only time will tell =()

    ( l@@k what you made us do waking Adam :) typing away Karen...we're now-all telling talltales and its craze E to glee about it however good/bad/gross it is...that must be Life! )

    you've got a 6th sense, all right :=[]

  11. Hi, Just to let you know, the sounds seem to have disappeared again.. On Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3.5.7

    I miss my daily dose of pirate talk..

  12. "I come from a land down under
    Where beer does flow and men chunder.
    Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
    You better run, you better take cover."

    Ahh, chunder thunder. Reminds me of college.
    Enjoying this blog immensely! Bravo, Karen and Adam!

  13. Hey, i know that song...NEVER thought! still like it anyways, for real, it's gotta hook2it!

  14. My 14 year old daughter also talks in her sleep every single night, and she's always angry at someone (I assume moslty me). If she's not angry, she's appalled or insulting someone. Dreaming must surely be a way of releasing all the good comebacks you've had during the day.

  15. it's a good thing about technology ...it can be traced, whoever SPAMMER, hasn't grown up yet!

  16. Whew! Thought i lost the comment box.
    why can't the idiots of this world get a better hobby?!?!
    Anyhoo, thanks for explaining the "chunderbucket" had NO idea!
    Love from Saskatchewan Canada (btw)!

  17. You know, at first I thought maybe it was a toddler/preschooler that was playing on the computer, but then he/she wouldn't know how to post the message.
    Isn't it wonderful (sarcastic) to see the maturity level of some people? And the retaliation? Oh your parents must be SO proud of the complete moron they've raised! Keep it up you chunderBucket! (HA! I ROCK! LMAO!)

  18. I haven't heard that insult used yet. At least he's refreshingly original! Hahaha

  19. For those of you who are confused by some of the comments, I just deleted comments in which someone had basically posted pages worth of blank space, and people were rightfully annoyed.

  20. Thanks Karen! You rock too!!!

  21. Yes, whoever this dream-nemesis of Adam's is, his soul must be getting thoroughly crushed by these excoriating (and hilarious) put-downs...

  22. I love it I cant wait to see what sleep Adam will say next, pricless! thank you Karen for giving us non brits the translations!

  23. Nana Jackie - haha! Maybe STM's a Men At Work fan! That song has mention of zombies and plunder (as in pirates?) in it, too!

    We'll have to watch for kangaroos and koalas in upcoming STM adventures.

  24. And how funny about the origin of "chunder." Thanks, Karen!

  25. How the world has changed: nowadays, people don't chunder..... they just delete their cookies..... 7@=Q

  26. STICKERS!!!! i need stickers of these words of genius. STICKERS!!!!! (please.)

  27. I love the idea of stickers, like bumper stickers for the car.

  28. hahaha!!
    i really hope HE knew what chunder meant. if not, we may have a demonic possession on our hands...

  29. Once again a chucklesome moment provided by STM...hmmm, now I appear to have a mildly catchy 80's tune in my head and a desire for a vegimite sandwich...darn

  30. Oh yes - bumper stickers would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Even without the explanation of "chunder bucket", I was gasping for breath! Definitely nightshirt material but, please, NOT on a mug!!!

  32. Hey, maybe Adam is channelling a past life?

  33. 2manywhiskers...thanks for 'ressurecting' the MAW's band video...i came across this one with some more tidbits in a pop-up-video version behind the scenes at:


    ( . . . like zombie...is slang for mari...
    weed =0 )
    Adamsleeper is channelling an era - - - waybackwhen!

  34. Yes stickers! And 3M post-its! (I love anonymous post-its!)

  35. LOVE this blog!!! Daily dose of pee the pant's laughter! Also, you guys should check out www.twitter.com/shitmydadsays. Other source of daily spontaneous pee emmissions!!!

  36. This one brought instant tears of laughter! I love this blog. My daughter talks in her sleep - she's usually telling someone a finer point in some argument, not sure who though, and never quite clear enough to hear - this is a treat for me!
    Thanks again, from Canada

  37. 'Chunder' is used quite a lot in Australia....maybe the convicts said it to lol
