Apr 11 2010

"Llama clouds! Mmmmm. Great big bug-eyed fluffy ones... Oh great! Now they spit. Bollocks."
 or click here
(mumbles a bit, then) "Bop one.... bop two... bop three.... dink... dink.... I'm counting bops. Not dinks. You can shove your dinks where the sun don't shine."
 or click here
"Yeah. I'm gonna cook monkey brain. Tell them it's cauliflower. I love the sound of veggies retching in the toilet."
 or click here

Karen's notes: I just couldn't possibly choose between the audio, so you guys got them all as a special treat!

A reader of the blog came up to say hi at my brother's show last night. It was so lovely. Thanks, Kalika!


  1. poor veggies can't escape the wrath of the mighty stm

  2. 'Bollocks' not 'bullocks'

    I love 'you can shove your dinks where the sun don't shine' :-D

  3. Lol, although if they spat bullocks I'd be f*cking scared!

  4. Aye, that'd be spelled "bollocks" instead ;)
    But... ROFL. Thanks for all the audio! Three today, what a treat! I love the way he says "... veggies retching in the toilet". Bahahaha!

  5. My friend just turned me on to you guys! I'm addicted already!

  6. Veggies meaning vegetarians I assume ? :)

  7. ROFL!! STM is back and after the vegetarians again!

  8. the third one is epic!

  9. I love the llama one. It's funny 'cause a couple weeks ago (in one of my own sleep-talking episodes) I told my husband he'd better put a halter on the llama because it might spit in my chai and curdle it.

  10. Ha ha! Those are GREAT! The llama one is priceless :)

  11. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer11 April 2010 at 20:14

    this la Mazing llama's head is in the clouds day-dreaming, i'd say just 4.2.day:


    swishin' to a deepseeded treat amongst the pack...

    "to beebop a lula, boppin'' till ya drop... whistl'in, flipflopin' along with a surgical song...
    singin' Working Where The Sun Don't Shine" ...sputter'n'spitastic he was...

    blink, wink and you'll miss it's dinkydinkydoooo...spit.shield from STM...

    - whose got monkey on the brainz and calling us to flower the scent of a case of the blues.


    counting 3,2,1...oh, no.

  12. Another three-audio day!!! Thanks, Karen!

    The llama one, it's the llama one for me. :) And yeah, that spit is Yuck!

  13. I'm a veggie and I love the one about veggies, and the audio is just fantastic! :D

    It sounds like he's saying 'to the left, to the left' and you missed out the first 'bop'.

  14. "You can shove your dinks where the sun don't shine"

    am i really the ONLY one not flashing to the dinks in "Spaceballs"? because the mental image alone is almost as good as the audio.

  15. Oh, dear, another culinary faux pas from STM........

    As any connoisseur knows, one doesn't *cook* monkey brains - one *chills* them for the dessert course... (see instructions in the "Temple of Doom Cookbook"). 7@=Q

  16. Aaah! I made it onto the blog!!

    It was so nice to meet you, too, Karen. :) And hi, Adam!

  17. yay, being friends of the person who got a shoutout is almost like getting one myself. :-p I will definitely try to see your brother's show! I heard rave reviews!!

  18. NewMexicanAnnie12 April 2010 at 02:07

    I don't talk in my sleep, but I think STM's rubbing off on me. (Don't worry, Karen. I'm not talking literally. Hehehehehe!)

    I was in the stage between wakefulness and sleep and my spirit must've been doing a mind dump. This line came to me (a thousand apologies NYers!):

    "No, I DON'T suffer from a personality disorder! I'M FROM NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  19. i wish i could talk in my sleep! then again, i'd be afraid of what i'd say...

  20. When I was six I once told an elementary school teacher to stick something where the sun doesn't shine. Glad to see this phrase is international!

  21. I'm pretty sure he was speaking French again, when you wrote "mumbles a bit, then".

    He says " Bonjour, ca va?" which means, "Hello, how are you?" essentially, in French.

  22. Haha, I bet he'd been listening to or watching Heston Blumenthal before he started talking about monkey brains :)

  23. Seriously, Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer ruins the entire comment section EVERY DAY. It kills the blog. Get a life Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer, and admin- delete his future comments, or you're going to lose readers based on the ANNOYING level. If your husband is in advertising, you should know this.

  24. I love how angry Anonymous 04:46 is about comments he or she can easily choose to ignore. Please don't delete Prof. Z.'s comments, Karen, I actually think they're hilarious. And even if I didn't, I just wouldn't read them. No harm done.

  25. I agree, it's super annoying. He just posts gibberish.

  26. I think the worst part may be that he/she does it every day... I usually don't read the comments anymore, just for that reason. Anonymous 04:46 may be overstating the overall impact, but it does "ruin" the comment section. I only popped in here today, because a friend sent me an email saying "someone finally put that annoying tossbag in her place."

  27. Also,
    I think it's a little sad. This person spends a good part of every day creating fictional dream descriptions that only make sense to him/herself, for a person that he/she doesn't even know.
    That is all.

  28. My wife and i went to a Mexican restaurant the other night and one of the items on the menu was the "Dink Special". By the way, she ordered it, and it was fabulous!

  29. of course you read the comments every day anonymous ... if you didnt how could you complain about the prof z dude

  30. im a vegetarian however i must admit that i will not the grapes after the fall...maybe STM will have a epiphany about com without grapes....very
    very soon
    hiss hiss hiss hiss
    psst psst psst psst

    i know those with ears will hear me

  31. opps...typo
    i will not miss the grapes after the fall
