Apr 24 2010

This was one of Adam's truly bizzarro nights. First he says this:

"Where have all the von Goodles gone? It's a mysteryyyyyy."
 or click here
Then, about 3 minutes later, with nearly identical inflection:

"So, where have all the von Goodles gone? I don't know. It's a mysteryyyyyy."
 or click here
And, no, we don't know any von Goodles.


"Never before have I had the opportunity to ride one of these wonderful creatures. I'm gonna take it slow, and make it last all day. Mmmm-hmmm. I love saddling up my hamster."
 or click here


  1. von Goodles? Saddling hamsters? To all the doubters - you cannot make this stuff up!!! Love, love, love this site.

  2. Are you sure it's "Von"? Sounds more like "Don" to me :o

  3. Audio snippets for all fragments! Hooray! Thanks!

  4. Still giggling over the hamster one...thank you Karen & Adam xx

  5. The way he said "I looove saddling up my hamster," was for some reason extremely creepy.

  6. Do you ever wake Adam up from laughing at the random stuff he says in his sleep? I don't think I could stop myself if I slept next to someone who talked about saddling up hamsters!

    Love this site! :)

  7. It's most definitely Dongoodles - what ever they are!

  8. I love saddling up my hamster!! Said with such genuine love!!

  9. Has Adam ever watched Shakespeare in Love? It's a recurring theme on that film that a character will say "I don't know. It's a mystery" and things will turn out alright.

    But what on earth are Von Goodles???

  10. ha! Love the 'saddling up my hamster' one!

  11. Yet another STM mysteryyyyy - he loves saddling up his hamster (presumably a regular occurence) but never before has he had the opportunity to ride one....Thanks for increasing the audio clips and looking forward to the day when technology will enable us to see what he's seeing!!

  12. OMG, he's so hilarious! Where does he get it from?

    In my world he's are the funniest man alive!
    GO ADAM!!!

    Daniel from Denmark!

  13. OMG, he's so hilarious! Funniest man alive!

    Thank you for all these quotes! They truly are awesome!

  14. thanks,nice treats xo

  15. Von Goodles does sound like a funny hamster name. Maybe Adam wants a hamster subconsciously.

  16. Sounds like he hijacked the Von Goodles' hamster after they "mysteriously" disappeared!

  17. Right now I have a mental image of a mini Adam riding around on a hamster... It's freaking me out! XD

  18. Long time Lurker, first time commenter.

    Adam cracks me up every morning. THANK YOU for sharing! I thought I had some interesting dreams, but I can't say I've ever ridden a hamster.

  19. Maybe he's saying Damn Goodles.

  20. I don't know how you sleep at all. I'd be awake all night laughing! And somehow I think it might take all day to saddle up a hamster.

  21. Finally placed my order (thanks for the free shipping!!)

    Oldie but goodie to wear to the gym:
    "I haven't put on weight! Your eyes are fat!"

    Personal message to the world:
    "I'm gonna have a great day. Don't you f*@k it up!"

  22. LOL!!! at "I love saddling up my hamster."

    And at Janet at 17:14 - yeah, it sure might take all day!

    Sounds like "don" to me, too. How hilarious - it's like the dream record skipped.

  23. it does sounds like "don goodles" :)

  24. Looove!

    Greetings from Denmark.

  25. i agree it does sound like "Don", and not "Von"

  26. How does he know that he loves saddling up his hamster, if he's never before had the opportunity to ride one of them?

  27. Now, these are quotes that I can share with anyone! Keep up the great work,
    Adam, and thank you, Karen, for keeping us informed. You are often the best part of my day!!

  28. I don't usually listen after reading but last night was wonderful and I'll listen to anything like that any time.

  29. Love love love this site, have everyone at work checking it daily also!.
    Lisa from New Zealand

  30. Wonders if Lisa from NZ is my cousin...who is also a fan of STM :o)

  31. I heard "Gon" Goodles and wonder if there is a connection to gongoozlers???

  32. Yeah! Go NZ! Go Auckland!

  33. Well, it sounded a lot like 'von Gödels' to me (as in Gödel's Theorem, perhaps?)

    Oh...... and STM definitely needs a chorus of "Happy Habitrails To You"..... 7@=Q

  34. @ NotBob - I kept picturing a gigantic hamster. I'm not sure which is worse!

  35. it sounds like "von" to me.

  36. "I love saddling up my hamster." should go on a shirt.

  37. Gon, Von, Don, whatever, it's still funny!! ;-)

    Agree with pretty much everyone else, Love the "I loooooooove saddling up my hamster." Toooooo funny!

    Kimmie B.

  38. I love how sleep-talking Adam can actually tell a joke with a punchline. Saddling hamsters, yeehaw!

  39. am i the only one who's brain immediately jumped to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__DrJI7mTHQ ?

    fab. (:

  40. "Saddling up my hamster" had me laughing out loud!

  41. You truly live in a fantasy world but nonetheless I still see the hidden truth behind your bizarre stories. You said you are going to ride the hamster slow and make it last all day. In real life we all have that desire to prolong the better things in life. We want to live in those moments of joy for as long as possible. We seize rare opportunities of adventure in hopes that the thrill will give us feelings of excitement. Our lives are journeys in search of adventure and happiness.

  42. Perhaps it's "darn goudas" and he's looking for his cheese.

  43. wow, that is the creepiest way I've ever heard hamsters talked about.

  44. this is hysterical! now we just need a drawing of adam riding a hamster.
    and to comment on the comments... where's the prof?
