Apr 26 2010

"We need a bigger boat. This one is just so rockety wibble. Ahhh. It's wobbling again. It wibbles and it wobbles. Make it stop. Ugh. I've gone green. Please make it stop, please! Well, thank you.
 or click here
"Yay! It's my birthday today. And you're going to give me presents. Big fuck-off presents. Lots of them... WHERE ARE MY PRESENTS?! Tossbag."
 or click here

Karen's notes: I can explain that first one. I had insomnia and was bored. So, in an experiment to see how I could affect Adam's sleep talking, I started wiggling to shake the bed slightly. You can imagine how guilty I felt when it resulted in him apparently getting seasick and begging for it to stop. Oops. Bad wife.

As for his joyful birthday celebration, he actually woke himself up yelling "where are my presents." Just in time, too, because I was having trouble holding in my laughter.


  1. Love it, especially that you can wiggle the bed and he will talk about it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And to think that it's my birthday soon xD

    Adam's quotes always make me conscious of the fact I talk in my sleep as well. Though I bet I'm not half as funny. Never tried recording it, really..

  4. hello Karen&Adam
    thanks for this hilarious blog...
    Karen many thanks for rocking...

  5. Even if his dream birthday celebration was a bust, I hope Adam has a Very Merry Unbirthday in real life anyway. :D

  6. Soooo funny! I love the fact you made Adam seasick... Epic!

    Daniel from Denmark

  7. Oh Karen, you bad bad lady.
    But if it get results...lol.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Karen! you shouldn't use your poor fantastic husband as a subject for experiment (you can do it with his hamster however -- the one he used to ride).
    But that was funny, any way :))

  10. thanks!!!! It IS my birthday today actually. lol! made my day =D

  11. This was great to wake up to this morning, especially since it's my birthday as well! (Happy Birthday, elesan!)

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Elesan and Lili. have a badgertastic day.

  13. 'We need a bigger boat.' I thought STM was in a 'Jaws' dream at first.

    'I've gone green.' STM gives new meaning to that phrase.

    Also a couple nights ago I had a (IMO) funny dream: Megan Fox was my Ex and she was giving me career advice. Then I gave her career advice and suggested that she should date Adam Lambert for the sheer 'Glam' of it: Think of the publicity! 'Megam' would be in tabloid Heaven! -(or perhaps Hell.)

  14. He really loves things relating to pirates/boats, doesn't he? Hehe~

  15. I bet behavioral scientists would LOVE Adam.

  16. I could totally hear you stifling laughter in the background of the second one. XD I would've been the same way.

  17. My neice's birthday is tomorrow. I sent her Adam's birthday quote! No big fuck-off presents, though

  18. I had a friend who did a similar experiment on one of his friends. Though that guy wasn't a sleep-talker, he tended to remember his dreams very well. Thus my friend said to his while the latter was sleeping:

    "Don't pull the lever. You know what is going to happen. Don't pull it."

    The next day the friend admitted that when asked: "So, did you pull the lever."

    "Why yes! I was in an elevator and there was a lever. When I pulled it the bottom of the elevator fell out.... how did you know?"

    It had all of us laughing for days after.

    Well done Karen. Well done!

  19. LOL XDDDDDD That's really funny :DDDDDDDDDD

  20. Ho..! does that mean he's awake when he added 'tossbag'?? :D
    way to go, Karen!

  21. It's my birthday too! I haven't got any presents either.

  22. Erika - That was the really weird part. He muttered tossbag, and then a few beats later said, "Baby? Did I just shout something?"

  23. YaaaY!! it's my birthday too!! where the Eff are my big presents?? i too want to know. :)

  24. Yay! It's my birthday today! This is a total WIN! Reposted on my FB, so everyone knows to get me big f-off prezzies! ^_^

  25. It's always fun to mess with people while they are sleeping... especially when it produces funny results!

  26. I think I may very well implode from cute.

  27. Way too funny!!! Love it!
    I am amazed at how low and high pitched his voice can go lol. :-)

    Karen - not bad wife, funny wife :-D

  28. Happy Birthday! Lol, he is funnier asleep than i am awake! :P I love this blog! I told all of my friends about it :D

  29. Biggest laugh in weeks!!


    I think you're too late on that one, Adam. And if I were in your shoes, Karen, my creative wheels would be spinning wildly right about now...

    The high and low in "boat" is so funny - it sounds like a song.

  30. I LOVE it! Good wife....

  31. The first one immediately reminded me of this parody of John Masefield, by Arthur Guiterman:

    'I must go down to the seas again, where the billows romp and reel,
    So all I ask is a large ship that rides on an even keel,
    And a mild breeze and a broad deck with a slight list to leeward,
    And a clean chair in a snug nook and a nice, kind steward.

    'I must go down to the seas again, the sport of wind and tide, As the gray wave and the green wave play leaping over the side.
    And all I want is a glassy calm with a bone-dry scupper,
    A good book and a warm rug and a light, plain supper.

    'I must go down to the seas again, though there I'm a total loss,
    And can't say which is worse, the pitch, the plunge, the roll, the toss.
    But all I ask is a safe retreat in a bar well tended,
    And a soft berth and a smooth course till the long trip's ended.'


  32. ROFLMAO!
    oh my gosh. I love how he says "well, thank you" at the end of the first one, it's such a silly voice. =D

  33. Isn't it interesting how the sleeping mind does relate to the environment? I just love how Adam expresses himself in the rocking boat("rockety wibble", my new favourite expression!)! I could feel myself going green along with him. Thank goodness you stopped the rocking, Karen, and how nice that Adam politely thanked you. BTW Adam deserves extra special birthday gifts for being such a good sport about sharing his talking with the world. :-)

  34. Adam sounds a lot like the character from this animation... http://www.fat-pie.com/salad.htm
    Don't worry I'm not spamming, it's an animation from six years ago and just sounds very similar.

  35. The "Well, thank you" part sounded -so much- like Mr Bean. I loved it!

  36. *eyes the other T suspiciously*

    "Well, thank you." I thought it sounded like Mr. Bean too. LOL

  37. the birthday audio gave me such a fabulous idea -- you know those greeting cards that play songs, etc. when you open them? You so need to figure out how to sell STM greeting cards! (hey- I'm just the idea person here -- production, distribution, that's all on you. ;)

    Love the blog.

  38. Oooh, I would SO buy greeting cards with STM audio!

  39. The phrase Rockety Wibble is amazing.

  40. I am quite a fan of "rockety wibble."

  41. The birthday quote should be made into a card.
    Its absolutely genius!

  42. haha, its actually was my birthday on april 26th
