Apr 9 2010

"You call that work? I call that a fucking fatal accident. I'm a witness to your carnage!"
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Karen's notes: I hope Adam's colleagues don't visit the blog today.

I don't know how this fits in with my newly forming theory about how chatting with me before bed effects Adam's talking. One single saying in a night? That's almost never happened. I think Sleep Talkin' Man is messing me about.

Irrelevant plug continued: Listen to my brother interviewed on NPR!


  1. However Karen, you must admit though it's only one saying, STM has his mojo back!

  2. All I know is that I think you're slowly turning into a Brit! "I think Sleep Talkin' Man is messing me about." Just an observation...(BTW, love the British, especially the STM!)

  3. Can always count on STM to cheer me up :o
    always a good laugh to read these

  4. perhaps he misses sleeping next you to and isn't getting into a real deep sleep and therefore skips the chance to get into that special area of sleep right before deep sleep where you can dream and sleep talk. either way...love all the quotes! and i can identify with him....i hate lentils with a fervent passion as well.

  5. Hmmm .. somehow my previous post was lost.

    I live right around the corner from the BCA and will try to be there Saturday. (The BCA is /not/ in Back Bay, however, it's most solidly in the South End. Whoever did the poster should know better.)

    That said, are you also related to artist Sarah Slavick?

  6. maybe he's able to be too still. He needs you wiggling!

  7. WHATEVER!!! You better go home...you are needed there...

  8. Are you sure Adam was commenting about his job and not someone else's efforts, perhaps at a store or pub? By the way I think your brother's theatre group sounds brilliant!

  9. Perhaps we can talk Molly into jumping onto the bed a few times.... Maybe you could hide some treats for her under the pillow or something Adam?

    It really does seem STM was more empowered after the "dinner party" with Karen.

  10. I think the world is ready for a sequel to Warhol's "Sleep," and Adam should be the star

  11. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer10 April 2010 at 04:46

    cud one chitchatting episode be the cause to a fatal train wreck that other night;

    when messing around with the twisted mechenisms and controls behind it, be amongst only a theory of many, or was it'all the paintballing carnage shots of one's masterpiece paintings through the eyes of it's beholder being another notable, worthy of it's weight in gold...yet another...all under investigation...coroners report to follow...

    ...whata fine mess, yet again...it's the sign of the times and it'wasn't a pretty picture (unless of course, we picture it with a smiley face :) zoomin' for a spit second...

    anda don't worry, be happy...it's just a bad dream...nightmarishly sumtimes, most times for sum and summing it up to a scruptious appetite for news;

    was that, no news is good news, or no news is no muse, no matter, its a stinky situation to a sticky sort of business of bad press that sells, and good will towards our fellow man is the best selling point ;)

  12. Seriously, Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer ruins the entire comment section EVERY DAY. It kills the blog. Get a life Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer, and admin- delete his future comments, or you're going to lose readers based on the ANNOYING level. If your husband is in advertising, you should know this.

  13. Somehow this quote reminds me a bit of Julius Root in the Artemis Fowl series I read to my children... In an uncensored way.

  14. no offense Sam but IAM glad anime is on it's way out. with the light shining by them so much they are running out of energy fast

  15. I love entertainers …they are just so Entertaining like Carly simon says….i feel the earth move under my feet, I feel the sky tumbling down, A tumbling down,A tumbling dow

  16. Sam why dont you have winning costumes like dragons and cootie bugs....

  17. irrelevant link looks like MIT death opera ... just under a new name...but it's not the only death opera playing
    Ode to my Zenas & my Zetas

    There was once a praying mantis who hated the light
    So he told all the crickets to chirp only at night
    And all the kings horses and all the kings men
    Never did hear the humming begin
    And no one was left when it came to an end
    the insectoid world is not always kind
    but most are quite clever with a very sharp mind
    survival of the fittest is the game they play
    and there are no rules so they play their own way
    when they talk its so fast that they buzz like bees
    not all bees are heard as they hum through the trees
    no more hunny will we make for you
    and theres not a dam thing any of you can do
    so why would you give a hunny bee strife
    since without pollination there is no more life

    EA’s Sofia
    Gee…I guess insects have a death opera they can play too!!

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