May 28 2010

"I need a mask; nun-chucks; rubber suit; shitloads of talc. Got list, will shop. It's a superhero shopping list, shithead."

"You want an ending? How's this for a fucking ending....... Left you hanging, didn't it?"
 or click here

Karen's notes: Sorry, the audio recording for the superhero shopping list was just too muddled to include. Luckily, I ALWAYS WAKE UP when Adam starts talking, so I can decipher the questionable parts from memory.

By the way, Adam actually could find all these things at one of my old haunts, the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company, a delightful store that is a front for something far more sinister (cue dramatic music)! If you're in the area, you should go check it out, and ask to see the secret chambers.


  1. Before googling, I was half-expecting the Superhero Supply to be a front for some kind of domina-dungeon. It DOES fit the mask, rubber suit, talc and nun-chucks!

  2. oh wow, I had to google this... If I ever make it to Brooklyn again, I will totally have to check this out!!!

  3. i really wish the audio on the superhero one had come out. my laughing woke my husband who then demanded i read it to him.

  4. lol...before I'd even finished reading the superhero one, I was already laughing and almost fell out of my chair. What a shame the recording was too muddled. I can almost hear Adam in my head running down his list and ticking off the items needed. As always, thanks for the grins and giggles.

  5. On another note, I notice in the pic you posted Karen, that they do Sidekick Placement Services at your Superhero store. Lol, I can't help but wonder if that's how you wound up with Adam. We need to get Adam a cape and tights, lol. Now there's a mental image for you!

  6. Sounds like Adam's been watching Kick-Ass or something. Haha! Really wish the audio on that one had come up though.

  7. And the talc would be used for? -putting on the rubber suit?

    I finally splurged. . . the MAYSHIRTS deal sucked me in. (This is one customer who prefers the long sleeves -I noticed some of the quotes didn't have that option.)

    I think their are some older Adam quotes that could be merchandised. I just noticed 'your voice, my ears. . .' is no longer available: Not enough interest? -I may have snagged that one! Are there other quotes that have fallen by the wayside?

    Lastly, I sent STM an overly done, artistically challenged cartoon a couple of months back: Did you receive it? I thought the concept was worth consideration even if I didn't execute it so well!

  8. I don't normally leave comments, but have to say that superhero quote is just brilliant!

  9. I think it's so sad what you are doing. I suffer from talking in my sleep and sleep walking...and I would just be so embarrassed if everyone knew some of the stuff I said. Because that's not who I am. I say things that I would never say when I am awake. I see your husband is the same way. And you are exploiting it for money. Eventually, the money will stop coming in because sooner or later, your husband will start to feel used and leave you. He will move on to someone who can use a little discretion and observe privacy in the bedroom.

  10. Oh please. Adam obviously agreed to it, and she wouldn't post it if he asked her not to. Lighten up for Christ's sake!!

  11. Actually, Adam has just as much fun with it as I do. He loves it! -Karen

  12. @VonMalcolm The talc is to put the suit on, get it back off, and store it without getting damaged. I have my ways of knowing this, as apparently does "jarl" up above. Rubber doesn't easily slide over skin like cotton does. Adam, please don't get sick of Karen and move on. That would ruin a great thing for all of us! ;-)

  13. anon 14:45
    Your an ass, do a little research first and you'll see Adam's just as amused. If you don't like it, move on.

  14. You know, I have come to the conclusion that some of these sayings need to be placed on greeting cards. Like, "This is your life. Ugly, pitiful, stupid little thing, isn't it." or "Ok, let's swap saliva. I know, love is messy.". Priceless!

  15. @Lisa - some are, in the same shop as the mugs! But we do need to add a bunch of new ones. I'll get to work on that.

  16. Karen, I know it's old, but I always wondered about the audio for "it's a deedoo"... do you have that one?

  17. I've never commented before but the superhero quote is my new fav...taking over from the pirate one "my ship, my rules"...it NEEDS to be on shirt!!

  18. Oh I do hope you put the superhero one on a t-shirt, it would be the perfect present for my other half :D

    Anon 14:15, get a life.

  19. Hmm maybe i'm paranoic,but was Adam talking about Lost in his last sentence?

  20. I took advantage of the maysale myself, the cake o clock shirt was a HUGE hit at my son's work. He works at a gourmet cooking store.

    Don't let the trolls get to you Karen, we all know Adam is fine with this. Some people just love to use the anonomys (can't spell that word) nature of the Web to be rude.

    You and Adam give my family and myself giggles every day. My entire office now stops by to read over my shoulder, and now hubby's dr's office will be checking out the site too, as he wore his stop looking at my beard shirt today :)

  21. Rubber?? Superhero's wear rubber?? No way. It's gotta be Superspandex. Way too much definition of all those washboard abs to be rubber.

    What a GREAT website!!! From their online store:

    Evil Blob Containment Capsules
    Item No. 04795-04796

    "The Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company's 10oz. and 46oz. Evil Blob Containment Capsules are the most humane Evil Blob prison systems to date, and are fully compliant with all regulations set forth in the Kuiper Belt and Outer Mesosphere Conventions of 1977 and 1980 (ratified by Earth 12 May 1979 and 23 February 1983, respectively).


    -No more than one Evil Blob may be contained per unit (yes, NGO inspectors can tell).

    -Any Evil Blob whose volume exceeds 10 fluid ounces must be assigned to a 46 ounce unit. Authorities may decide on a case-by-case basis whether to grant permission for smaller blobs
    to use the extra space for posters.

    -Because they are arm- and legless, it is not required that Evil Blobs be given permission
    to exercise in the yard."

    That site's going to provide extra online entertainment for a while...! Thanks for the additional giggles.

  22. Oh, my, I passed by that place last week when I was visiting a friend in Park Slope. I stopped for a while and thought, "this has to be a joke. It just has to."

    It is no joke. Whoever said that neighborhood was all pretty n' normal with its brownstones and families obviously has poor peripheral vision.

    Regardless, it's still a cool place. The store, that is.

  23. Ok, I was born and raised in nyc and still live here, and I've never heard of this store o_o Awesome! Thanks for adding an awesome store to my favorite store list xD

  24. I live in Seattle, Wa and there is a store in the Greenwood neighborhood called Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co. The design of the front of the building, including the fonts used, is identical to the store in Brooklyn. Strange.

  25. Dave Eggers is responsible for this I imagine.

  26. Thank you so so so much for the info about the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co.!! You've just solved my 'what do I get my boyfriend for his birthday' conundrum.

  27. Ok, the geek in me is impressed! I went to their site, and it is great!

    Adam, you rock!

  28. We love the SuperHero Store and all that comes out of it and yes - there are versions of it in Seattle, San Francisco and other cities! Go Dave!

  29. oh my gosh the secret room in the back is the best.
    I wish these were in Canada .. I don't know of any - anyone out there?? I'm in Calgary..

  30. All the 826 tutoring centers (AFAIK) have storefronts.. San Francisco is the Pirate Supply Store, Boston is the Greater Boston Bigfoot Research Institute, LA is the Echo Park Time Travel Mart, etc. There is a great video explaining the whole system and how it came about (seriously touching, these people are awesome) at TED when Dave Eggers won the TED Prize to support their work: http://www.ted.com/talks/dave_eggers_makes_his_ted_prize_wish_once_upon_a_school.html

  31. Thanks for posting this. i really enjoyed reading this.

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