July 12 2010

"Welcome to your first day at duck school. I'll make the lesson simple. Okay: Quack. Quack quack. Very good class. Now go swimming."
 or click here

Karen's notes: This is one of those gems that I saved from Saturday night. I can't help wondering what training has qualified STM to teach Duck School. Quack quack, indeed.

Merch news: The shirt shops have a great special on. If you spend $40 or £40, you get an apron, messenger bag, or baseball cap free! Use coupon code ADDONFREE in either shop (Canadians, use CADADDONFREE).

If there is a quote you want on an apron, bag, or hat-- I'm talking about a quote that's already on shirts-- just drop me an email.


  1. I think Adam should teach French, seeing as his alter-ego STM knows how to speak it.

  2. you should do a shirt for when school starts on this one....it is quite a gem indeed!!!

  3. It's been established that Adam believes you should call 999 if he clucks in his sleep... what about quacking?

    This one made me smile - the thought of STM patiently teaching a flock of ducklings. :-)

    Oh! (Last thing, I promise.) Saw a car the other day with the license plate: "STM ###" (numbers left out for obvious reasons). Had to explain to my housemates why I started laughing.

  4. Adam - you never cease to make me laugh and/or smile. You've been the one bright spot in my recent weeks for some time now. Thank you and Karen both for sharing a part of your lives with all of us.

  5. Aww, that's one of the funniest ones ever! I've got tears in my eyes through laughing. Thanks Adam & Karen!

  6. Wow! Wonderful. This guy's fabulous.

  7. NewMexicanAnnie12 July 2010 at 11:21

    Adam and Karen: It's my birthday today and I can't imagine a lovelier present than more funny quotes. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

    ButMadNNW: Thanks for further laughs!!!!!! I was thinking the same thing about calling 9-9-9 for Adam, even though he was quacking, not clucking.

  8. NewMexicanAnnie - have a badgertastic birthday.

  9. LMAO!!! OMG, this is too funny! Love it!

    Happy Birthday NewMexicanAnnie :-D

  10. When I read this, I laughed. When I listened to the audio and got to the quacking part, I giggled like a schoolgirl! Extra funny stuff!

  11. I adore that. Has anyone ever offered to give STM his own TV show? Because this is kind of amazing.

  12. Love it, although it should come with a put down the coffee warning first! I nominate Adam to replace Simon Cowell on American Idol, definitely has the insulting perfect!

  13. hahaha. really?

  14. marti, i could be given a bed on stage! sleep judging man.

    any producers out there?

  15. naturally i couldn't do it whilst awake, i am far too reserved and kind for that.

  16. I am thoroughly addicted to the STM. It has become part of my morning routine. I thank you for starting my day of with a smile at the very least and on some days an all out belly laugh! Cheers!!!

  17. you could have a nighttime reality show.. with camera in your bedroom (that you can turn off of course ;P) and then they edit it so that we get a half our of wonderful sleep talking manness!!!! :P

  18. i don't know why but this one just really got me. i laughed so loud that i startled my dog. since she was sleeping at the time she was less than pleased. when i quacked at her she just looked at me like "oh god please just go away."

    quack. quack quack.

  19. 4ever =O) laughter12 July 2010 at 22:31

    That's just Ducky, Adam...luv a duck, gone quackers!

  20. Perhaps he is teaching humans to be ducks?

    Love the "now go swimming part" - i can just picture these ppl in duck suits trudging into the water.

  21. "Okay: Quack. Quack. Quack." LOL!!!

    Always fun and so often just hilarious!! Thanks for so many laughs...

    Kelley, the people in duck suits image made laugh again. Was already laughing at my image of a row of quizzical ducklings, heads to the side, very intent...

    Happy birthday, NewMexicanAnnie!

  22. Hilarious! Best one yet....

  23. NewMexicanAnnie13 July 2010 at 02:35

    Thanks for all the b-day wishes!!!!! Adam: I worked much longer than I intended to, but I had a bouquet of flowers on my desk, a balloon, and a card that the doc (my boss) had given me on Fri (since we don't see patients on Mondays), and I had my STM mugs full of pens and sugar-free candy on my desk. It was DEFINITELY BADGERTASTIC!!!!!!! :D

    No cake for breakfast, though. That comes tonight after dinner. ;)

  24. "The shirt shops have a great special on." I know that I am going to get bad marks for saying this, but you are not supposed to end a sentence on a preposition, as you did.

  25. I love reading these but especially the duck ones as they have a special place in my heart. I'd love to see this one on a shirt! :)

  26. So glad Adam is visiting ducks again! Ensuring the duck was safely and happily on the swing has always been one of my top favs (almost as good as vampire penguins and zombie guinea pigs destroying our civilization). My children quote duck on a swing as least twice weekly!

  27. Karen, Adam: I demand this on a shirt!!

  28. Hilarious!
    My husband Adam also sleep talks. He doesn't believe me, maybe I should get the recorder out too!
    The most memorable was when he said so very suddenly 'boing, boing, boing'. I couldn't hold back!
