July 19 2010

"I'm just a chubby ninja. Able to move between skinny people. Tiptoeing elephant. No one can see me. And then I attack! With ice cream and jelly, with chocolate sprinkles on top. Mmmmm."
 or click here
(singing) "They went with a waddle and a quack, and a waddle and a quack, and a waddle and a SPLAT! Stay outta the road, duck-face!"
 or click here

Karen's notes: I almost lost it after "Stay outta the road, duck-face!" I truly have no idea why Adam keeps mentioning ducks.


  1. "I'm just a chubby ninja!" I think that one needs a t-shirt for the Gym. LOVE IT! I want to join the chubby ninjas!

  2. This totally reminds me of a great site I follow by a Storyboard Artist at Dreamworks? Yeah, pretty sure it's Dreamworks studios....called http://ninjerktsu.blogspot.com/

    Hysterical cartoons! I think you two would appreciate them. Start at the beginning, there are a very small few that are series.

    (And I don't know this person and have no interest in the site other than as a follower.)

  3. For some reason these two pearls cracked me up harder than ever. Maybe it's because I haven't gotten my STM fix since Thursday?

    "Stay outta the road, duck-face!" is begging to be merchandised, but I can't think of anything proper to put it on, other than a particularly angry bumper sticker :)

    is the new
    If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    It might be a bit obscure, but fuck it, I'm using it.

  5. ahahaha!!! I love it!! Chubby ninja!! I am so stealing that one, Adam :P

  6. I think those are both hilarious!!

    Love love love - Duck-face!!! That is priceless!

  7. Oh man, references to the Hans Christian Andersen musical. STM just keeps getting more dorkily charming.

  8. (for anyone who doesn't know the Ugly Duckling song, the line goes: "So he went with a quack, and a waddle and a quack, and a flurry of eiderdown".)

  9. Maybe you need to buy adam some ducks lol

  10. Please, oh please, put Chubby Ninja on a shirt :D

  11. "Duck face" made me think of this YouTube video:


    Aww - love the duck face!

  12. Is STM Haru The Beverly Hills Ninja (originally played by Chris Farley) or The Kung Fu Panda?

  13. @ Sherri... Is that the "Duck Face Girls" video? That was the first thing I thought of too!!!

  14. Can't wait to see the 'Ugly Duckling' according to the SleepTalkinMan. Maybe he's destined to be the 21st century brother Grimm.

    Got to agree about I'm just a chubby ninja being T-Shirt worthy. Sounds perfect for a Jacamo or Plain-Lazy product!

  15. there's a website called antiduckface.com It's the scariest site on the planet. Check it out

  16. Why do I think that soon I'll be teaching classes in only STM wear? It's probably wrong for a Spin instructor to wear a "chubby ninja" shirt, isn't it?

  17. You guys are serving me a new facebook status every day.
    Thank you! I love you both!

  18. To see ducks in your dream, either represents spiritual freedom (if flying) or it represents the unconscious (if swimming). Ducks are rather multi-talented animals that can walk, swim and fly and thus may represent your flexibility and in blending into various situations. Alternatively, the dream may also indicate that you are setting yourself up or being set up for the kill as associated by the phrase "sitting duck". Also, the duck may be a pun on "ducking" some issue or situation, instead of confronting it head-on.

  19. Karen:"I truly have no idea why Adam keeps mentioning ducks". Could STM be going quackers?
    I know, I'll get me coat.

  20. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer19 July 2010 at 18:35

    ...duck-face...weight!, stay outta the road...truly have no idea why. No one can see me. Mmmmm
    ...just a chubby ninja elephant; with chocolate sprinkles--- I attack! Tiptoein(singing)...quack,
    and a waddle- - -a waddle and a quack,
    ...skinny people, with ice cream and jelly. Tops. Move........SPLAT!
    Stay out! .... Adam keeps mentioning...
    Duck IT!, almost lost. Able on . . .
    between then and. . .after...They went.

    (more fandangiggle switcheroos of the funnyfarm words from the both of youtubes, Adam, Karen plusizing up them STM standards, klassic and so klassy, thanks for the gassy...a laugh'n a halfy~ just daffy2day, duckin'in2duckout.)

  21. Comparing a chubby ninja to a tiptoeing elephant is brilliant dream logic! :D

  22. The audio from this post is one of my favorites EVER.
    Just wondering, has Adam seen this? The second thing he said reminded me of it.

  23. I can hear you trying to not laugh at the very end of the "Duck-face" clip:) You must have strong stomach muscles to hold in the laughs night after night:) You don't need a gym, you have STM:)

  24. This should be on a shirt! Funny my husband has a t-shirt that has a mother duck crossing the road with her three little ducks and the last picture there are only two little ducks left, this saying would go perfect on his shirt!!

  25. Chubby elephant ninja..... an image to conjure with....

    And as for the significance of ducks: I don't think Jung ever mentioned it, but ducks are definitely an archetype of animal comedy..... 7@=Q

  26. I was reminded of the Ugly Duckling song sung by Danny Kaye http://www.northabingdon.childrencentre.org/print_stories.php?id=25
    "And he went with a quack and a waddle and a quack..."

  27. I so want the "chubby ninja" on a t-shirt!!! I would buy that one! lol

  28. Two gems today! Good gracious, there are endless possibilities that you could go with on Adams sleep time rambling. They never fail to bring mental images to my head. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you really should partner up with someone that can draw and add those with Adams night time nonsense.
    Karen - I give you kudos. I'm not sure if I could sleep through someone that talks all the time like that, or have difficulty not cracking up upon hearing some of the things he utters. You two are characters for sure.
    As always, thanks for the grins and giggles. The world needs for of those!

  29. LOL! So much for the gentle, kindly, patient First Day Of Duck School instructor! Until now I think STM kinda favored ducks... No one is safe.

  30. It's Friends Day (or Friendship day, I don't know how to translate it) here in Argentina.

    You make me laugh no matter what and you are there for me when I need a smile unconditionally.
    So have a beatiful day my dear friends!!
    Happy Friends (or Friendship) Day to all!

  31. OMG he is channeling KANSAS! A friend of mine commented on facebook about he cute ducks playing alongside the road on her way to work today.. and the fact they were all flattened by the side of the road on her way home from work :(

  32. @ Ashlee yes that's the one! lol

  33. What happened to the 'Santa' quote that was here the other day????

  34. I would love to know if Adam has any recollection of hearing the Danny Kaye "Ugly Duckling" song. It's an insidiously persistent ear-worm of a song that lies in the subconscious waiting for the chance to take over the brain for several hours or days worth of tune-stuck-in-the-head torture.


  35. please, oh, please, do offer a "chubby ninja" tee! Talk about perfection on two legs!

  36. It looks like duck school didn't go to well.

  37. Another vote for a "chubby ninja" shirt. Haven't been as enthused about any other phrase, but I'll definitely buy a shirt that says that!

  38. There's a line from 'Overheard in New York' where two girls are talking, and one of them says 'I am a chub ninja. I walk among skinny people undetected.' See:


  39. he's mentioned "tiptoeing elephants" before... interesting...

  40. You know, its awfully mean of him to yell at the ducks... wasn't he supposed to be running a duck school? "Quack"

  41. Oh I love ice cream and jelly, with chocolate sprinkles :)
