Aug 5 2010

"You know what's missing from your pictures? Artistic fucking talent. Now get a proper job, you loser."
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Ah, STM turned art critic! Of course, as we know, this isn't the first time STM has shown his artistic acumen. Remember this, from February 1?

"I made this picture using pasta... Fuck you, it IS artistic!"
 or click here


  1. hasn't STM said the second one before?!

  2. @ anonymous 10:04: yes, Karen was just reminding us of STM's previous artistic flair.

    I love 'artistic fucking talent', he says it with such disgust.

  3. You just never know what's going to come out of Adam's mouth, do you?

  4. Whoa...Adam may have a future as an art critic lol

  5. What goes around comes around, Mr. Art Critic. =P

  6. @ anonymous 09:21 - he did... on Feb 1

  7. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer5 August 2010 at 15:54

    Now, is the first one talking to the second one or the last one talking to the first one liner, whoever really is the first talker, gets the edge up on artzying around worthy of attention to a hire than a fireback, in the eyes of the beholder, there's always room for interrpretation or moneysworthy's appeal. PICTURE! "the ME" creation, pasta-ing it all out in a string of noood's fit to be tied in a feeding frenzy to quwash feedback, stuffed to the gills, a hidden talent in ST.HmmMMMmm ponder; to dish OUT! witha lickin'. yes, cheesy.

  8. Its like he's having both sides of the conversation! haha... The first is the class STM insult, followed by the poor artist's reply.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. STM the artist has returned!!!!!

  11. I love it. I had a college art professor tell me once that my work "was not art." I wish I would have said this to him.

  12. Wonder if Adam's been browsing deviantART lately...... 7@=Q

  13. You must put the first one on a shirt! haha, I love it!

  14. hahahaahahahahaaaa
