Sep 14 2010

Last night, I came up with a whole new set-up for the recorder and microphone. It was very MacGyver. I was so pleased with myself. So pleased, in fact, that I neglected to notice that the microphone had come unplugged. So, although the recorder was on all night (there's an internal mic), the quality of Adam's sleep talking audio is too poor to share. Sorry!
"Just shut up. Your voice is drowning me in a wave of bullshit."

"I'm scared by the power of your vagina. It can control whole armies. No, nations. The world!"

"I will not die today. I won't! Go away!"

"I need food so much more than I need you right now."
I will include this discussion that the recorder mostly managed to catch, in which Adam and I explore some inspiring cinematic possibilities. My apologies for those without access to audio, it's just WAY too long to transcribe.

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  1. you guys are too hilarious! I love you!

  2. Haha, brilliant! :D I also call him M. Night Shamalama-ding-dong! :D

  3. It isn't too much of a stretch for Jeff Goldblum to play a gynecologist in an action movie, didn't he play a brain surgeon/cowboy in The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai? He's just quirky enough to pull off the part of the gynecologist in Attack of the Killer Vaginas! I'm thinking Oscar for Best Picture! (well, an oscar for writing anyway with you two penning the script!) I wonder if Jeff is a STM fan.....

  4. i never listen to the audio of Adam sleeping... only to your late night conversations. They're fantastic. Thanks :)

  5. Dying laughing at the incredible 'reveal'.

  6. I'm going to have that tune in my head ALL DAY now.

  7. killer vagina movies? Here's one: http://www.badmovies.org/movies/strangeness/


  8. Love the Muppets theme song at the end.

  9. HAHA!! I adore this website!! And you both say M. Night Shyamalan the same way I always do! Complete with the "ding dong" hahaha

  10. There is a movie called "Teeth" in which a woman uses her vagina to get back at men who've abused her. Not exactly a world dominator, however...

  11. The power of your vagina reminded me of Lady Gaga. Instantly. Haha :)

  12. I have been calling him M Knight Shammalammadingdong for years - I think it suits him

  13. Ever since Unbreakable, I've called him Shamalamadipshit, actually.

  14. how did you guy get from a killer vagina B-movie to singing the Muppets...both of your awake minds are as random as STM...love it :D

  15. I'm not sure if anyone has ever asked this before... so apologies if they have. Has Adam ever had a sleep study done? With such varied comments each night it would seem that he has many different dreams. I just can't comprehend how he can wake up feeling rested and function normally through the day. With all the media attention you have had I just wondered if anyone had ever offered to run a sleep study. I'm sure it would be fascinating to see his brain waves etc...

  16. *slowly removing his spectacles*

    "Oh - my - GHOD...." 7@=G

  17. Carol @ 01:25 asked about a sleep study. All those wires and electric currents... What if having one done ERASES his ability to muse? Far better to leave him 'unplugged' and free to ramble.

  18. I think more dreams means more rest.

    I vaguely remember (from studying psychology a million years ago before abandoning the field for software development) that seeing vaginas as threatening has a specific meaning, too--but I don't remember what the meaning is supposed to be.

    (Fear of bugs is fear of sperm and getting knocked up--that stuck with me)

  19. Hey Karen, I didn't see any hoodies in the merch shop. Is it possible to get a hoodie?

  20. Adam You should be on the stage with these lines: I'm scared by the power of your vagina. It can control whole armies. No, nations. The world!

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