Sep 18 2010

"I think I'll become a decimal point. Cause it's got the power to make things look small or big, all at the same time. I want to have such power. Mmmm, power."
 or click here
"Are you dead? Oh sir, are you dead? Hello? I- Oh, you're not… When's the earliest you can die?"
 or click here


  1. "I want to have such power. Mmmm, power."
    STM, I freaking love you. The end.

  2. "When's the earliest you can die" is one of the funniest lines I've ever heard. I'd love the chance to fit it in a conversation somewhere!

  3. I can think of quite a few people at work that I'd like to ask the last question!

  4. Brilliant!! I do find it somewhat odd that he's thinking maths in his dreams though!

    And I love that he sounds so concerned, until he realises that he's not dead... who did he think was listening to his concerned voice???

  5. I've often asked myself when is the earliest my awful neighbors would expire. Now I can get STM to do it for me with the audio.

  6. I'm fairly certain that there are more than a few American Police Officers who have asked the "Are you dead?", question to certain subject of their work!

  7. I always come to this blog when I need a laugh, and that's everyday!
    He does have a point about being a decimal point! you know what they say about the brightest ideas coming to you in your sleep.

  8. Good idea about being a decimal point! And yes, the soonest people can die, I often ask myself that about some of those horrible people in life!

  9. "Are you dead?...When's the earliest you can die?" should be on a T-Shirt!!!

  10. I wish you could have someone (volunteer, of course) create, either on computer, paper, what have you, drawings of the things Adam may be dreaming about. Possibly animated Flash movies of each little blurb could be fun. I'm thinking "Far Side". Could be fun to try and actually visualize. :-)

  11. The decimal point to ponder would be great on a Math teacher's shirt. Combine the power of teachers and the power of the decimal...total world domination...

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