Sep 25 2010

"You know, there's a little bit of me that is excited to see you. It- Oh. I think it died."
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"Mmm. Just lay down and close your eyes, and think of marmite. Everything will be better soon."
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And then— a first— Adam sneezed himself awake:

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KAREN: Good- good morning. Aw. You sneezed yourself awake.
KAREN: It hurt?
ADAM: Something hurts.
KAREN: Which part of you hurts?
ADAM: My head. I think I just threw my head around when I sneezed and my brain's just a little bit bruised now.


  1. Adam: you are soo funny :D
    Karen: I like your voice, it sounds like you can trick a bird out of its nest with that voice :P

  2. Hwhat theeck is marmite?

  3. Oops, typo. Should say, what the heck is marmite?

  4. Marmite is a pretty strange condiment that is spread on toast or bread. It is made from yeast extract.There are two camps - you either love it or hate it, there is no middle ground. I love it!

  5. Nothing is better with Marmite...it's the sandwich spread of the devil...Urgh!

  6. I just looked up the ingredients of Marmite. I'm an adventurous eater, but that sounds almost intolerable.
    Adam, do you like it, or does just STM like it? What about Karen?

  7. Adam loves marmite. I think it is REPULSIVE. -Karen

  8. I've seen Marmite before. I've never eaten it, because I know what's in it. I do not eat such things, and wonder at the cognitive abilities of those who do! I look on it as the condiment version of Haggis, as that once you have acquainted yourself with it's contents, and preparation, you find yourself wanting nothing at all to do with it!

    In America, the southern delicacy of Hogs Head Cheese fits well into this file. As does Frog
    Leg Gumbo, and anything that has a snake involved!

  9. The Marmite quote reminds me of the age of Victoria and being told to think of England. (Marmite is totally disgusting in my book, but I'm American. By heritage I'm predominantly British Isles, but I suspect you have to grow up eating it.)

  10. Marmite is absolutely delicious. Especially when spread thinly on white toast with butter! Hmmm....might have to go and have some right now..

  11. "close your eyes, and think of marmite." :D
    haha that's great, I can also relate to the sneeze feeling..

  12. I'm from Scotland and I take umbrage at the haggis remark from Stoney! I would be interested to know if you've tried it? I for one think it's tasty and have no problem with the contents. Who says what parts of meat are "good" and "bad"??

    As for marmite - knowing the contents and the preparation turns you off? What about if I say yeast extract is a product of beer brewing? Does that discourage you from drinking beer?

    Maybe I sound too combative - I don't mean to be... merely discursive!

  13. So, I just found out I am dating a sleep talker when he rolled over and said "hi. I'll have a 12pack of pbr and a small bic. Thanks, you too." I just thought i'd share that with you. I love your blog.

  14. Oh my God. I finally did it, I found the ultimate blog!! I laughed so hard tears are falling. Love it!

  15. it sounds like he is saying appchoo to me lol

  16. i LOVE marmite. karen hates the stuff. my son loves it, my daughter hates it. there is no middle ground. - adam

  17. That first one absolutely cracked me up!! I think that definitely needs to go on a tshirt, or card, or something...

    I'm from Canada but my dad is Scottish, so I've always seen Marmite in our fridge, but I've never had the guts to try it... haggis on the other hand, I find quite tasty :D

  18. Is Marmite the same thing as vegemite? If so they're both nasty! And yes, knowing that yeast extract is a product of beer making makes me not wanna go near it... but then I don't go near beer either yuck!

    And haggis doesn't really count as meat - most of it is organ (liver, lungs, etc) the only meat in it as far as I can tell is a little heart. In any case, I don't think he was referring to the stuffing anyway, I think the fact that it's served in a stomach just turns most of us off! :P

  19. You know, there's a little bit of me that is excited to see you. It- Oh. I think it died

    That one make me crack up! Love it!

  20. mmm.... vegemite! I think there are actually 3 camps - those who love marmite, those who love vegemite, and those who hate both! I really don't like marmite, but I absolutely LOVE vegemite!

  21. Ewwwwwww....marmite -vomtastic-

  22. Marmite is different in different countries. I love the New Zealand sort (sparingly used) but the UK marmite is disgusting.
    The best is white toast with butter, a little marmite (NZ of course), topped with sliced tomato. Delicious.
    Oddly, I would never have marmite except on toast... marmite on a sandwhich would just be strange.

  23. Vegemite is definitely better than Marmite, however Marmite will do in a pinch. And try sourdough toast with butter and vegemite/marmite. It will knock your socks off!!! Oddly enough, I'm American through and through.

    Both are absolutely marvelous in gravy.

    Off to make sourdough/vegemite toast now....

  24. I'm in the love marmite camp!

    @anonymous 6.19 - I'm a Scot too and feel the need to defend our nation's traditions! Stomach casing puts you off does it? You've obviously never tried it, because then you'd know you don't eat the casing... whereas with sausages you do and the casing for them is usually intestines... not to mention that the contents are the same... though why you count lungs and liver as organs but not the heart I'm not sure! And why not eat those parts? What's wrong with them?

    To STM: love your work!

  25. I love Marmite! As for it being different in different countries, I live in Japan. I can find it in import food stores. However, it's imported from Canada, where it is also made. The Canadian Marmite is basically the same as UK Marmite. I can also get Vegemite in the same store, but I grew up with Marmite.

  26. I'm with anonymous, NZ marmite is the best! There's a slightly different version in each commonwealth country. I think a lot of the problem is that people who aren't used to it is that they put it on too thick like it's jam or something. You have to spread it really thinly, especially if you're not used to it!

  27. Haggis is the food of the gods.
    Marmite is the food of the devils.
    What more is there to say?

  28. I wasn't saying heart isn't an organ, I was saying non-muscular organs are not meat, because they aren't, because meat is muscle fiber.

    And eating sausage that's cased in intestines is, in fact, nasty. But it does encourage me ever-so-slightly to find that the stomach lining isn't actually eaten when eating haggis.

    As to not eating those parts, they're just nasty. I don't think it makes sense to eat any part of a body's excretory system. As to the rest, I simply can't stand liver, kidney, brain, or any other organ I've ever tried, of any animal.

  29. Marmite spread thinly on cheese and melted on toast...yum!

  30. "My mate Marmite!"

  31. That "oh" after the sneeze was very Wallace and Gromit.

  32. "You know, there's a little bit of me that is excited to see you. It- Oh. I think it died." Best. Ever.

  33. Adam sounded so surprised after that sneeze... "Oh!" indeed. XD
    And "You know, there's a little bit of me that is excited to see you." has to be on the front of a shirt while "It- Oh. I think it died." is on the back. Where is my check?

  34. Cannot stand Marmite. Tastes absolutely disgusting. Ughhh.
