Sep 5 2010

"Whoa! Uch. You gotta be more careful when you walk into a room. With a face that's fit for radio, you should warn people first."
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"Go to sleep. It's good for you. Go to sleep... Just, close your eyes and shut up then. You know, really. Pretend."
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Karen: I had to delve into the nest-egg again. This time, Adam really didn't say anything.

About yesterday: After reading the (many many many) comments, I added an extra note to the post, in case anyone's interested.


  1. Wonder what that warning would be like? "Everyone close your eyes tightly, hideous eyesore coming through!"

  2. STM's reply was much better than "Oh god kill it with fire!" which is what my brother said when he saw my mum putting on her face mask one night. XD

  3. lmao face fit for radio, that's classic!

    the go to sleep one...i think i get it, but not sure lol.

  4. I can so hear the "but I'm not sleepy" comment in between the "go to sleep" and the "just close your eyes". And the total disgust STM is feeling. Too funny!

  5. The last one is even funnier to me right now because I haven't been able to fall asleep last night. So for a few hours I spent the time with my eyes closed pretending to be asleep. It's almost like STM is telling me to just go asleep already, just like all my friends are right now.

  6. Wow, I missed all of the controversy yesterday. I guess I checked in too early buoy did the right thing, Karen. Your blog, your rules!

  7. Sorry, that's supposed to be "but you did." I blame my iPhone.

  8. "Just, close your eyes and shut up then". Heh, I get a bit grumpy when trying to sleep.

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  10. Someone delete Vinay's comment -- he is trying to shill for some ripoff website! :(

  11. a face that's fit for radio - classic.

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