Oct 21 2010

"Why don't you come back to me when your brain's decided that it wasn't designed to be a shit box, okay? Run along now."
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Karen's notes: That little gem was from the nest-egg. Adam was feeling sick through the night, so he just didn't have enough sleep-time for sleep-talking. Poor thing. Meanwhile, I had insomnia much of the night, so we were a pretty pair. Here we are in the middle of the night, trying to find a sleeping position:

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ADAM: You're not comfortable.
KAREN: You mean, I'm not feeling comfortable, or I'm not comfortable on you— for you?
ADAM: You're not feeling comfortable, are you?
KAREN: (dramatic sigh)
ADAM: Spoon. It's the most comfortable for everybody.
KAREN: (turns away, shuffles in close, flops face-down)
ADAM: That's not spoon, that's spatula.


  1. LMAO @ That's not spoon, that's spatula!
    That's awesome!

    Hope you feel better!
    Hope you both can get some sleep!

  2. aww! how does adam manage to have that brisk english tone in his voice, and yet make it say sweet funny things??

  3. I love "That's not spoon, that's spatula!"
    That is perfect for bedtime when my long distance bf and I get to stay the night together. A nice long spooning cuddle, then two separate spatula for sleeping. I generate too much heat for him to sleep comfortably in contact, and the slightly L-shapes we make trying to stay somewhat in contact and maintaining different thermal zones is as spatula a shape as the human body is capable of making.

    Thanks for the smile, as always.

  4. I love the spatula position!

  5. He IS funny when he's awake too!

    I agree here, the spoon is more comfy than the spatula.

  6. spoon is nice for short term, but spatula is lovely for real sleep. when it actually happens, that is. :( insomnia really really REALLY sucks, doesn't it?

  7. Ok, I know it's technically not STM, but "Spoon. It's the most comfortable for everybody." Would make a great Tshirt!

  8. A stomach doctor told me that if you sleep on your stomach you might as well shoot yourself in the head. He then went on to say that because laying on your stomach pushes the acids up into your throat and "It takes ten years off your life every time you do it."

    Which makes me think, I really should be dead now.

  9. That's not spoon that's spatula! LOL (caution: spooning may lead to, not forking, but spatula-ing. And what does that make you, a pancake?).

    Love, love, love your blog :) Makes me laugh every time.

  10. shit box.... nice! *2 thumbs up

    that's spatula not spoon.... bwaahahaha

  11. "That's not spoon that spatula"

    LOL I can't stop laughing!
