Oct 3 2010

"Thank you for being you. Now I've got a complete list of how fucking shit people can be."
 or click here

This next one came as I was sliding back into bed after going to pee:
"Don't come any closer! You'll water down my greatness with your ordinariness. Fuck off!"
 or click here
"Mix tapes. I love making mix tapes. It's like making a little bit of history."
 or click here

Karen's notes: Mix tapes figure quite prominently in our relationahip. Adam and I met and fell in love as teenagers spending time abroad in Israel. When we each had to go back to our respective countries, we communicated by sending audio cassettes, talking mixed with music, back and forth (this was before the days of email and the internet). The rest of the story is in the "About" page. In short, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl are separated by an ocean, boy loses girl for a decade and a half, girl finds boy, girl and boy get married and have a blog.


  1. I love your story! It sounds like it was taken from a romantic movie. :)

  2. how very neat ! I love how you found your self again together. I too met someone on the net. I met him after going through a terrible custody and divorce and then death of my older son. Kevin now lives here with me- 3000 miles across the USA he traveled to get here. Were very much in love and have our old age planned out together. If I make it through this brain tumor that was found last month, I plan on growing old with him. Life will find a way for love- even long distance !

  3. Some day there will be a very hilarious movie made about you two!!! If someone can make a movie about using a cook book for a year, it's going to happen!!! I'll be first in line for a ticket!!!

    Good morning from Victoria BC Canada!

  4. ahhh good ole mixed tapes - the sign of true love! I love your story K&A sooo romantic, and then you throw STM into the mix and perfection is achieved!
    Love the 2nd one today - needed a chuckle!

  5. Donna, if not a movie, then a sitcom. Either way, who does Adam think should play him?

  6. rupert everett? i would totally watch a Stm movie!

  7. We need "water down my greatness" on a T-shirt!

  8. I started making "audio letters" when my oldest sister went to cellars, at my Mom's prompting. In college I introduced my best grind to the concept and we took it to a whole new level, including skits, music, and guest personalities (us speaking in falsetto). I'm probably glad that digital is killing the cassette.

    I'd like to vote against Rowan Atkinson playing STM. As much as I enjoy the concept of Blackadder, he gets a lot of work.

  9. Hugh Laurie could totally be STM.

  10. oooo yes Grace! Hugh Laurie would be a GREAT STM in a movie! Todays were fantastic!

  11. hugh laurie? no way, possibly adam sandler simply due to the nature of the comedy. i think karen would love robert downey jr, but the other question would be, who would play karen?

  12. I'm shocked by your About page. I thought you were about 20 years younger than Adam--a veritable child bride...

  13. Hugh Laurie can do comedy! Please NOT adam Sandler...yargh! Who would play Karen...someone nice and sweet...Drew Barrymore maybe, she'd need to do some physical alterations to look like Karen. Umm...hmm...I don't know.

    Anyhoo, good stuff today!

  14. No, Adam, after that travesty of Downey playing Sherlock Holmes (I would've cast Alan Rickman & set the movie during Holmes' retirement. I also wouldn't make it so darn slashy and removed the steampunk elements - God, that movie sucked!) it HAS to be an actual English actor playing you. Well, even though he's Scottish I suppose David Tennet(sp?) could do it. Or maybe either the guy who plays Mitch or the one who plays George on Being Human.

  15. David Tennant playing in an STM movie would be amazing!

  16. I just read your story. I am very much touched.

  17. David Tennant doing anything (such as tying his shoe laces) is amazing. :p

  18. So Adam, since it seems that David could fart and people would think it's the greatest thing ever, how do you feel about him playing you?

    We also have to cast Karen. An American actress, obviously. I vote for an unknown gal who has actual talent. Like a young Julia Roberts crossed with Meryl Streep(sp?).

  19. love you guys
    thanks for love story...
    ...there are some great things about Israel...xo

  20. I was thinking about who I'd cast, but then someone mentioned David Tennant and my mind began to drift...

    I'm back now. Hugh Laurie is wonderful, but too old to play Adam. What about Martin Freeman (of 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' and more recently 'Sherlock')? As for Karen, I think I'd cast Janel Moloney (of 'The West Wing').

  21. For Molly we can get the beagle that played Porthos on Star Trek: Enterprise -


    I think I read somewhere that the dog's real name is Molly.

  22. Okay, so apparently they used several beagles to play Porthos. But I do remember watching a clip of ST:E outtakes at a "Save Star Trek: Enterprise" convention where the credits read "Molly The Wonder Dog." So at least one of them at some point was named Molly.

  23. Janell Moloney for Karen?!? YUCK! :P

    We need someone else for Karen, maybe an unknown? I was thinking Mary Louise Parker, but she may be a little too "spastic" (my word) for the lovely Karen. :)

    For Adam, what about that actor from Coupling? Aw, darn, now I can't think of his name. :( I don't remember his character name either, but until I saw a picture of Adam (other than the sleeping one above), I thought he...WAIT! Jack Davenport's his name. What about him?? :)

    I love you guys, your blog, the audio clips -- all of it -- make me happy. :)

  24. Adam--you come across as older than Karen. Karen comes across as a child bride but I may be projecting as I will never be a grown up I fear.

  25. Karen - Yours and Adam's story is too cool. I absolutely love it! And, btw, your husband is a BABE! It would be hard to find an actor good-looking enough to play STM in a movie... Laurie G, Clearwater, FL

  26. Being that taste is subjective, Matt, I'm sure Janel would say the same about you.

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