Nov 20 2010

"My bus. My new bus. Mmmm, shiny. Big shiny new bus. I love my bus. Get the FUCK OFF MY BUS! My bus! Shiny and new. Big red shiny bus, mine. Allll mine."
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Karen's notes: Well, public buses in England are red, although one could not generally describe them as shiny.

I touched down on American soil last night. Hello to all my countrymen! Here's how this works while I'm away: Adam has to press the record button before he goes to sleep. In the morning, he transfers the file onto his computer, then sticks it into an online drop folder for me. Then I have to download it and go through the file blindly, having no idea if there's something on there or not. In one sense, I really miss out on hearing STM in person. However, it is a bit of an adventure, opening up that file every day, not knowing what I might find. Another bonus is that he usually records a delightful little love message for me before he goes to sleep.

Alas, this process will have to begin tomorrow, as Adam didn't quite upload the file properly and I'm too impatient to wait to post. STM's Ode to a Shiny Red Bus was recited in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Added later: I stand corrected. Adam didn't upload improperly, he just stuck it in a place I didn't look for it. And, oh boy, it was a doozy of a night! You'll just have to wait 'til tomorrow.


  1. Hello Karen.

    I've been to your blog a while now and I just love it. I like it so much that I even started recording myself while sleeping. But I never say anything. Anyways. I was wondering how you record it. Seems that you have go through an awful amount to recover the soun clips. Do you have an iPhone? I just downloaded an app called Sleep Talk. It only starts recording when there is sound. That way it's easy to find and grab your audio. You should check it out.

  2. They say that intra-venal injection of 3mg of Awesomeness before sleep helps a lot.

  3. Public! Oh my. From now on this acc will be mine. Tomorrow then!


  4. Hampus - I think Karen has a voice activated recorder...

  5. Welcome home, Karen! Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :)

  6. Yes, it's a voice-activated recorder that I leave on all night. It usually records between 45 and 90 minutes, most of which is us turning over in the bed, Molly licking her paw, snoring, the heater kicking on.... In the morning, I transfer the file to my computer, then convert it to mp3. Then I open it in a music editing program, so that I can "look" through it (I'd kill myself if I had to listen through every morning), I find and cut out the bits of Adam sleep-talking and save them as clips. And that's how they get posted on the blog, for all of you fine people to enjoy!

  7. Ah, may have something to do with the possible replacement of the classic red buses in London being replaced with more modern versions?

  8. I am just super impressed with your dedication to this blog. The work that you are willing to go through while on vacation just so we can share in the humor of STM. Thank you!

  9. Have a happy American Thanksgiving!

    Love the quote for today!!! Can't wait to hear what he DID babble about last night ;-)

  10. So, Adam now has a big, shiny red bus AND a boat! (His boat, his rules.) ;) Whatever is next?!

  11. I don't think STM gets what buses are for. People are going to get on your shiny bus, STM.

  12. An online drop folder? Sounds very secret agent-y. I wonder if STM will have any reaction to it.

  13. Most buses in the UK aren't red these days.

  14. They are, too! Well, all the ones in London are. I guess that's all I ever get the chance to see.

  15. Sounds like STM is in a Transport of Delight.... 7@=Q


  16. Could this be a reference to the new route master by any chance?


    That is definitely a big new shiny red bus :)

  17. I used to have an old 1948 Ford bus! I was playing the drums in a rock band, and we used it to get back and forth to gigs. It wasn't red though, it was a LOT of different colors! I fixed all the rust spots on it, and primed it at the auto body shop I worked at. We took all the left over cans of paint we had and started shooting paint on it. When we ran out of one color, we just poured another color in the gun and kept going!

    We had a lot of fun with the old girl, and when I sold it, the new owner donated it to a church. They left the paint fob as it was, and put new seats in it. The kids there loved it, and named it "The Joseph Bus"! Last I heard it was still going strong, and the old flat head V8 was still purring like a kitten!!

  18. @Karohemd - the two buses I get to and from work everyday, and the countless buses I take virtually everywhere else, beg to differ ;)

    Also, poor STM. No one likes people riding on their big red shiny bus without permission.

  19. @Clara: That is a shiny red bus, indeed! Here in Embra they're generally maroon. Which is a sort of red, I guess.

  20. I have a big new shiny bus as well :)

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