Dec 26 2010

(sort of singing) "Do re mi... fucking so la ti do, arsehole."
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"I need warblers. Not Wombles, warblers! Yes, there's a fucking difference! Gotta keep my people happy."
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And then there was the wake-up, at 3 am:

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(transcript below)

Karen's notes:
Do Re Mi: It turns out they always show The Sound of Music during Christmas here in the UK. Personally, I prefer It's A Wonderful Life.

The Wombles: Another one of Adam's childhood TV programs, all about recycling. Adam read yesterday that the creator has passed away. And, yes, he did make me watch an episode. It was a lot like Bagpuss.

KAREN: Oh, Baby.
ADAM: And a merry Christmas to one and all.
KAREN: Who's a dickhead?
ADAM: You calling me a dickhead?
ADAM: Did I upset you?
KAREN: No, you called the entire neighborhood a dickhead.
ADAM: By name?
ADAM: Sorry everyone! Don't take it personally.


  1. They show Sound of Music a lot around Christmas in the US, too. Never could figure out why.

  2. Bad enough that people keep singing My Favorite Things as a Christmas song - IT IS NOT A CHRISTMAS SONG! Heck, for that matter, truthfully neither is We Need A Little Christmas - Mame sings that in the middle of SUMMER.

  3. Let it Snow is a perfectly fine song for any snowy day with your sigoth, but it gets appropriated, too. Christmas: it takes everything.

  4. Has Adam been watching Glee? Because there are Warblers are in Glee. They sing quite well, too.

  5. Id like to say its nice that STM has recognized the greatness that is Wombles.
    Sad to hear of Elisabeth, the shows creator, who died on Xmas eve. RIP.

  6. I like the little sneer after "sol la ti do...". So there.

  7. About the reveal: Of course, STM appears to have a much more modest agenda than Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged in the old "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"....... who made it his mission to insult every sentient being in the Universe....... 7@=Q

  8. Almost fell off my chair with "do re me"... it's like the VonTrapp children went over to the darkside.

  9. Sound of music is a tradition in Canada to for Christmas!

  10. XD You guys make my day, every day just so you know. When I get home, or wake up, in a terrible mood I'll listen to the audio files and they always make me smile.

  11. Its interesting that STM mentioned the wombles, as sadly Elizabeth Beresford, the creator of the Wombles, died on Christmas Eve aged 84. I know I will miss her for the fun times watching the Wombles.

  12. You guys are great i've just seen your interview on Uk Tv (BBC) Annoying people.

    Love the interview and the story.

    Happy Holidays x

  13. WOW! I Love it...
    and i thing thats good for you >>

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