Feb 16 2011

WEDNESDAY REWIND: Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys!

Since I'm filling the week with quotes from the monkey sanctuary, it seemed fitting that I stick with the theme for today's rewind. I've only just realized how prevalent monkeys have always been in STM's repertoire. This isn't even all of them!
"Bring it on, King Kong. I'll kick your monkey ass right back to the jungle."
 or click here
"Mango-munching monkeys. Crazy swinging creatures."
 or click here
"Dohhhhh, bollocks! The graffiti monkey struck again. Damn him."
 or click here
"What do you think you're doing? Totally inappropriate behaviour. Now sit down, put the electric sander away and concentrate on your art project, please... Monkeys!"
 or click here

Karen's notes: So many people have asked for information about our volunteer experience, I just added a page here.


  1. love the last one, made me chuckle :)

  2. Thank you so much for adding the Volunteer Page! I love that you both are such incredibly caring individuals. Thank you for sharing so much of your personal lives with us.

  3. FWIW, here are the ads that Google is delivering to me on this page: Save up to 82% on Pygmy Marmoset Monkey Bargains!

  4. That third one made me think of the graffiti artist Banksy, since he does wear a monkey mask. :)

  5. Thanks for the volunteer page. I never knew there were places like that, makes having a holiday that much more meaningful to incorporate something like that into it. Love your blog, don't often comment but read it religeously every morning, love to start my day with a smile. I love STM's brutal honesty :)

  6. Then there's the "Free Baby Monkey" ad on the Google ads...... 7@=Q

    The last one reminds me of a line from a Russell Edson poem I read many years ago:

    'You are well on the way to misusing your tools, possibly involving your monkey...." 7@=Q

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