Mar 23 2011

"Beer is from Mars. Chocolate's from Venus."
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Karen's notes: So enlightened, is our STM.


  1. This is some deep stuff. Really deep. Time for STM to write a book. I wonder how many nights of constant talking it would take for STM to complete a book?

  2. Well, Venus is named after the Roman name of the Greek goddess of love, and chocolate is suppose to stimulate the same sections of the brain as orgasms do - so it makes sense.

  3. But, but what about chocolate beer?

  4. S'pose I have ancestors who lived on both Venus and Mars then.

  5. Where are burgers from?

  6. I agree with the first Anonymous, what about chocolate beer, or better yet, those that brew their own chocolate beer (e.g., http://homebrew.stackexchange.com/questions/67/when-brewing-a-chocolate-stout-should-the-cacao-nibs-be-added-in-the-boil-the-s )?

  7. And that (according to the learned Pres. Chavez of Venezuela) is why the Martians died out: once they wasted all their water, their breweries went belly-up................. 7@=Q

  8. The book idea is intruiging - I can just picture it. Like the Little Book of Calm, only the Litle Book of STM. Or a reference book, sorted by the type of insult for your daily insulting needs!

  9. I can't believe that only one people wanted this on some merchandise. When I first read what STM had said I thought that there were gonna be millions screaming "That HAS to be on a shirt!!!" xDD (BTW, that's what I want ;) xD)

  10. Please, oh, please put this on some merchandise; I love it!!

  11. We need this on shits. I like fitted women's t's, especially the new v-neck one. And what happened to princess bird fish monkey face?

  12. That's actually profound!

  13. There's a book by John Gray called, "Men are from Mars, Women Are from Venus." Perhaps STM has read the book and realized that the reason men are from Mars is because that is where the beer is and Women are from Venus because that is where the chocolate is!

  14. LOL The beer's from Mars, chocolate's from Venus was brilliant!

  15. note to anonymous at 21:19 - duh!
