Mar 29 2011

"Pee in my bed once, shame on you. Pee in my bed twice, I'm gonna rip out your bladder and use it as a football, you geriatric incontinent cock-slap."
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"In theory, everything should be perfect. But in reality, I'm the best fucking thing there is."
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And now, the dramatic awakening, in which STM reveals his terror of really bad B-movies:

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As promised:

ADAM: Hello.
KAREN: Hi. Do you know what you yelled?
ADAM: Puss... puss, something puss.
KAREN: Sharktopus.
ADAM: Oh, you're not serious.
KAREN: Yup. But now, the beauty is, I get to post it on the blog!
ADAM: Oh no, don—, oh!


  1. Omg! Lol, what year was that movie made? Looks like your typical B movie. Still, I stay away from beaches myself, so I guess I should be safe from the Sharktopus. Lord who thinks up some of these movies. Better question still is who would actually watch them?
    Glad STM is back online for us this evening. Welcome Back STM and Karen!

  2. This was a made-for-TV movie from 2010. That's Eric Roberts as the lead. No, I didn't watch it, but perhaps someone we all know and love did? Time to 'fess up, STM!

  3. lmao!! well done STM!!!

    here's some more info about Sharktopus

  4. There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, pee in my bed once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Pee in my bed — [pauses] — You can't pee in my bed again.

  5. LMAO at the bungee jumper. Oh, that's priceless!!!

  6. Wow. I'm not sure which amuses/disturbs me more, the clip of Sharktopus or the fact STM actually deemed it worthy to yell out. Lol

  7. I must confess that watched this one night late after my children had gone to bed while my hubby was still at work. I love sci-fi B movies and this one lived up to its genre. Don't be ashamed STM.

  8. Shades of Ed Wood!

  9. That's just the kind of movie mom would've tortured me with as a kid. But only if Elvira Mistress Of The Dark was hosting.

  10. Ya, that would give me nightmares too!

  11. Gotta love "Syfy Original Movies"!

  12. Oh...My...God... *speechless*

    It looked terrible (the shark/octopus creature)... o_O

  13. What the hell did Eric Roberts do in that movie?? It looks like a home made film with CGI created by some random nerd friend. What could he have possibly gotten out of being in that movie? By the way, IMDB gives it a far (far, far) higher rating than I would have expected for a movie like that.

  14. Wow, Sharktopus beats even the "Robot"


  15. what's sad is syfy cancelled farscape and they think sharktopus is a better project for their time and money.

  16. This would be a classic MST3K movie. God I miss that show!

  17. *slowly removes spectacles*

    Oh..... my......... GHOD......... 7@=G

  18. Brilliant, spudtater!

    Also I love the second quote! One to save for Valentine's next year?

  19. Mystery Science Theatre 3000....Oh I loved that show!
    So is Adam a lover of B thriller movies in real life???
    Sharktopus is a must see for me. I replayed the "snack" on a bungee cord three times! Awesome (as the snack says)!

  20. atleast it wasn't "Attack of the killer Tomatoes" or "Killer Clowns from OuterSpace"

  21. I saw that movie. It was so dumb, I couldn't take it seriously enough to even blink at the ridiculous gore.

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