July 13 2011

"You really are two I-don't-cares short of a fuck-off."
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"It's a fruit basket. Bloody useless. It rots after a few days, and everything it holds gets all gooey. Looks pretty, though. My fruit basket."
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Ha ha ha. Get it?

And here we have another set of those bizarre sounds:

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  1. The funny sounds made me laugh.I once went to an art exhibit in Chicago where "sort-of" mannequins had a voice box that was motion triggered. They mumbled in German (I think) and I was so intrigued that if I would have had the money, I would own one. I think one mumbling a collection of STM bizarre sounds would be good too.

  2. Somewhere in Canada13 July 2011 at 21:17

    The end of the mumbles sounds a bit like Mr. Bean.

  3. That first one is GREAT! Just how I'm feeling today....LOL

  4. Hilarious as usual.

    Win $50 http://drum-stuff.blogspot.com/

  5. Oh Karen the first one must be added to the merchandise!!!

  6. What if you played the second one backwards? Would it give a mysterious message from STM?

  7. Um, I don't know what I am supposed to be getting, either :(
