July 9 2011

"I swear. Students: they're the most intelligent fucking morons in the world. Dickheads."
 or click here

I dedicate that one to all of the university professors out there.
"I'm here. Always have been. Lurking. Like a ninja, just without the deadly tools of trade. I'll cut you with my words, though."
 or click here

Karen's notes: I'm back in the States (again!), so posts will be going up US-morning-time for the next week and a half.


  1. Wow, that second one is like STM's anthem or mission statement or something, right??

  2. Yipppeeee, welcome back home! Hope you have a great time. For me jet lag was always worse going to the UK and now so much coming back to good o' Tennessee.

  3. The second one is awesome!

  4. Second one is totally appropriate for Sleep Talkin' Man. XD

  5. STM is ... God?!

    And both is funny! :D

  6. As for the first one: where do you think the word "sophomore" comes from? (Gk = 'wise fool') 7@=e

  7. Sophomore isn't a word used in England. (my English spell checker rejects it!) Seems it's used in America, but more for high school and college than uni, and it's university students that would typically be referred to as 'students' in England. I think. :P

  8. As a former university lecturer and now a graduate student I can safely say that "intelligent fucking morons" applies equally to people situated on either side of the lectern!

    On a side note, STM seems to say "ever" at the end of that first quotation, which isn't recorded in the transcript.

  9.     "A little learning is a dangerous thing;
        drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
        there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
        and drinking largely sobers us again."
            – Alexander Pope

  10. The first one should be on a T-shirt. As a university student myself I would definitely buy it XD
