Oct 24 2011

"You're one weeping snatch away from being a complete fucking bitch."
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Am I the only one who was confused on this one? Adam had to point out to me that, for this to make sense, STM must be talking to a man. Oh, okay. Now I get it.
(all sing-song) "Who's a cutie? Who's a cutie cutie cutie cutie cutie... You are! You've got your coat on, I've got the lead. Time to take the sea cucumber for a walkie. Come on, cucumber! Walkie!"
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Sea cucumbers are amazing marine animals. I went looking for a picture for you guys, and got totally paralyzed for choice, they are so varied. I finally managed to narrow it down to three. Can you imagine dragging one of these down the block on a leash?


  1. Mmmmmm...*drooling*...melted cheese and cucumber sandwich.

  2. Lovely! I love the colors of the 3rd picture. :D

  3. Watching nature shows before bedtime?

  4. so STM does have a soft side.... interesting that it is for marine life though.

  5. You're getting a sea cucumber and a nudibranch mixed up.

  6. STM must be a SCUBA diver if he's taking Sea Cucumbers for walks.

  7. those are nudibranchs not sea cucumbers!

  8. Still, it's not so cute when you have to clean up - after it pukes its innards on the sidewalk..... 7X=Q

  9. What happened to the missing day?

  10. Is this the guy who just wanted to clean my eyeballs with nail polish remover getting all gooey over a sea cucumber? STM is a complex man.

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