Nov 5 2011

"Oh great. Who's idea was it to theme this party 'sloth sanctuary'? It's gonna be the slowest evening ever. Jesus! (then in slo-mo) Jeeeeeeeeeeeesssssuuuuuuuuusssssss."
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That one is not as random as it sounds. Every year, Adam and I volunteer at an animal sanctuary somewhere in the world. We've just decided that this year, we'll work with sloths in Costa Rica. I'm sure there will be some truly rockin' parties.
"Froggie!! I miss you. Where have been Froggie? Ohhhh, fancy. What've you got in your bag? Why are you collecting tourists? Put 'em back, Froggie, and tell me about your trip."
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And then we have Adam's unfortunate awakening, and our conversation about that last one:

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ADAM: (punches headboard) OW! Oh.
KAREN: Oh, Baby, what did you just hit?
ADAM: Oh! Hand.
KAREN: Oh my god. But you were just having such a nice conversation. With the froggie.
ADAM: Really?
KAREN: Yeah.
ADAM: What language was I speaking?
KAREN: ... No I think it was an actual froggie.
ADAM: Oh, okay, not French, then.
KAREN: No. I think it was a froggie. (giggle)
ADAM: You just like the word.
KAREN: Um, what did you say... "Oh, froggie, I've missed you! Where have you been? What's in your bag? Stop collecting tourists, and tell me about your trip."
ADAM: Wow. Is he a big frog, do you think?
KAREN: Well, if he had a big enough bag that he could collect tourists...
ADAM: I wonder how he collects them. Do you think he uses his big sticky tongue to grab them off the street? You're standing there, taking pictures of Big Ben, and all of the sudden: (sound effect)
KAREN: Well, what does he do with them?
ADAM: His tourist collection. "I have tourists from all over the world. Here we have Japan, Australia. Don't have any from Kahzakstan, though. Or Outer Mongolia. My prize is this man from Belize."


  1. I wonder what made Froggie fancy. I'm picturing him in a top hat and bow tie like that frog that sings "Hello My Baby" in all the old Merry Melodies cartoons. And his bag is a big, black, shiny leather bag with all sorts of masculine but pretty silver trim.

  2. I laughed really hard at the sound he made of the froggie collecting tourists with his tongue. People will wonder what I am giggling at all day!

  3. Yeah, the sound effect made my day.

  4. One has to wonder how many tourists they get in Kazakhstan and Outer Mongolia...

  5. I feel so sorry for Adam because he so often hurts himself. Isn't it time to buy yourselves a padded headboard? Or alternatively he could sleep in a straitjacket so he wouldn't flap his arms around.

  6. I wonder whether STM isn't confusing his species: bagging tourists sounds more like something Mr. The Toad might do (check out zippythepinhead.com)

    A confrontation between STM and th'Toad might be interesting, as they battle over who has the biggest ego...... 7@=Q

  7. Oh, I REALLY want to volunteer at that sloth sanctuary some day. Those creatures are the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

  8. Aw, STM don't think Froggie should collect tourists. Oh, well, I guess the tourists needs to get home, too, and they are probably a hell to keep!

  9. STM isn't confusing his species: bagging tourists sounds more like something Mr. The Toad might do (check out zippythepinhead.com)SSB coaching in Delhi

  10. In case you didn't know, this specific example of STM's commentary was played today on CBC's "As it Happens" radio program. http://www.cbc.ca/asithappens/ (It also featured the sea fluffies from 8 November.) The podcast will be up tomorrow, the story starts at about 76 minutes in (podcast), or 16 minutes into Part three on the currently available links.

  11. my dh just came home from work and told me he had listened to the CBC program . so glad I found the blog !

  12. I'm coming to London for vacation in May. I sincerely hope whilst looking at Big Ben I am not snatched by a tourist collecting frog!! I guess I'll have to keep an eye out.

  13. ohhhh!!! Froggie! Love the slurping! :D

  14. JamiSings: that would be Michigan J. Frog. i was picturing a from more along the lines of a giant kermit though.

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