Dec 13 2011

"You're exactly the type of person I'd throw a cake at. Swiftly followed by a brick. And then an elk."
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"Your head's so shiny. So freakishly shiny. It's too bright! Only go out at night with a head so shiny."
 or click here


  1. Gotta watch out for all those elk throwing people

  2. Both of those would be great on merchandise!

  3. elk throwing... hmmmm someone should call the Olympics committee. I think STM has a new event for them. I can see it now.... the thrower finds a person they don't like, throws a cake at them, swiftly followed by a brick and then an elk. the object of the event is to see how badly the person the thrower dislikes is maimed.
    as for the second one.... I think STM has met my instructor for the class I'm taking.

  4. Have to admit, the mental image of the first one made me laugh quite a lot. That, and the randomness of the elk is hilarious.

  5. *cough*colinmochrie*cough*

  6. Extra points, of course, if the target is impaled by the antlers..... 7@=Q

  7. Awwww....STM is channeling Rudolph! How sweet. :)

  8. You know, Karen, I wish there was a "share" button to put some of these gems on Facebook the way you can with YouTube videos. So my FB friends could enjoy the genius that is STM as well.

  9. very sweet.
    insomnia much?

  10. LOVE the first one!! ... As for the second, am I the only one who immediately thought of "Mr. Clean"? (I'm not sure if he's only in the US or not.)

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