Feb 16 2012

Here's a first: When STM kicked off talking last night, he came out with this:

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Starts off okay, but soon goes off the rails, poor thing.

He then said a couple other things (which I've tucked into the nest-egg). But finally, he came back around to give it another go:
"They say love is a many-splendored thing. But with you, love is a neurotic much-needy thing."
 or click here

I guess even STM has his tough nights.


  1. Ah, what a sweetheart. But I think it's actually "...a many splendored thing."

  2. Yup, wendy's right, though it's "many-splendoured" as Adam and STM are english :-)

  3. I love how he said "neeeedy" lol

  4. all i could understand from the first one was "officer, officer, ...." :I

  5. I came across this blog while looking for more erm.. technical sleep blogs. But this is just pure gold.

  6. I can't tell if it's good or bad

  7. Poor STM! His thought train got derailed before it made it into the station on Take 1!

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