Mar 15 2012

"Just be quiet. If I have to listen to your whingey fucking voice for one more second, I think I'm gonna have to start killing puppies and throwing babies."
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  1. goin deep, whingeylessly...15 March 2012 at 12:55

    complaining all the time huh?...i swear, if a salting on those puppy'n baby toys to soothe the ego gives quiet comfort...then, all the better, even for that split second...
    ommmmm, aummmmm, ohmmmmmm

  2. I now know the only way I'll get married is if it's to a sleep talking Englishman to keep me forever entertained.

  3. HaHa. What a great idea for a blog. I am going to check your archives.

  4. hahahahaha oh my gosh! That is hilarious.

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