Apr 30 2012

"If you're looking sympathy… go get a fucking dictionary, you'll find it between 'shithead' and 'syphilis'. Fuck off."
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"Over at the blueberry convention, the red currants are acting so prissy. So very un-berry-like."
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  1. Did Adam have anything to do with the military? Good British Army expression that - "If you're looking for sympathy it's in the dictionary, between 'shit' and 'syphilis'".

  2. That would probably be because it's a mildly altered quote from Major Payne.

  3. I'd like to know what red currants are doing at a blueberry convention to begin with! Party crashers! Pelt them with lentils!

  4. OMG - lol, I grew up with my mom saying the first one... I didn't know it was so globally known.... She had me thinking it was an old family saying from the mountains of Idaho, lol

    1. Either that or my mom got around... *wink wink* you know how those army girls were back in the 70s and 80s.... hahaha

  5. They're probably trying to spread rumors that the chief blueberry is actually a banana.... 7@=Q

  6. HI Karen. I admire you girl. You trash talk like a man. Girl power!

  7. Do Adam have everything to employ the particular military? Good British Armed service expression that - "If you're looking for concern it's within the book, among 'shit' as well as 'syphilis'".
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