Jun 11 2012

"My foot is itching to have a date with your ass. And if you really want, we can make it a double date. Your face and ass, my fist and foot."
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"Hey, droids, someone's been looking for you. Yeah, you'd better run. Dodgy droids."
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For those of you who didn't grow up in 70's—or who did, but just weren't paying that close attention—this is a Star Wars reference. I am enjoying imagining alternate versions of C3P0 and R2D2 that could be describe as dodgy. Is this a difference in their physical appearances, or their programming, I wonder. Thoughts?


  1. C3P0 definitely had dodgy programming,among other things, from the beginning.

  2. A Star Wars quote! :D You just made my day. (And you don't have to be from the 70's to get a SW reference). Shirt, please? :D (And can it be a longer shirt, than the previous t-shirts? They're only about navel lenght. o_O)

    Both quotes today was funny, but the droids one is just brilliant.

  3. I don't think it's just 70's ppl who will get it. Star Wars is a classic and anyone who doesn't understand it is missing out majorly!

  4. Actually, "Dodgy Droids" might make a fun Star Wars carnival ride... 7@=Q

  5. There is such a thing as "Evil R2" it's yellow and black and I have no idea what makes it evil but it's in the Star Wars Lego video game. So maybe that's part of it...LOL.

  6. Dodgy is english slang, meaning someone maybe from the wrong side of the tracks.

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