Feb 10 2010

"Hey, I've got a great idea. You fuck off out of my life forever. Perfect!"

"Doozers. You know the doozers. They're geezers, the doozers... Tossbag!"

"Kisses and cuddles. Thank you. Get used to it."

"Barbie dolls. I've got to use barbie dolls. They're so underrated!"


Karen's note: Wow. Sleep Talkin' Man actually said something sweet.

Adam chattered his head off last night. Not only were there these, there were FIVE MORE that I got to add to the honeymoon store! Maybe I'll feed him aubergine (eggplant) lasagna every night.

Added later: I've had numerous requests for the recipes for eggplant lasagna and roasted eggplant soup, so here they are!


  1. Doozers as in bulldozers? Or something else? anyway hilarious yet again STM!! haha

  2. Hahaha!! HERE HERE! Barbie dolls ARE underrated!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The Doozers line sounds a bit like Dr. Seuss. Up until the Tossbag part, that is...

  5. The Doozers and the Geezers? Sound like the plot of a bad '50s gang movie.

    Fun stuff as ever!

  6. I think there were doozers in Fraggle Rock? At least, Adam thinks so, and that's what matters, I suppose.

  7. Ahaha, I grew up reading (and also watching) Fraggle Rock! Classic, now I understand doozers

  8. The doozers were the little construction guys in Fraggle Rock - they worked while the Fraggles danced. Ah, nostalgia!

  9. I think you can probably skip the rest of the lasagne and just feed him the cheese off the top. That's supposed to be the food of weird dreams.

  10. The Doozers were on Fraggle Rock, no?

  11. Ah somebody already said it. Oh dear! :$

  12. Loving the Doozers reference! Brought back some memories... :D

  13. Brilliant. I especially like the line about the Barbie dolls. At last, a man realizes the truth!

  14. Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but there's an old wives tale about eating cheese before bed makes you have rather crazy dreams. Wondering if Adam would test this out.
    Purely for science of course ;)

  15. I'm confused, I thought Adam hated Aubergine..

  16. Yeah, I've always thought Barbie dolls are underrated....

  17. Ah, about Adam and aubergines: He was absolutely convinced that he hated them, until the first time I made him my mom's aubergine lasagna, about 2 months ago. He now admits that, in the right context, he does indeed appreciate aubergines.

    By the way, we also have a recipe for roasted eggplant (aubergine) soup that you can feed to anyone who thinks they hate aubergine, and they'll love it in spite of themselves. Just don't tell them what it is. Works every time.

  18. and here's me, My fav of the bunch is the "Hey, I've got an idea?..." too funny and sometimes, I wish I had the "bollocks" to say that to some people! Oh well, Great stuff!

  19. OMG - I am old enough to be a geezer, and TOO old to remember Doozers. For others in my terrible place, may I recommend this link http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Doozers to bring you up to speed!!!!!! I like the Doozers - thank you, Adam, for your continued efforts to bring me into the dream state that is yours alone!

  20. So funny!! Fuck out of my life... tossbag... kisses and cuddles... Barbie dolls!

    Mmm the soup sounds good. Care to post the recipe?? The thought goes along with one of my current favorite: Chicken soup. Get down with that funky stuff. As incongruous as STM saying Barbie dolls are underrated. Giggles for the day! I love this blog. Tx.

  21. Hmmm... Karen, I'm not convinced that "Kisses and cuddles. Thank you. Get used to it" is... sweet. What we know of Sleep Talkin' Adam, I think it's more of an egocentric command. Commanding that he get 'kisses and cuddles' on demand.

    Still, for STM, it is probably as close as he will get to 'sweet' in regards to people. Obviously, he already has a sweet spot for some animals. His concern for the duck's well-being still cracks me up.

    Oh, and as soon as I read the 'Doozers and Geezers' line, I couldn't help but think that somehow the deedoos were something the Doozers built.

  22. yeah - the recipe! I probably won't remember how to spell aubergine, but it sound good! And "eggplant" suffices this side of the pond.

  23. Ok, I'll figure out a way to share the recipe

  24. Yes, please post the recipe!

  25. Yes, the recipe, please!

  26. Somehow I got to a page of fan contributed Sleep Talkin' stories last night, but today I cannot find the link. Is the link right in front of my nose or is it hidden in this blog somewhere?

    I think a more prominent link to these stories could add value to the blog (though I doubt these stories can compete with Adam's utterances).

  27. I, too, have never like eggplant but would be willing to try both recipes - please try to share! Karen, you and both Adams make my day!

  28. line for stupidfuc*ingcun*ybollocksexpialidocious

    Be careful how you use it or it may change your life
    I said it to my girl one day and now my girls my wife!
    OH super etc etc

    STM version: Stupidfuc*ingcun*ybollocksexpialidocious
    Be careful how you use it or it may change your life
    I said it to my wife one day and now my wifes my ex!

    OH stupid etc etc

  29. i am 11 by the way O O

  30. Does he take Ambien?

  31. Wrapped in in Adam's whirlwind-world in the back of his sublimanal state of mind, he never fails to take us on a trip of yesteryear with a resurgence to boot...
    yeh,yeh for that ... memorylanes up, up'n away...

    SKIP* NOW...this.is.agunna.be.al.ong.un...fairwarn :)

    - underated barbie dolls; no gender benders here thats' a doozie and tossbagging you is such a polite way Adam-sleeper to tell ya where to go-as in *off!...gently and o'geezerly he blows...otherwise one toss and doozers all fall down!

    wanna thank, wannadanc for these highlights too...

    " Doozers love to work all day long, and they hate playing games. Some Doozers are construction workers, while others are architects or miners..."

    " Doozer Sticks, are made of radish dust. Doozer Sticks are the Fraggles' favorite snack, and they love to eat the buildings that Doozers build. The Doozers don't mind their buildings being eaten; if the Fraggles didn't eat the constructions, the Doozers would run out of building space. "

    " Doozers and Fraggles usually show very little respect towards each other. It's very rare for Fraggles and Doozers to make friends "

    " The Doozers all work together in a society that values cooperation in order to further the common good (which is very much contrary to the Fraggles, who place a high value on individualism and independence). The Doozers pride themselves on the good work that they do, but no Doozer is allowed to take personal credit for their work --

    that would mean that they thought their work was better than everyone else's, and would be destructive to the communal spirit. Competition is seen as a vice that occasionally afflicts Doozers.

    Again, this is very unlike the Fraggles, who love to have races and competitions, and who take pride in their individual jobs and passions. "

    - THAT's --- channelling Society @ Work in a green thinking cap! a pondering geezerofadoozy tossed at us...makes me want to buy that DVD muppetly good.

    - knowing that aubergines are pretty, purply, perfectly veggie and ohso very healthy here's a site for sore eyes...


    in an ubber moment , too ;)

    Thanks Karen...i luv them purples, color and cute to eat, big or small ornamental and all...for mentioning of it and clickin' away...sneaky to your sweetie!

    ( for dinner ...i'll go for my favorite plateful of shrimpy-fried mix in a stuffed way from my chinese restaurant 2nite come to think of it )

    The two of U have got a great idea!

    spreading Kisses and cuddles.
    Thank you back, from all of us....

    Get used to it
    ...sleeping Adam already HAS!

    . . . HappY <3 Day y'all. . .

  32. I completely agree with your statement. Too often we take for granted the simple things in life. Products that are all the rage when they appear on the market soon fade into memory with the progression of time. Computers were a scientific marvel when they became available to the public. Today a computer is just another common household item. Barbie dolls used to be the most popular toys for young girls. With time Barbie dolls have become underrated, and underappreciated. We need to be thankful for the things we have.

  33. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer, are you going for your English Lit GCSE?

  34. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer10 February 2010 at 16:44

    i gues...snot...what's GCSE?...snicker,snicker ;-[}
    as i can feel for those snowwed under in a storm of controvery using my hands to shovel the words off...throwing myself under the bus again...no politics :) here...just singin'in the sunshine while snowing out from the snow in...?

  35. OMG doozers, as in Fraggle Rock? Freakin' Hilarious.

  36. "Kisses and cuddles. Thank you. Get used to it."...Sweet Talkin' Man?!

  37. "Hey, I've got a great idea. You fuck off out of my life forever. Perfect!"

    Sadly I can admit to a few people on which this line may soon be used.

    "Kisses and cuddles. Thank you. Get used to it."

    Valentines Day is looming on the horizon...

    Thank you both for sharing such great things. It's always good for a laugh and a brighter day.

  38. Karen- All Recipes.com is a great place to share your recipes. Sign up is free, post the recipes and everyone can print them at will. Others can comment and add any changes they have made. It's a great place to learn to cook new things.

  39. Got my "Badgertastic" bag today.... looking forward to getting it set up and seeing the strange looks.. what an awesome way for me to tell people about the blog!!

  40. LOL those are all brilliant!!

  41. I agree about Barbies..... they just don't get any respect. I mean, look at the Australians - they keep throwing _shrimp_ on them, the barbarians!

  42. Thanks, Karen! Sounds yummy. And like Anon said of the Badgertastic bag, what fun to introduce people to STM over "roasted aubergine" soup. :)

  43. Just getting the recipes transferred and thinking about the folks saying recipes with cheese make for strange dreams - then that STM's very first utterance was "enough with the cheese!" Hmmmm...

  44. What's the Honeymoon Store? Love the blog, first time I read it I laughed so hard I couldn't breath. And the recipes sound great! Can't wait to try them!

  45. I think Adam would enjoy the aubergine au gratin I make. My husband couldn't stand them either but sheepishly insists on on me making it whenever they're on sale here!

  46. On the subject of aubergine, here's a website I found a few years back whose usefulness I've never quite managed to fathom:


  47. LMAO @ LA/wts's comment...I actually understood that one! HA!

  48. LOVING the "f off" one. Could have used that last week... might come in handy this Friday night. Thx!

  49. Thanks for the recipes, will definitely be trying them out.

  50. As for the cheese/dreams legend, that actually inspired a whole comic strip series (and several animated cartoons) back in the early days of the last century. Check out Winsor McCay...... 7@=e

  51. STICKERS! I want a sticker about barbies - it appeals to both my craftiness and my girliness - STICKERS!!!

  52. Karen, thank you so much for the wonderful eggplant lasagna! I've been keeping my eye on this website for the past couple of weeks and when I saw that recipe, I knew I had to try it! A quick run to the grocery store, and I whipped up this recipe for my mom and brother... it was amazing! I've recently given up eating meat for health and ethical reasons, and this is something that I enjoy eating and would definitely make again!

    I'm starting university in the fall and I've been worried about my cooking skills since my mother has always been cooking for me, but this recipe was super simple so I knew that even though I'm completely incapable of cooking anything, that I could pull this off.

    Thanks for giving me an opportunity to hone my skills and make a yummy dish that I'm sure I will make again! :)

  53. Oh my this is the funniest!!!

  54. Aubergine lasagna being mousaka? Fuck, yeah! :D
