July 15 2010

"You've got a nice face. But your personality is one huge cock block."
 or click here
"GYM: nothing more than Goddamn Yucky Masochism."
 or click here

Karen's notes: I mentioned last week that Adam just joined a new gym. Every single time he works out, he emails me right after to describe the pain. Sissy. I'm definitely making him that in a workout shirt.

Merch stuff: Now listen up. I've noticed a few people have ordered enough merch to get themselves a free bag or apron, but then didn't take advantage of the offer. That's crazy! Isn't everyone as obsessed with free stuff as I am? Get your act together, people! Shameful.


  1. I've got to say, STM really surprised me with that first one. It's rather the opposite of what you would call "shallow." maybe I'm a bit evil myself, but I wouldn't mind seeing someone deserving put down with that line *evilgrin*

    Also, would it be redundant to state that the Gym line could go nicely on a shirt to work out?
    And the face/personality one could go on a card. But only if you either hate the recipient, or know they have a really strong sense of irony. Reeeeeally strong.

  2. I thought only women thought that way (first quote). Every guy I've ever mentioned not being able to get past personality, no matter how good the looks, said I was crazy.

    And I agree about the GYM. Although I think the pain is 100 times worse the day after than the day of!

  3. Goddamn Yucky Masochism = G.Y.M. He is soooo clever!

  4. Ooooh I didn't notice that. Well played, STM.

  5. I didn't even get it when he first said it at 5 am this morning. He's the one who figured it out from the recording. He was extremely pleased with himself for being so very clever.

  6. Right before reading my morning hit of STM, I read a piece about Michael Lucas (US porn producer & performer; think a gay Hugh Hefner wannabe) ripping into Islam. Lucas is infamous for being both Islamophobic and a bitch (in fact he trades on his bitchy persona) but this particular outburst was vicious even for him.

    So then I read that first quote and it's as if STM was reacting to what Michael Lucas said.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Id really like to get the mirrors shirt, but Id wear it to the gym, and Id LOVE it on one of those spaghetti strap shirts. Any way I can convince you to add it? :)

  9. Hey Steph - happy to add it. Which shop, US or UK? Also, plain text, or speech bubble design? If you'd like, feel free to email me to take this offline.

  10. Steph- I went ahead and put it in the US shop, in plain text. The easiest way to find it will be to choose the category for that quote. Enjoy!

  11. haha that first one would be great on a tshirt for us girlies against all the gorgeous but arrogantly so/ugly inside men!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Gotta say as an aerobics instructor, I'd love to wear the GTM and mirrors shirts to class. And the cake shirts. Nothing like an obnoxious shirt to get your peeps to work.

  14. "GYM: nothing more than Goddamn Yucky Masochism."
    I think the inexplicably small/skin tight shirt really brings out my muscles.

  15. sparky, i think the inexplicably small/skin tight shirt really brings out the places where my muscles once were and simply stretches southwards.

  16. And who said you weren't as funny awake, Adam???

  17. Karen,

    Had no idea about the freebies!!!! How much merchandise do you need to get to qualify?

  18. anniebellie, the offer is if you spend $40 or £40, you get an apron, messenger bag, or baseball cap free!, which works out at about 2-3 items, depending on what you buy.

  19. lmao! Great stuff!

    Adam and Karen you two are too funny!

  20. @ Adam Lennard 15:44 Heh, one of those shirts would do the same to me. As it is Father beer has given me a deployed at all times airbag, and my exercise includes lifting pie to face. Mmmm cheese and onion.

  21. Darn it! I just ordered about $50 worth of t-shirts and they just shipped it. Oh well, I'll have to remember for next time. Thanks!

  22. Just saw a short clip of you two on an american show called world's dumbest lovers 2. I woke my own hubby up to watch the clip.

  23. :( I didn't see about the free stuff until after I had placed my order. Otherwise I certainly would have taken advantage of FREE!
    Thanks so much for the daily giggles, I can no longer read this blog at work because I giggle too much. Sleep well!

  24. Adam's not enjoying the gym then?

  25. That first one would be perfect on a t-shirt for my best friend because it's just the kind of thing he'd say. Now the second one....Ok, I got the mirrors shirt for my hubby, so if I got him a SECOND gym shirt, then maybe he'd have more incentive to go to the gym! Maybe I could even convince him to go TWICE in one month! Well, a girl can always hope, right?

  26. Personally I think the "You've a nice face..." comment would make an excellent shirt.
