July 16 2010

"Ghostly froggies. A-hoppin' and a-haunting. Oooooh, ribbit. Oooooh, ribbit."
 or click here
"I feel a cold spot. Fuck off. You're a fucking cold spot."
 or click here

Karen's notes: These are both from the nest-egg, we had no talking last night.

Anyone notice a theme here?

At this juncture, I must reveal that Adam and I have been known to watch a TV show in which a team explores sites that are reported to have paranormal activity. They're constantly talking about cold spots. This explains why Adam has ghosts on the brain.

Now, by sharing this fact about us I'm demonstrating how much I've come to trust you all, so DON'T MAKE FUN. Everyone has their guilty-pleasure show. We also watch rather high-brow British panel shows, so there.

Added later: I have explained panel shows in the comments.


  1. I love the way he finished with Oooooh, ribbit. Oooooh, ribbit.

  2. i was wondering if i could make a short web comic, if theres not already one, of the things STM says and post it on SmackJeeves.com :) linking to this website, though. ^^" if the answer is yes, i'll send you the link to the webcomic. :)

  3. I really like the froggies since I live in the town where Mark Twain penned "The Jumping Frog Jubilee of Calavaras County." They still hold the jubilee every spring. Talk about froggy nightmares! :)

  4. I don't have room to talk. I just finished watching a marathon of dvr'd shows of international hunters of the ghosts.

  5. Surely any British panel show is 'high brow' when compared to American TV?

    Hehe ;)

  6. For those who don't know what panel shows are, they are a particularly British TV phenomenon. The best way I can think to describe them is to say they are game/quiz shows in which the contestants are all well-known comedians, and no one cares who wins. They are usually very clever and often hilarious. Our favorites:

    Mock the Week: "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" meets "Who's Line is it Anyway", about current events, but often goes very far off topic.

    QI: Quiz show of arcane knowledge, hosted by my favorite English icon, Stephen Fry. Contestants lose points for offering predictable incorrect answers. Often, all four scores are in the negative numbers by the end.

    Would I Lie to You: Comedians and other personalities offer unusual facts about themselves, which may or may not be true. The opposing team must try and determine whether fact or fiction.

  7. Cool! Thanks for explaining that Karen...I had no idea (as it turns out) what you meant by panel show. (LOVED who's line is it anyway...the Drew Carey version ;-) )

    Hilarious quotes from the nest egg!! Love em both!

    Karen...you're funny! :-D

  8. You have incredibly good taste in you choice of viewing, Karen.

  9. Ghostly froggies on t-shirt, please?

  10. Karen, you may also like Only Connect (like University Challenge, you feel extreeeeemely clever if you manage to get an answer right!). And spot on with QI. :)

  11. You know I've talked to a lot of very intelligent people and most of them like those Ghost/Haunting shows. Especially the ones that actually try to debunk things. I love it when they get spooked. And as far as the shows about arcane knowledge. Well I live with that everyday with my husband. He's a genius that can't tie his shoes but if you want to know want Napoleon's favorite dog was when he was a child I'm sure my husband would know.

  12. Thank you Karen - I'm from Canada I had No idea what "panel shows" are, they sound interesting though. We all have our guilty little pleasures so no worries at all and thanks for sharing where some of these sleep talkin' moments may have sprung from! I'm with Snugs72 - Loved Who's Line!!
    Take care and keep watch for ghostly froggies! lol

  13. I loved Mock The Week and QI when I was in England in March and would love to find them on video! Seems to me, Karen, that shows on paranormal activity are equally as valuable as comedians on panel shows. Maybe Stephen Fry could make a show on paranormal activity?

  14. Is it me or did Adam post a comment that has subsequantly disappeared?

  15. Do you watch Ghost Hunters? I LOVE that show! No making fun here!

  16. My friends and I in Ontario, Canada read your STM blog daily and we love it! I had to finally comment because we decided that STM needs to become an iPhone app!

  17. You haven't mentioned 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue', on Radio 4.

    I know it's not TV, but being on radio the pictures, as they say, are better.

  18. Ghost Hunters International is good too, Most Haunted, and now Ghost Lab. All the shows are good, especially if you are interested in the history of the haunted sites!

  19. I think Ghost Hunters International is far inferior to Ghost Hunters. Just sayin'.

  20. More great panel shows-

    Never Mind the Buzzcocks: Quiz show about music. Very wacky, love when contestants have to guess what their teammates are singing (no lyrics, instrumental only).

    Have I Got News for You: Another one on current events. Don't love it as much as Mock the Week, but still keeps me entertained.

  21. Great nest eggs today. Lol.

    Agreed about Ghost Hunters compared to Ghost Hunters International.. Also, Ghost Hunters Academy just seems like one large drama fest instead of focusing much on the possible haunting or the history.

  22. I loooove those paranormal shows. So you will get no mocking from me!

  23. Oh I love those shows! Japan has a lot of those Panel shows hehe :D they're sooo funny :3

  24. joaniebaloney8316 July 2010 at 15:38

    Love the "oooooh, ribbit!" I laughed so hard, I snorted! And I also LOVE paranormal shows. So true about GHI vs. GH.

  25. Ghost Hunters is actually my favorite TV show. And I do agree about GHI being inferior to Ghost Hunters. Something about the chemistry of the team just isn't as good as what Jason and Grant have going in the States.

  26. 'You've been watching' is great due in part for their fondness for the more cynical comedians like Frankie Boyle, David Mitchell & Victoria Coren. Plus few are as cynical as host Charlie Brooker!

  27. I love love love love love these quotes today. So funny. Ghostly little froggies. That is so funny. Thanks for putting them up!

    And yeah, I def. love the ghost shows, too. hehe.

  28. The ghostly froggies! Loved the sing song 'a hoppin and a hauntin.'

    Oooooohhhhhhhh... ribbit. snorted cola out my nose!

    LOVED Whose Line. Our Drew Carey version with Ryan and Colin darn near kills me laughing every-time they do 'scenes from a hat'.

  29. Karen - I wish we got more panel shows on this side of the pond. I've only ever seen Never Mind the Buzzcocks, and it's my favorite!

  30. Oh, for those who don't realize, these are all BBC shows. It's too bad that the BBC hasn't sorted out rights to view these online in other countries.

  31. Drew Carey got too involved with the performers, Clive Anderson was a much better host! 88-98 were the golden years.

  32. I cant laugh too hard. My fiancee and I watch Most Haunted, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Paranormal State, and Ghost Adventures every chance we get! Though Ihave to admit we watch Most Haunted just to watch Yvette and Kat freak themselves out.

    Almost forgot why I'm posting. One of the shows we watch is called Worlds Dumbest. This week they primiered a short interview with you and your husband! (I admit it. I did a very fan girl squeal.)They didnt do a very good job of syncing Adam's voice to the footage and made it look very fake, but I was cracking up as I heard one of my favorite lines. "Cant control the kittens!" You guys are very brave to consent to be on a show that is entirely defined as making fun of stupidity. My props to you.

  33. I know QI is available on YouTube.

  34. Hey I love all of the ghost hunting shows. They are cool. I also LIVE in a haunted building, and have to deal with it whenever we have anything happen. Definetely put the ghostly froggies on a shirt please!!! I love that one!!!

  35. If Adam ever mentions Stephen Fry in his sleep, I will feel such joy. (and Stephen would probably get a kick out of it!)

  36. Ghost Hunter's is awesome and though I'm not a big fan of GHI or GHA you have to get your fix somewhere Jason and Grant also wrote to books that document there earlier experiences before the TV shows the fist one is "Ghost Hunting" and the second is "Seeking Spirits" anyone who enjoys the paranormal should check them out! :)

  37. ok after your comment about BBC not being available aboard i thought i had to comment i live in france and watch BBC iplayer. I have iportal on my computer i have to pay for it buts its very cheap. with it iplayer thinks you are in uk! website is www.iportal.me
    Also i love your blog read it everyday and love 'would i lie to you'

  38. I think "Oooooh, ribbit. Oooooh, ribbit" would make an excellent ringtone.

  39. Could be a sequel to the old song :

    "Froggy went a-hauntin', and he did ride,
    (Oooooh, ribbit...Oooooh, ribbit);
    Froggy went a-hauntin', and he did ride,
    Haunted that swamp ever since he died;
    (Oooooh, ribbit...... Oooooh, ribbit)..." 7@=Q

    As for panel shows, I remember one on radio that I greatly enjoyed - "My Word", which used to be aired on NPR. They'd discuss words, definitions and derivations; and at the end, the panelists would come up with these hilarious shaggy-dog stories, involving a paraphrase of some famous quote.....

  40. froggie t-shirt!!!!!

  41. LMAO! My husband is the exact same with his sleep ramblings, I don't record them though, I manipulate them and talk back to him until he realises this and tells me to f*** off in his sleep. Charming.


  42. yeah lets face it, england's panel shows are awesome ;)

    and Ghost Hunters is brilliant!! Most Haunted on the other hand ... is rubbish :/

  43. I am guessing you watch Destination Truth???

    Love it!

  44. Weren't you on Smoking Gun last night?! I swear I saw you guys on there! Made me mad when they kept saying it was fake. >:(

  45. Ooooh ribbit on a ringtone please!

  46. I was coming to post a request for Ooooo Ribbit as a ringtone but now I'm just going to add my vote. I never buy ringtones but I would definitely buy that one!

  47. I am American and addicted to QI. Stephen Fry is a hero.

  48. Great blog. And guess what? I'm a Sleep Walking man!

    - David

    Aloe Vera 101
    Holistic Health Info.

  49. Hilarious! ...and, yes, I watch paranormal shows too, so I won't make fun.

    Also? Stephen Fry = love :)

  50. Everybody Shhh! Do you hear that? It almost sounds like....no, it can't be.

  51. QI is brilliant! I love the way everybody has different buzzer sounds every day. Maby we should ask them to have an 'oooooooh ribbit' just for STM ;-)

  52. I LOOOOOOOVE Mock the Week and Never Mind the Buzzcocks!

  53. I LOVE "oooooh, ribbit! Listened to it over and over.

    The panel shows sound terrific! Your description made me think of the old American show Hollywood Squares. (the early version, anyway)

  54. panel shows... whose line is it anyway? the brit version was far better than the american version but both were enjoyable. there is far greater improv talent in england, i think.
    ghost hunters is a guilty pleasure for me too. they make me giggle. a good friend is jason hawes cousin. he's less interested in ghost hunters than in the fact the show has been spoofed on south park. ;-)

  55. Read the comments, and... Mock the Week FTW! Dara O Briain is amazing!

  56. Ghostly froggies. A-hoppin' and a-haunting. Oooooh, ribbit. Oooooh, ribbit - Brilliant lets have some more please.
