Oct 14 2010

"I'd rather kill aliens than ghosts. Aliens explode in goo, while the ghosts just go whoo."
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Karen's notes: STM has just presented us all with a fascinating discussion topic of great social and political import. Let us embark on a comparative analysis of alien fighting versus ghost fighting.


  1. A very pertinent discussion topic, to be sure considering how close we are coming to Halloween. One might argue with STM's logic as being based on perimeters which are too narrow: aliens would only explode should the cause of death be violent or involve physical harm. Surely an alien who chokes on a bit of gristle in his roast wouldn't explode - and he would likely also go silently, given the lack of air intake. That would be even better than putting up with the ghost's whoo-ing and other such verbal protests.

    That and the small fact that ghosts, by definition, are already dead seem to defy STM's reasoning.

    Unless, of course, STM is talking about double-dog-dare-killing ghosts - that's for realsies and all bets are off, then.

  2. What if they're like the aliens from the Alien movies, where their insides are pressurized to explode with great vigor? Even if you just stabbed them, their wounds would spray everywhere. But their blood is also acidic, so killing them would just be unpleasant to say the least.

  3. There is also the fact that ghosts have a "goo" of their own that they excrete. Its called ectoplasm. So, if you fight a ghost, you have a chance of getting sprayed with ectoplasm. Hmmmm....something to really mill around in the mind...

  4. And of course we can't forget that 80's classic, Slimer (is that his name? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong).

    Definitely icky

  5. Let's ask Janice Joplin?

  6. Hi Guys,

    I think he said, "I'd rather kill aliens AND ghosts. Why it matters other than STM being an equal opportunity killer of ghosts/aliens, I really don't have any bloody idea.

    But I could just be suffering from a case of "STUPID!" I have been afflicted with this condition for some time now. So, pay no attention to me if I am wrong or at all if you wish.

    And for the record, STM, before getting very sick, I was a vegetarian. Before you say anything STMish (aka smart assish) what I had to stop eating was anything high fiber, or that would "gum" in my stomach, etc. So, that left out fruits and vegetables, salad (DUH), bread, crackers, pasta, FIBER and more. And I am sad. So, now I have to get a lot of my "stuff" via a J-tube, or sometimes TPN or PPN. And I also have a pacemaker in my abdominal region (in a pocket the surgeon made or something freakish like that) while the leeds connect to the outer lining of the stomach.

    Okay, not sure why that all mattered. Shutting up now.

    Hope you guys are having a nice day. It's 4(am)in my neck of the woods and I am unhooking my feeding pump (I would never be up at this crazy hour---sorry Karen). I am guessing it's 10 ish where you live?


  7. I love the goo-whoo rhyme! :-)

  8. STM's a poet and he jsut don't know it. XD

    I'd rather fight aliens to STM. Ghosts fly about and after a while you just gotta cross those streams and hang on to your ass XD Plus you don't have any "Alienbusters", let the Ghostbusters deal with the ghosts!!!!

  9. I thought it might be a poetry reading.
    Maybe STM is trying to impress the STW who attacks Adam periodically.

  10. as in the first and fouth alien film when the alien sucked into space it exloped since space is a vacuum.

  11. Cue the opening scene from Men In Black. Goo everywhere and on everyone. Fast forward to the end where the alien is shot from within. What a mess.

  12. Has he never seen Ghostbusters?!

  13. I can die now.... I have actually heard a grown man say woo. but I do hope to here a grown man say woo woo before I go. That would be the topping on the cake..... er super cupcake with his side kick pink icing. mmmmmmmm cupcake.

  14. Actually, you can't kill ghosts! Sorry, but you can't! No1 It won't work! Ghosts are already dead! They aren't "undead" but dead in the manner that they have no body! They are beings of pure energy, and since pure energy can not be destroyed, only redirected, you can't kill ghosts!

    Hate to be a buzz-kill but facts are facts!

  15. stoney - can't energy be redirected into exploding goo?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Since they are the "lingering dead," as one of my favorite authors loves to call them, perhaps they can be forced to cross over into the light. In a manner, that is killing them. If, that is, "killing" can be seen as causing them to cease to exist in this world. Aliens, on the other hand, may present a problem in that if they are in fact living creatures, killing them would simply result in a lingering alien spirit which would then also have to be disposed of. One would assume that an alien ghost would be somewhat more problematic than an earthly one. Honestly, it seems as though killing ghosts is just less work.

  18. Well, I think that generally, Slimer and other Ghostbuster-esqe spooks aside, killing ghosts is a much less messy prospect, albiet perhaps a little less satisfying...

  19. STM has obviously never been coated with ectoplasmic snot, so I'll forgive his mistake. Just this once.

  20. Also, keep in mind that yesterday STM was fighting clowns as well. So really this debate should be aliens v ghosts v clowns. No one knows what explodes out of a clown--no one's been able to destroy one yet.

  21. karah although it's true no one has seen what actually explodes out of a clown. by sheer hypothesis I would have to say confetti. would explain the bucket full of confetti some throw at crowds. just think if you are on the receiving end of that bucket, it could be clown goo.

  22. Wouldn't those bunches of paper flowers explode out of clowns?

  23. And what do golem do when they die (or terminate as the case may be)?

  24. His logic is sound. Plus killing aliens would require less specialized equipment. Killing the already-dead would require a much more in-depth approach. Although killing and exploding aliens sounds more enjoyable, killing the dead also frees your conscience from the guilt of taking a life since they are already dead.

    I say we just stick the the vegans and vegetarians. Why cloud the issues?

  25. If confetti explodes out of a dead clown, does that mean Rip Taylor was keeping dead clown guts in those paper bags all those years?

    For those whom are sadly uneducated and don't know whom Rip Taylor is -


    Or if you want to skip the portal page full of show reviews -


    Rip Taylor: Clown Killer has a nice ring to it.

    On a side note I guess because I'm a singer and therefore an entertainer I've never been able to understand clown or mime hatred. They're just hard working entertainers looking to make you smile. Well, except for John Wayne Gacy - he was an evil bastard. That's one clown who deserves death.

    Being a Star Trek fan, not all aliens explode into goo, some ARE goo.


    Ghosts can't be killed. They can only be exorcised to the other side.


  26. So, being a Ghostbuster isn't your speed, I take it? I hear Torchwood has a few vacancies.

  27. Nope! Sorry Adam! No body, no physical form! No physical form, nothing to make the goo out of! Matter cannot be produced from nothing, therefore, no goo!

    Much more fun to blast zombies with large bore, semi-automatic, clip-fed shotguns! Load those clip full of three inch magnum shells full of 000 buckshot! Blows them up nicely! Then you get LOTS of goo! You can can throw the pieces on a nice hot fire, and they EXPLODE!!!! Lots of goo that way! And lovely bits of rotting corpse too! YUM!

    Catch a piece with a maggot in it and you win a prize! Might even win a bit of cannabis! Ahhhh.... Cannabis!

  28. But - if you kill a ghost, wouldn't that mean it comes back to life?
    (Flashing back to an old "Ren & Stimpy" cartoon here....) 7@=Q

  29. Wait! I've got it! STM was talking to PacMan! The ORIGINAL ghost killer!

  30. @Dean Evans Is your favorite author Lois McMaster Bujold? That's what she calls them in the Chalion duology!

  31. OH! Anon at 16:30, you caught me off guard and made tea come out my nose! STM is usually the only one that does that! What a great thought, explode a clown and you get confetti.

  32. Ah, waging poetic: goo vs woo. I'm not sure wether I 'druther be drenched in green goo or make the dead re-dead. Hm...

  33. Well obviously alien fighting would be much more physically grueling, I imagine you need a much stronger mind for ghost fighting. I guess it depends on what type of fight you want to have. Either way, you're gonna need electric weapons.

  34. ... thinking maybe long's spambot ran wild...

  35. Stoney: Of course you can redirect energy into exploding goo - at least theoretically. Of course it would be only very little of exploding goo.
