Oct 15 2010

"No, I don't skinny-dip. I chunky-dunk."
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"Yes, I want to kiss you, but you'd remember. I can't have that. Oh no no no no no no..."
 or click here
"My nipples! What color are they? What color are my friggin nipples, god damnit?! I wish they glew in the dark. Then I could see them."
 or click here

I think we can all agree that STM meant "glowed". Here is a discussion on the matter:

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KAREN: You said, "I wish they glew in the dark."
ADAM: The past tense—
KAREN: Like throw:threw, glow:glew. That's what you tried to do.
ADAM: Is there no such word as glew?
ADAM: Oh! I made something up!
KAREN: I don't think this one is one to be proud of. This is just plain bad grammar.
ADAM: Oh god! STM needs to go to school!


  1. It's 1:40 am and I laughed out loud.


    Glew in the dark!!

    You guys are so good for my mental health.

    Thanks for the giggles.

  2. I just found out that 'glow' comes form the Old English verb 'glowan', whose past tense is 'gleow'. So STM does know his Grammar - he's just an Anglo - Saxon! ;)

  3. skinny dip...Chunky dunk - should be a t shirt!

  4. "No, I don't skinny-dip. I chunky-dunk."

    It's 3 am here and I laughed out loud too! AND posted it as my FB status (with link to this blog of course :-) )

    That is so true! I can't say how much I love that one! It's awesome!

  5. I laughed out loud too at the chunky Dunk one! Brilliant!

  6. Actually, "skinny dip...chunky dunk..." IS already a T-shirt and has been for many years. STM is guilty of plagiarism.

  7. "Skinny dip/chunky dunk" is also on a sign that various Bed Bath & Beyond-style shops sell off the shelf. Still got a chuckle out of me, though.

  8. Chunky Dunking is skinny dipping for overweight people (its an actual term).

  9. Freaky! Glew was my maiden name!!

  10. I think STM is brilliant for shortcutting the past tense of glow. I myself have been known to use the word screamt instead of screamed - dream/dreamt = scream/screamt! Glew is now part of my vocab. Thanks as always for letting us be part of your lives!

  11. The glow in the dark nipples comment is funny! xD

  12. Don't make the chunky dunk one a tee shirt. You'll probably run into copyright issues.

  13. When English Reformation comes, we can fix all of this nonsense about glew not being the subjunctive form of glow.

  14. "Oh God! STM needs to go to school!" needs to be on a t-shirt, with attribution to Adam right under the phrase.

    that would be so awesome!


  15. He de-regularized a verb. That's the opposite of progress.

    The rate of verb regularization is inversely proportional to commonness of the word:

  16. LOL, I already have chunky-dunk on my fridge... but I love the glew in the dark one! How freaky would that be when you woke up in the middle of the night?!

  17. Adam, do you have any idea why STM seems so obsessed with his own nipples (he's mentioned them before, hasn't he)? Does it really matter what color they are in the dark? Perhaps I'm a little out of touch when it comes to modern sexuality.... but I've never noticed a man really caring about his nipples much, at least when it came to color! Thanks for the daily chuckle, by the way.

  18. Found it! 7@=e

    March 29: "Nipple glue".......

    I wouldn't try doing it in the dark, though - you could really make a mess... 7@=Q

  19. so i love this blog, and enjoy reading it with my friends. last night, i kind of had a sleep talkin' Mom experience:
    My Mom had fallen asleep while watching TV, so I go to turn it off. Thirty seconds later, she asks loudly in an indignant manner "Who turned off my TV?!?" and then promptly returned to snoring.
    Not too random, but it made me think of you guys.

  20. I chunky dunk and I'm proud of it!!! Got a loud LOL out of me, too.

  21. I'm a terrible, terrible person... I thought glew was a real world. Like, she glew in the dark.

    My spell check tells me it's not. :/

  22. ... I'm a failure. I didn't even realize 'glew' was wrong. I need to go back to school.

  23. Oh dear. Maybe they teach The Oldee English in Duck Schools (in which STM has been proven to visit quite regularly)?

  24. I thought that saying 'it glew in the dark' was correct until now.. but I guess it doesnt look as right writen down as it sounds spoken

  25. I lol'd a "chunky dunk." Pfft... epix. And I'm now trying to think how one's sleeping alterego attends grammar school... I wonder... What kind of classroom would that be?

  26. I think "glew" sounds very English. Indeed.

  27. bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... oh, oh dear.... I knew I should have worn my depends this morning.

  28. ^to the guy above me, TMI but soooo funny!

  29. Can we please please please get the chunky dunk into the shop? I can't tell you how much I want to wear that emblazoned across my chest with pride.

  30. Ahahaha, someone put the chunky dunk quote on Icanhascheezburger.com ... http://icanhascheezburger.com/vote/page/19/ Super cute!

  31. Amazing as always. But I too thought that 'glew' was correct. Maybe because it sounds like 'grow/grew'. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Unfortunately English isn't my native =(

  32. I googled to word glew and it is a word in the urban dictionary- past tense of glow, so technically it is a word.

  33. I want a chunky-dunk t-shirt. Should look for one if they're already out there, but maybe not a cool as one with this exact quote on it.

  34. LOL the first one...Ive been saying it for years (well since after my first pregnancy) Love it STM :o)
