Oct 19 2010

"Whatever it is, if it comes out of your mouth, it's gotta be bad news."
 or click here
"It's taken years of cake abuse to get this body into the peak of physical fitness. Don't be jealous. Eat caaaake. Mmmm."
 or click here

Karen's notes: We're big cake fans. For those of you who have been visiting the blog for a while, you'll know that cake is a recurring theme. For example, there was the classic "cake o'clock" on March 25. And, of course, July 4 was ALL about cake. Mmmmm, caaaake.

Merch update: "Intervention on your stupidness" is now on shirts and mugs. And I think I'll add "years of cake abuse..." as well. I also just put up loads of new ringtones!


  1. Oh yes, the cake one is one that would certainly apply to me, lol. I've eaten so much cake, I don't know if you even carry my size. I agree....mmmmm,caaaake.

  2. I would really love to know who STM is talking to in his sleep, I really would.

  3. Love the cake one.... Hubby came out with another one last night here,

    "I want a chinchilla... so cute. Cat thinks it's cute too, kick the cat in the face...."

  4. Years of cake abuse? Reminds me of Brass Eye:

  5. i love when STM talks about cake. I am trying to get hubby to buy me a cake related apron for christmas..

  6. Last night at the gym, a woman wore a shirt that said "Junk Food" on the back instead of a team number. I loved it!

  7. cake link of the day

  8. Love to both of you cause I love everyone who properly appreciates a good cake and a brilliant frosting.

  9. No!! my t-shirt list keeps getting bigger! still can't decide which cake shirts to buy (my family are supporters of cake for breakfast and are vegetarians!) thankfully being 16 i still have a good metabolism but it'll take time for to get to Adam's physical fitness peak!

  10. This is exactly how I felt after my birthday cake fest last week. Woohoo! nothing like Birthday cake to feed the soul as well as the body!

  11. Yay for a mention of cake on my birthday! :D

  12. what?!?!?! where's pink icing?!?!?! omg it's not a cake without pink icing!!! *chants* pink icing! pink icing! pink icing!

  13. I have both shirts that relate to cake, now I'll have another one to add to my collection!
