Oct 8 2010

"I've gotta have more people in my life that love my elbows."
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"Well let's face it: I'm so good looking, even my bacteria are cute."
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And the reveal:

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Karen's notes: Try pinching the wrinkly bit of skin on the outside of your elbow. Now pinch harder. Really, really hard. Dig the nails in, even. It doesn't hurt, right? That's because there are no pain receptors there.

My husband whimpers like a little girl when I pinch there, insisting that he is in agony. Sissy.

KAREN: "I need more people in my life who love my elbows."
ADAM: Or at least people who don't abuse my elbows.
KAREN: Who abu— Oh.
ADAM: Thank you.
KAREN: It's not my fault that you have nerves in a place that it is medically impossible to have pain receptors. Where are they?
ADAM: No! No!
KAREN: No, I'm gonna love them! (singing) I love you, my elbows... Hello elbow. Where's the other one?
ADAM: On my other arm.
KAREN: Oh, bring it over.
ADAM: I can't without twisting myself in an uncomfortable position.
KAREN: Just bring it over! Come on, don't be selfish with your elbow. How do you think that other elbow's feeling?
ADAM: Right now? Tired.
KAREN: Give it to me. No, it wants also to be loved... Where is it?
ADAM: That's not my elbow!
KAREN: I can't find your elbow! Here it is. (singing) Elbow.... Well that little part of your arm probably also needs to be loved.
ADAM: I don't think my body is split up into little individual conscious elements.
KAREN: Shows what you know.
ADAM: You're trying to say that every little bit of my body is a separate little conscious being?
KAREN: Bring it here.
ADAM: What are you doing?
KAREN: Give me the other one.
ADAM: Oh, the one actually just told me it wants to go back to sleep!


  1. LMAO!! Love the reveal! You two are funny!

  2. i would just like to point out that this conversation took place at 5.45 this morning! karen was wide awake and so as soon as i opened my eyes (because the light from her laptop woke me) she had to start telling me what i said in my sleep.

    i was tired! i am not a sissy. the elbow thing is more of an annoyance than a pain. stop pinching my wrinkly bits! that's all i ask.

  3. "That's not my elbow!"

    I have to admit I got some interesting mental images there. ;)

  4. Also, was Karen singing "I love you, my elbow" to the tune of "Johanna" from Sweeney Todd?

  5. knowing karen, quite probably! - adam

  6. Oh my god, Jackie, you are correct!! I didn't even realize what tune I was singing.

  7. Karen is singing to your elbows to the tune of a song from "Sweeney Todd"? That is just TOO kinky!

    Err. Say! She hasn't been bringing home the odd meat pie there lately? Has she?

  8. You two are so soft you make my 17 year old daughter and her boyfriend look cynical.

  9. I have to say that Adam is not the only medical freak out there. When I just tried to pinch my elbow's wrinkly bits, I didn't feel any pain, but I dig in with the nails? Ouch!

    So I can't feel pressure there, but I can feel pain. Hmmmm, odd.

  10. ya nails in elbow wrinkles hurts me too

  11. You have to love Google ads. There is an ad for pain relief from Tennis Elbow on my screen with this!!! FUNNY! <3

  12. Actually, I must have the same genetics as Adam, cause my elbow wrinkles hurt... Now I wonder how many people around the world are pinching their elbows! lol

  13. That's absolutely brilliant!!!

  14. The "Cute Bacteria" made me think of this site I was looking at last night: http://www.giantmicrobes.com/ Adorable bacteria!

    Thanks for the many mornings of amusement you guys have given me!

  15. Me too!!! Quite hurtful experiment you asked me to do Karen... But what a wonderful talk! You 2 are so sweet together!
    Adam, I totaly understand you! My husband always wakes me up in the night when he's coming to bed late. Somehow he's feeling most talk activ in this situation. (He told me once it's cause I'm looking so peaceful in my sleep...) In my drowsiness i'm just able to babble... But the intimacy of these sleepy bed takls is just wonderful:-)

  16. wow... for a moment there I thought the reveal was getting dirty.... "That's not my elbow!"
    sorry adam that her computer woke you up... lol atleast she didn't karate chop your face like the other night!!! lol

  17. That's weird. No matter how hard I pinch or dig my nails in, I can't feel any pain there. But, seriously, the thing about no pain receptors is true! -Karen

  18. Yeah the nails hurts a bit, pinching not so much.

  19. Hmm... I just tried it and, while unpleasant, it's not screamingly painful.

    I don't know about Karen, but I seem to have at least a *few* pain receptors there...

  20. doesn't hurt me, but my nails are not exactly long or strong enough to hurt. Maybe next time I get acrylics I'll try again, lol!

  21. I googled a yahoo questions answer that says there are "little or no" pain receptors there. I know, not an authoritative source, but there are enough of us on here (myself included!) who empirically can feel at least some pain in that location, the belief that no one has pain receptors there can't be true.

  22. To totally confuse him, walk up and whisper in his ear, "I can't stop thinking about your weenis."

    (it's what that patch of skin is called)

  23. I can feel some pain there if I dig in my nails, too.

  24. How could anyone read this and not pinch their own elbow's wrinkly bits?

    Try telling someone not to think about an elephant and see how that works...

  25. @ anonymous 17:33

    LMAO! 'weenis' Oh dear me.

  26. this is probably the best blog out there

  27. in a way the body is made of little individual bits of consciousness... you should find a picture of a homunculus.

  28. aww, you guys are cute!

  29. That has to be one of my favorite reveals ever. It is so funny and so impossibly cute!

  30. I think "Stop pinching my wrinkly bits! That's all I ask..." could be on a tshirt just as much as the sleeping quotes could! :)

  31. I don't think there are NO pain receptors in the elbow...just very few. But I'm relatively positive that cutaneous nociceptors in one form or another are found everywhere. There are silent nociceptors that only respond in the case of actual injury, so maybe some of us have only those in our elbows and some of us have more of the mechanical nociceptors.
    (no matter how I pinch that wrinkly bit of skin, it hurts!!)

  32. @Jack: Do you mean Penfield's sensory homunculus?

    (Pardon: I've been re-reading "Tristram Shandy"; and the word "homunculus" conjured up rather a different image......) 7@=Q

    Anyway, the reveal was hilarious!

  33. Maybe I'm pinching the wrong spot but I think it hurts pretty badly.

  34. Well, as long as I don't hit the ulnar nerve ("funny bone"), it doesn't hurt too bad.

    Just to throw everybody into another bizarre elbow experiment, it is physically impossible to lick one's own elbow. I've seen at least two movies where someone tries this after somebody else says that it can't be done. Even tried it myself. lol

    Hmm, wonder what kind of response I would get if I started telling people that I tried to lick my own weenis...

  35. Mihaela - Romania

    Even if a little bit late, (as usual), i do feel pain pinching there

    my compasion to adam

  36. Tyler - I know someone who can lick their elbow and I've seen them do it. They dont bend their arm like most people would try, they just twist their arm around backwards a bit

  37. Like Karen, I'm finding it very difficult to muster up some pain responses from that bit of skin. If I dig the the nail in quite deep in certain areas, I get a very low sensation of a pinch, but not even enough to elicit a squeal.

  38. I might not lick the very tip but I can lick apart of those wrinkly bits.

  39. Tyler- Not entirely true, one of my friends can lick her elbow. There are always exceptions. :P

  40. That is hilarious! Love the elbows-no pun intended, honestly. And the bacteria was hilarious! I think I'll actually make that ne my facebook status it's just that awesome! Thank you to you both for giving me a smile and a few good laughs everyday!

  41. You must be the genetic weirdo because pinching my elbow hurts too.

  42. You guys are sooo funny together! Favourite line: "That's not my elbow!!!" ROFL

    Keep 'em coming! :)

  43. Pinching the wrinkly bit didn't hurt, but with nails it hurts.

  44. I have just spent a long few minutes pinching my elbow. And really enjoyed it. I love this blog and now you have introduced me to the wonder of pinching my elbows :)

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