Dec 22 2010

WEDNESDAY REWIND: STM on Artistic Expression

"I made snot pictures. I sneeze in my gallery, all day. Lots of different colours. Making bogey money."
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"Dance for me, go on. Oh you were! I thought you were having a spaz attack."
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"Correctomundo! Take the frame and shit on it, stick it on the wall and stare at it with pride. Cause that's the best thing you're ever going to do."
 or click here
"You tap-dancing hamsters. You rock my world, with your little blurry feet."
 or click here
"I'm gonna take charge of the hippos humming choir. They need more harmony. And definitely more bass."
 or click here

Merch news: The shirt shop's offering one last promo for the year:


  1. the second is most definately stm. stm book of quotes would be a brilliant crimbo present

  2. I agree! STM book of quotes in time for next holiday, please! You could put in some from the nest egg that haven't ever been on the website so as to have new content. Please! I can think of several people that would receive this as a gift.

  3. If this is a rerun, it must be Wednesday. I must have missed the spaz one though. Funny!

  4. laughed for 5 minutes straight at #3

  5. I particularly like the dancing one...I have so often thought that when watching people try to dance.

  6. not talented whatsoever22 December 2010 at 15:39

    hah No Lies, now I see I'm not the only victim :D

  7. STM is a very judgemental artist!

    I'd never show him any of my paintings for fear of his opinion.

  8. I'd love to see an end of year awards thing. The nominations for most offensive/oddest/sweetest comment of the year are... And the award goes to...

  9. If there's something lacking from a hippo choir, it is NOT bass!

  10. that's definitely the joke :3

  11. I swear I've seen the hamster and hippo one before.... :/

  12. That first one needs to be on a onesie/kids' t-shirt.

  13. I made snot pictures. I sneeze in my gallery - Tell me more adam.

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