Oct 26 2011

"This is a friendly rock. Let me rub it on your face lightly. Yeah. Now it's got your scent, it'll like you. Let me show you: Stand there, and I'm gonna throw the rock at you. Watch how it wants to connect with you, time and again."
 or click here
"It's a cricket bat, dumb-arse! Jesus, dick-shit, a cricket bat. Game of the kings!"
 or click here


  1. I guess in that second one he's talking to an American? :p

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. did stm see this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pys3_BC4R0 maybe that's what he's responding to

  4. bwahahaha I know a few that could use a "friendly rock"

    on a merchandising note, "friendly rock" would be a great product to sell. just like the "pet rock" of the 70s.

  5. The first one starts out so nice...

  6. Bahahahaha I love the first one!

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