Oct 27 2011

"I don't break hearts. No. I DESTROY THEM. I'm the Death Star of break-ups."
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And then...

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STM: Don't put those in my face. Get those away from my face. Get them away! Noooooo... TOES!
KAREN: ... Did you say "toes" or "toast"?
ADAM: (face buried in the pillows) Toes.
KAREN: Was someone putting their toes in your face, Baby?
ADAM: I don't know.
KAREN: You were saying, "Get those away from my face," and then you yelled "toes!"
ADAM: I gave myself a fright.
KAREN: Aw, come here. Don't be frightened.
ADAM: One minute I think I'm asleep—
KAREN: You didn't think you were asleep, you were asleep. You were not mistaken.
ADAM: You know when you dream you're falling, and you just start to hit the ground, and you brace yourself—
KAREN: Yeah, and you start awake.
ADAM: I hate that feeling, and that's what I just had, mixed with shouting.
KAREN: But, there were toes involved. Were you falling into a sea of toes?
ADAM: I can't imagine that. Can you imagine that? Dismembered toes?
KAREN: Maybe they're not dismembered. Maybe it's all people... lots of people doing handstands! Doing handstands! And so all their toes are wiggling in the air.
ADAM: If they're doing handstands and I'm falling into them, the toes are the last thing I'm worried about.


  1. Hahaha I just love the conversations you guys have sometimes!!! this just made my day, as always :D

  2. yeah I wouldn't be worried about the toes either if that's what it was... I would be afraid something like in this video would happen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSKPJuSXcXI

  3. I was hanging in there til Adam's last line then I spewed cola all over my monitor. Gawd.

  4. Back in the day, I felt like the Death Star of Hearts (before they even had Star Wars), but now I have downgraded into a crazy cat lady. Let that be a lesson to you.

  5. I'm aiming for 'crazy bird lady' but I've got some way to go for that. ;)

    The Death Star of Break-ups is brilliant! :D

  6. Aw, it sounds like Adam is starting to get bummed out by all of the sleep talking. We're sorry, dude.

  7. Aww, you two are so cute haha. Poor Adam, I hope the sleep talking and sudden awakening doesn't bother him too much.


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