Oct 7 2011

"So the prince and the mermaid lived happily ever after... Until the mermaid's brain exploded. The end."
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Aaaaaand the reveal:

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KAREN: You also said, "the prince and the mermaid lived happily ever after. Until her brain exploded. The end."
ADAM: A twist on the... It's not a nice kind of story to tell kids.
KAREN: Wouldn't it be funny if STM came in to do reading hour in a public library?
ADAM: I did have to go to nursery to read the kids a story. Oh my God, I just remembered the story I read them. Okay, so, parents are invited to go and ready a story to their children's class at nursery. And they can come and read a book of their choice. Me being me, I wouldn't take any book. No. I brought the book about the story of the mole and the poo. It was about a mole who came out of the ground, and as he was poking his head out of the ground for the first time ever, something pooed on his head. And he had to go around to all different animals to find the different poos to work out who it was that pooed on his head. It was a great story. The kids loved it. The teacher's face was horrific. But once I started, they just couldn't stop me. Yeah... It wasn't called Who's Poo Is It Anyway... Oh! The Mole Who Knew It Was None Of His Business.
KAREN: Come on.
ADAM: Yup.
KAREN: It's a book?
ADAM: Yup. Soon to be a film, I'm sure. And so, he went to visit all the animals, and as he was exploring the poos there were sound effects to go with each.
ADAM: There was lots of splats or if it was a deer it was the pitter patter pitter patter, and he had to describe the shape and the color.
KAREN: Oh my God.
ADAM: I know! It was a great story. I thought it was hilarious.
KAREN: Well, it's not just hilarious, it's educational.
ADAM: Yeah. Especially kids that age. Toilet training and everything. I wanted to make poo fun!


  1. Just thought you might find this interesting


    Seems this book is wildly popular.

  2. That's hilarious. I wonder if I can get that book on Book Depository?

  3. http://www.bookdepository.com/Story-Little-Mole-Who-Knew-it-Was-None-His-Business-Werner-Holzwarth/9781856024563


  4. He didn't get the title exactly correct -


    I also noticed that the book we Americans call "Everyone Poops" is called "Everyone Poos" in the UK.

    For Adam's amusement there's also "Who Flung The Dung?" -


    There's also "Run! Run! It's Scary Poo!"


    "Farley Farts" -


    And an entire series about Walter The Farting Dog -


  5. That book is very popular in Germany too

  6. I bought the pop-up version for my son years ago :D of course he loves it.
    I've also given the boxed gift version as a present - book and small stuffed toy of the mole - complete with a little felt poop on his head!

  7. Adam, you may be surprised to find out they actually did a play of The Story Of The Little Mole Who Knew It Was None Of His Business at the 2002 Edinburgh Festival!!


    Also, there is a YouTube...


  8. This is great!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! Love starting my day with a laugh.

  9. now next time you go to read to the class... bring a farting book. if the kids didn't love you with the poo book, they will love you with a farting one.

  10. I can't believe that is a real book!!

  11. I just went on Amazon and bought this book for my niece and nephew!! They're gonna love it!!

  12. I have read that book, too, and I'm from Sweden! My mother (who is 67) LOVES it and reads it to her grandchildren when she gets the chance.

  13. Adam, you truly are an awesome Dad. I think most Dads would have gone with "The Little Engine That Could" or something that grown-ups would consider appropriate. You went right to the heart of the 3- and 4-year-olds, I know they loved it.

  14. When I lived in Japan there was a book with a similar story line called "Elephant Poop"

  15. Oh, if I remember correctly, in the first Walter book Walter defeats a bunch of robbers by farting.

  16. Oh my goodness... I thought this book was just a line in a TV show! It was mentioned in the second-to-last episode of "The Vicar of Dibley" (one of the greatest tv shows ever), and although it was hilarious, I honestly thought it was just a made-up book title for the script of the show. What a silly American I am, apparently! Thanks for setting me straight, STM.

  17. Just had to go put the library's copy of that book on hold!
    You might also get a chuckle out of:
    One of the key points in 'Flight of the Dodo' is "target pooping". :)

  18. I am a kindy teacher, and I LOVE all of those kinds of books! There's a wonderful pair called Dirty Bertie and Smelly Bertie - Smelly Bertie is a particularly wonderful one about all of his family members farting. There's another book called Whose Poo? It shows fairy poo (stars), robot poo (nuts and bolts), rocking horse poo (wood shavings)... You get the picture!

  19. Takes me back to summer last year: there was a mole tearing through my yard, and I happened to be outside one day when the neighbour's cat decided to did up the mole, slap the hell out of it (every time the mole moved again--WHACK!), and when the mole finally stopped moving, the cat turned around, took a crap on the mole, then buried it.

    Love you, Calvin! You'll always be my favourite mole hunter.

  20. I love that book! :D In Danish the title is: "Mulvarpen der ville vide hvem der havde lavet en lort på dens hoved."
    It's a brilliant little book. ;D

    But I don't think STM telling stories to children would be good idea.

  21. Den lille muldvarpen som ville vite hvem som hadde bæsjet på hodet hans! (in Norwegian)
    My sister loves that book!

  22. I have to say what kind of message is that book sending to kids? While it is funny don't get me wrong. The mole gets pooed on and finds he who did the pooing just so he could poo on original pooer.

  23. Benedicte Andrea9 October 2011 at 16:35

    It`s the most popular book in the kindergarden where I work :)it`s a dog`s poo right? and the mole takes a shit on the dog`s head in the end?

  24. I, too, had to look this up to find out if it was in fact a real book. There is actually a video of a woman reading it, showing all the pictures in the book. I cracked up!! Apparently, there's also a "plop-up" addition. There is video of this as well with nobody reading it, but set to music, but the clarity of the picture isn't very good. The link is insanely long, but I still thought I'd share for anyone who'd like a preview. Absolutely hilarious!!


  25. Oh, and apparently, there was a play done as well ... in 2007, I think. This is just great!!

  26. I had that book as a child and loved it! I did not find it having any kind of toilet humour. It was all rather 'clean' and maybe even a bit dry or matter-of-factly. I remember the part with the goat where the mole said something about its poo looking like malt sweets. haha

    Close to the end, a bluebottle - the culinary expert of poo - tries the turd and finally tells the mole whose it was. It's brilliant!

  27. I found this one on Amazon -

  28. Katidid, your URL is long because it's Yahoo's search picking up a bing search picking up a youtube video. All you need is the youtube part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvL_Rb2ltmU

  29. For a great fart book, try Meet the Farties (http://www.thefarties.com/) created in Ontario, Canada. It comes with a little machine with buttons that make different farting noises for all the members of the Farties family.

  30. Thanks DevAd. I couldn't figure out how to shorten it.

  31. My son loves that book - there is also another called "Who Flung Dung"

  32. I just ordered the mole book from Amazon! I HAVE to have it.... hahaha

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