Mar 13 2010

"The grass on the other side of the fence: Burn it! It's not nice."

"You know, it's not easy being me. You should try it. I bet that after just five minutes, you'll then have an incredible healthy respect for how amazing I am."

"Soggy fucking saddlebags, I am NOT sticking around here. This place sucks.... Sorry Mum, but it's true."


  1. Every one a classic! LMAO! XD

  2. Amazing as always, and also, hi mum! Presumably Adam's mum is aware of his sleeptalking... right?

  3. Ahh more words of wisdom - the grass isn't always greener! lol
    Happy weekend K&A!

  4. Thats right! Screw the grass on the other side. It's not my grass!

  5. Ok - is "soggy f*ucking saddlebags" an expression (and if so, very hilarious!), or were they part of the scene that STM decided he wasn't sticking around for?

    Good to get it straight about that grass...

    Thanks for the fun, as always!

  6. The grass is always greener on the other side of the Fence. Until now.

  7. "it's not easy being me." Is Adam starting to feel the downside of celebrity? ;-)

  8. I never did like that grass

  9. Oooohhh can we have the grass one on a shirt? I'll buy that!!

  10. I'm really hoping that Adam's parents don't read today. -Karen

  11. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer13 March 2010 at 19:23

    Burn baby, burn...it's a towering inferno---
    theres tramplin' embers underfoot, from those mass fire scenes taking place over yonder

    ...nice picture shoot; for grass, not so nice...
    it's the telltale sign of early renewal...

    but, over there, the flip side, on the other side of the fence we see, more action...

    Horsin' around with mums clenched between the teeth on soggy saddlebags is one thing to take, but Mum, this place sucks doing this commercial for ole spice 2 humor U;

    in yer ii's, sorry, it's True! ...i'm over it and outta here...just for now.

    "You know, it's not easy being me. You should try it. I bet that after just five minutes, you'll then have an incredible healthy respect for how amazing I am."

    as march blues springs up, the april showers kicks in towards may fireworks for a bloomin' campaign to cut to print.

    just to entertain ya'll, while Karen is luvin' it since the trip, this is for your special early mums day request,
    ...okay? :)

  12. I was just curious cause I have noticed a pattern in some of his comments, all the ones about how awesome he is and how great he is and all that, what do you think provoks those comments? I love them! But i was just curious.

  13. Adam: The Great Myth Debunker! How right you are, Adam. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Sometimes we would do well to just cherish and nurture our own grass rather than covet someone elses.

  14. I think deep down Adam and Sleep Adam is aware he's a good guy. Like, it's not conciet, but as people we seldom state our merits because it sounds like conciet. Maybe Sleep Adam is just comfortable and confident in himself and doesn't care if people think his pro-Adam statements sound concieted.

    Like today's random awesome-adam quote, maybe it stems from all the times he bites his tongue during the day or doesn't lose his temper. I know for myself it's really not easy! lol

    I think his random sleep comments are funny. They always make me smile! :) <3 to Adam and Karen!

  15. That's awesome, Adam is the man! I feel the same way about that grass ;)

  16. I am really enjoying to know about the types of grass, its really amazing.

  17. Fun comments. Keep 'em coming.
