Apr 12 2010


"Blinding like lightning. Thunder is my roar. Feel my awesome power."

"Touche (blah blah blah in french). Now its MY turn to fuck you up. Cunt face."
 or click here

Karen's notes: French speakers out there, we need your help. Not only do I have no idea what Adam is saying here, Adam has no idea what he is saying. He doesn't speak french. So, either it is gibberish, or my husband is channeling Napoleon.

Added later: We've been advised that he is saying "mon petit frere" which means "my little brother."

Added later later: A few people think Adam is saying "mon petit fleur" or "my little flower". I suppose we'll never know for sure, although if it came down to a vote for funnier, I'd go for this one.


  1. I think he's saying "Mon petit frère"..."my little brother." Pretty good accent, too!

  2. He says "Touche, mon petit frere." which means "Touche, my little brother."

  3. Sounds like he's saying "mon petit frère," which is "my little brother" :)

  4. Also, nice accent for a non-French speaker.

  5. Julia is correct. Quite a feat for a non french speaker.

  6. I cant stop laughing! He spoke french and doesnt know french??? LOL

  7. I can't claim to speak more than a few words of French, but I heard "mon petit fleur", which I think would mean "my little flower". Also, it makes about as much sense as anything Adam says.

  8. Just can stop laughing! He spoke french and he doesnt know french. That is just too funny!

  9. Ha! Thank you guys for making my day every morning!

  10. Trés D'Artagnon-esque! Spoken like a true musketeer. :D

  11. Yep... mon petit frere is what I heard also.... hilarious!

  12. I'm pretty fluent, definitely 'touché mon petit frere'

  13. I speak French very well, and will be very, very proud to act as translator for you in the future. :D

    (For the record, it is most definitely, "Touché, mon petit frère!")

  14. Yes, he rolls his Rs well for a non-French-speaker. It suggests we all have the power of accents in us.

  15. I'm French and I am impressed to confirm he spoke French like a true frenchman, even using the polite "Touchez", the polite civilized version of "touch" rather than "touches" which is more familiar.
    Some people just dream to speak French like that whilst Adam just sleeptalks it ;o)

  16. "touché, mon petit frère" more like

  17. Folks in the UK do at least a few years of French at school (we're only across the stream from them, after all). "Touché" and "mon p'tit frère" are things anyone might pick up from popular culture. Still a nice accent, anyway.

  18. Matisse? Like the painter? lol

  19. yes he says "touchez mon petit frere" !

  20. i did study a little french at school but we are going back over 20 years, and to be honest i hated it. more to do with the teaching than any anglo - french history of hatred.

    i am not a linguistic by any stretch and certainly do not even break into the odd word of french, spanish, german, italian etc etc. even on occasion.

  21. Touché mon petit frère indeed!
    French canadian here, very impressive! Go ADAM! *chuckles*

  22. I Love it! You make my day, every day!

  23. Love it! Tonight's were awesome!

  24. Very nice accent, I have to say! "Touché, mon petit frère" is pretty basic French but he did it with great flair. :D

  25. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer12 April 2010 at 15:59

    WoW...Adamusing you are!...two accents with such flow - fee.fi.fo.fun...you cud blow our house down with your words...sounds so sweet...sometimes...sweepily...

    i had some french friends (not fries) a while ago and could never pick it up to detangle the before or after nouns pronouns, plurals, verbs,
    adjectives?...was just so greek to me...that were too abstract to place...BUT i love the french-talk that strings along into another...

    the only song i remember still is similar to pour un instant, jai oublie mon nome, ca ma permi enfen decrire, cette chanson...i sing that a lot in my upstairs gallery of mush...

    ...i love this group, crazy i don't know what they are saying thou...you brought back some memories SleepyAdam ..."mon petit frere" you sure did, Touche, i was blinded by today...enjoy'all...





    musical qwest:


    - - - >>> with sum.s'more from the great Matisse:


    (( i'm rolling down memory lane today, can't help it...
    it's the English-French mix and i'm lost init...coming down to earth tomorrow...)) :}

  26. Mon petite fleur = my little flower

  27. blindin like lightnin! lol i'm going to be saying that all day!

  28. It's just further proof that the French have a diabolical plan to get into our heads without us knowing!

    First croissants, then mind control...

  29. Can we get an audio clip for the "blinding like lightning" one? That's awesome, I'd love to hear it!

  30. Wasn't Matisee a french artist?

    Or am I missing some other odd reference? lol

  31. LOL!! Methinks STM is an "International Man of Mystery!"

    Modern art. Fencing in a perfect French accent... It's all starting to come together now.

  32. I heard "mon petit fleur" - "my little flower." But I bow to the majority.

  33. I don't want to freak you out...but..Have you ever wondered if Adam is actually channelling someone while he sleeps? I mean i have always wondered this..and now since hearing the french...and that accent sounds so perfect for someone who doesn't speak French...

  34. Edit: Upon listening over and over, I admit it's "frere", not "fleur."

  35. If Adam is channeling someone, they must have taken some serious LSD trips on occasion!

  36. Voter pour "Frere"

  37. He said Frere... Like he had a point.. Touche as in good point.. not touch.

  38. I also clearly hear 'mon petit frere,' with an eerily accurate accent! Are we certain Adam wasn't abducted by francophone aliens in the recent past?

  39. Love this blog...addicted to daily laughs, thanks SO much!! :o)
    "Matisse!" ~ made me think of the little girl spitting out the name when she was talking to Harry Connick Jr's character(Justin Matisse)in "Hope Floats". Could hear it in my mind before I could remember what it was from LOL

  40. I thought I heard fleur too, when on my laptop speakers that have no bass, however after going back and using headphones it's pretty clear there is a rolled r in there, I'm going to have to defect to the frère camp as well...

  41. I second, he does say "Touché, mon petit frère!". It means "You got it, little brother!".

    Adam has a very great accent! It's pretty fluent :)

  42. I love these, and look forward to them every day since I found this blog a couple weeks back!

    Can you tell me what sort of voice-activated recorder you are using, brandname/model? Does it transfer the audio files to your computer easily? It seems like a useful device...

    Matisse! :D

  43. 4ever :O) laughter12 April 2010 at 19:24

    Does STMan have enough power to run a 1948 Thunderbird, GREASE'D lightning,,,shiny, it's blinding me with science.

  44. The good news is that in French it would have really been "Mon frere petit." He's only channeling a ghost with bad grammar. Nothing to really be worried about.

  45. Accentuate the fact that he speaketh more than we know, more than he knowth, and more than she knows too. I suspect there will be more characters that will come out of the woodwork so sneakypeaky it's freaky, come Fridays;)

  46. Am I imagining it, or is there a slight French accent even when Adam continues to the next sentence in English? Hilarious!

  47. Please,put this one in the media section!I LOLed so hard with Adam speaking in french!

  48. This is for sure "frere" - Fleur is femine and would be "ma petite fleur" (Ma puh-teet fleur)

  49. Awesome as always!!

  50. French canadian here, without a doubt : "Touché, mon petit frère." And I agree about his "R", impressive.

  51. also french canadian. I would say it's "touchez mon petit frère" (Touch my little brother), which would make sense with the ending - "now it's time for me to fuck you up"

  52. Will there be a tshirt that says "Touche, mon petit frere"? That would be awesome!

    His French R is very impressive. I took 5+ years of French and I could never quite pronounce it correctly.

  53. I have to side with Timothy, fleur is "femine", or feminine. One can hear a distinct "r", too. The problem is just that his -ère does sound a bit like -eur.

  54. Also, I had a cat named Matisse. He was a nice cat. :)

  55. wow, for not speaking french at all, he sure does a great french accent!

  56. Definitely "mon petite frere" Definitely.

  57. I've been reading (and listening) to your blog daily for the past month now, and I want to let you know how much I love it:

    A lot.

  58. Thanks to this blog my English vocabulary expanded considerably with words I've never learnt in my continental schools! Pleased that now Adam is teaching other languages as well, so all can learn something new.

  59. I heard "mon petit fleur" as in flower, not brother...

  60. It's "mon petit frere". Not "mon petit fleur". I hear it loud and clear. Very good accent Adam. Plus, Mon Petit Frere makes more sense in this saying than Mon Petit Fleur.

  61. This is an even greater incentive to take an EEG scan.

    If he honestly started speaking, fluently, in ANOTHER LANGUAGE THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW, something crazy is going on in his subconscious.

    Honestly, I bet you could find some hospital with an electroencephalograph. Ask 'em to record Adam while he sleeps. It would be really interesting!

  62. @Anon at 19:33: "Mon petit frère" is perfectly good French grammar.

    Sounds like an exposé of the cutthroat world of the Post-Impressionists, there....... 7@=Q

  63. Definitely "mon petit frere". Sounds as if he is about to duel with a guy he really doesn't like but showing that gentlemanly approach to duelling with honour! Interesting that he doesn't speak French as he has an A++ accent! Wish I could have taught him in one of my French classes!

  64. It definitely sounds like "mon petit frère" to me.

  65. brilliant! I wonder if anyone else speaks different languages in their sleep.

    Also, love the solo "Matisse!"

  66. I'm bilingual, and I assure you it is 'mon petit frère'. And yes, that is a very impressive accent for an anglophone!

  67. It's definitely frère. With a nice accent, too.

  68. Wow nice accent! I can't even trill my R's! Lol. I love it!

  69. wow! that's amazing speaking french in your sleep. cant wait to see what happens tomoro! looks like this is a popular one (nearly 70 comments). karen should hav it made into a shirt (in english its not that funny but in french......).

  70. Lol!!! The second one is like a Haiku!

    Blinding like lightning
    Thunder is my roar
    Feel my awesome power

    Douche, comedian and poet? Is there anything the STM can't do? :P

  71. No, it's definately 'mon petit frère', but with a sligtly funny accent on the e. He sorta adds a u sound. :P
    In French, 'fleur' is feminine so to be gramatically corrct the sentence whould have to be 'ma petite fleur' - which it isn't.
    Coming from someone who got alomost 100% on their listening exam in French last year, I think I'm right xP

  72. interestingly enough Matisse illustrated a book titled Fleurs du Mal


  73. Interestingly enough it was a book of poetry that would fit STM's style quite well lol

  74. Matisse and touche? Sounds like it was a French themed night for STM.

  75. Either way, that is HILARIOUS. (I think it's fleur, rather than frere.)

  76. What a funny day - both the quotes and all the comments. One of the funniest things to me was Karen's transcription: "...blah blah blah in french." Thanks everyone for laughs at the end of a tiring day! I like the image of STM in a beret. And thinking of him wearing it while delivering some his best insults with a French accent is very hilarious.

  77. "Touché!! Mon petit frère..." could be translated as "Good point !! My little brother..." as if Adam was arguing.

  78. Clearly Adam's subconscious is telling him to start learning French.

    As a French major and lover of all things French, I must insist that he does this. :)

  79. French canadian here and I just wanted to say that STM has perfect grammar! It is absolutely not supposed to be "mon frère petit" !
    It sounds to me like he was fencing or dueling in his dreams!
    I'm pretty sure he's saying "Touché, mon petit frère" and not "Touchez mon petit frère" as that would be an invitation to touch his little brother...

  80. Frenche Canadian!13 April 2010 at 04:56

    I speed French every day...That why my English friend call the French Canadian! It is defiantly ''Touchez, mon petit frère!'' and you say it extremely well whit a French from France accent!

  81. Hi my name is Will from the great state of Texas over here in The U.S. I hope you read this cause I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blog. I work full time as an ER nurse, and I go to school full time to further my nursing degree. I don't have time for TV or really any kind of entertainment but after running across your blog I added it to my morning routine. It really livens my day and I wanted ya'll to know. Adam your are freakin funny man in your sleep!! Karen thanks so much for sharing this intimate side of your lives. Ya'll are truly wonderful people to put this out there for the enjoyment of all! Down with the Vegetarians!! LOL

  82. It's probably mon petit frere, but you're all addressing the "grammatically correct" issue of saying mon petite fleur...since Adam is not exactly a French expert, it's entirely possible that he just said it wrong. Chances are pretty high I'd say it like that without thinking, and I grew up learning French and am still learning it to this day...grammar mistakes abound! (English is just SO much easier in that THE goes for all words!)

  83. LOL! definitely 'mon petit frère'... love it!

  84. I agree, definitely mon petit frère - He pronounces it very nicely!

  85. Anonymous @18:27 "I'm going to have to defect to the frère camp as well..."

    Likewise. I also confirmed it with some co-workers who are much more fluent in French than I am. They were unanimous that it was frère.

  86. C'est magnifique!

  87. Eh bien je pense que c'est l'occasion pour moi de vous féliciter pour ce blog !
    This neat "Touché ! Mon petit frère" gives us once again a direct peek into Adam subconscious, our daily adventure !
    Keep up the good work !

  88. Definitely "mon petit frere" not "mon petit fleur". there is a very distinct french 'r' sound in the beginning of the word. He could have heard it in a movie.

  89. just to add my two penn'orth, as a student of french, i heard it as "touché, mon petit frère" :)

  90. It's remarkable how this silly little web page gives me such unbridled joy. Merci beaucoup.

  91. I'm in the "Touché, mon petit frère" camp too

  92. I think it's frère vs. fleur, as well.

  93. I heard Frere. Halarious must randomly use that with wolf and see what he does

  94. haha sounds like an old tom and jerry cartoon. jerry's nephew "touche monsieur pussycat!"

  95. As some here have pointed out, sounds like "freure," some amalgam of the two. Not sure what that might indicate. I have heard of other people speaking languages that they don't actually know or understand, while asleep. Strange, true, but interesting, nonetheless.

  96. haha yep he is definitly saying toushe as in "touchey" (lik well played...or good point)

    so its like.., well played my little brother.. i would say so.

  97. Add this in to the mix: I was once told long ago that "mon petit frere" was slang for one's private parts...

  98. Not Fleur. It sounds like something from a movie or a cartoon, at least the French part. I have a feeling I saw this as a fencing duel where the opponent gets a strike on the hero, then the hero says that it was "well played" and redoubles the fight, but I don't remember what it was in.

  99. It is definitely frère. No doubt about it.

    For you Francophones thinking he's saying "Touchez" that is incorrect. It is definitely the fencing derived "touché" like Anonymous 13 April 2010 04:45 said, which English speakers use to signal that someone has a good point in an argument/debate.

  100. And he spoke it without any accent.
    Now that's awesome.
    Touché mon petit frère.

  101. omg! freaking hilarious!!! i LOVE this one!

  102. I have a friend that took french in school she can't remember much when awake but apparently she sometimes speaks french in her sleep as well. She also sings Bruce Springsteen (in her sleep) so perhaps she's just strange.

  103. "mon petit frere." means "my little brother."
    unbelievable that he doesnt know french haha

  104. NAH... petit is one of the few (well a bunch) of adjectives that go in front of the subject. in that case, the ghost whoever STM is chanelling isan't too bad with French grammar. LOL

    {Kat, Hong Kong}


    quoting the followings:-

    Anonymous said...
    The good news is that in French it would have really been "Mon frere petit." He's only channeling a ghost with bad grammar. Nothing to really be worried about.

    12 April 2010 19:33

  105. First, "Mon petit fleur" is commonly known and used... "mon petit frere" is not.

    Second, He is saying "mon petit fleur." It only sort of sounds like frere because of the mumblings. Adam is English, not French. You cannot expect his pronunciation (or enunciation for that matter) to be correct.

    Third, "mon petit fleur" is proper. In this case, the adjective is not placed after the noun.

  106. On second thought...

    Oh hell. Maybe he IS saying "frere".... I just really think he is meaning "fleur"... Like Pepe le Pew! Comon folks! It's a term of endearment.

    "Touche, mon petit fleur." Doesn't that seem more like it?????

  107. It's amusing how the internet gives people who clearly don't speak French the confidence to argue about French grammar...

    Love the blog. Keep up the good work.

  108. I'm 99 % sure it's "mon petit frère" he's saying, it *almost* sounds like "fleur" except you can distinctly hear the "r" instead of an "l".

  109. I had french at school and i'm 100% certain it's "frere". "fleur" is pronounced a bit different.

  110. Never mind STM... Anonymous about half way up said it best: "Douche, comedian and poet? Is there anything the STM can't do?" That had me cracking up.

    -some other anonymous, I swear I'm not the same anonymous as above.

  111. Haha very awesome he can remember this from his French studies long ago! I took French Immersion and specialized in French in my Linguistics degree. I agree it's "frère", plus it makes sense. Now I'm super-curious about the ability of memory function during sleep....... :D

  112. DEFINITELY "mon petit frère" and NOT "ma petite fleur"
    (btw, i'm French)

  113. to April - Canada, "ma petite fleur" is grammatically correct, not "mon petit fleur."

    and to anonymous @ 19:33, "petit/e" comes before the noun, not after, though most French adjectives usually function the other way around.

    he's saying "touché, mon petit frère." no doubt.

  114. definitely "mon petit frere"

  115. Well, Dana Leah, yes, fleur is feminine! I was only saying "mon petit fleur" (mon and petit in the masculine) because that is how people are saying it on here. I was only referring to placement of the adjective. But you're right, if I wanted to actually be proper, I would have made it feminine :) Good point.

    I have been swayed, it's "Touché mon petit frère."

  116. Mon petit frère it is!
    It is gramatically correct and makes more sense.
    ... However, STM isn't known to make sense, is he? More often than not, he doesn't. I guess we'll never really know for sure...
    But it's certainly fun debating it!

    btw, my mother and I love this blog! It's like gold for us in NZ

  117. This was prob the best birthday gift i got.just thought i should mention this birghtened my day.

  118. those who are claiming he says "petit fleur" are wrong! i live in france and i assure you he is saying "mon petit frère". And just a little extra :) if he was saying "mon petit fleur" it would have been wrong, since it's a feminin word it the correct sentence would be: "touchée MA petitE fleur" ;)

  119. I probably should have read the other posts first to see it was already said :s

  120. Most likely subconciously remembered from a film. :)

  121. Mon petit frère for sure.

  122. my little brother for sure...

    So cute that he's speakin' French!

  123. Definitely mon petit frere, awesome lingual capabilities for someone who can't speak french though. It's amazing what our subconciouses can pick up = )

  124. He's saying «Touché, mon petit frère» which could translate into :"You got a point, little brother"

    Sweet accent

  125. he definitely said "fleur." You can hear the "L" sound, not "r".

  126. If he did indeed say 'mon petit fleur' then that would be grammatically incorrect. Fleur is feminine, so he would have had to say 'ma petite fleur.' Though, I suppose because he doesn't speak French, that would be acceptable.

    As a native to Quebec, I definitely think he says 'mon petit frere.'

  127. sounds like after "mon petit frere" he says something about " murder to the fuher (hitler)"...?

  128. Not an expert, im in the second semester of french... 1. sounds like mon petit frere. lol

  129. French is my first language: he is definitely saying "mon petit frère" not "fleur"; some people may have thought it sounded like an "L" because he acutally pronounced the "r" in "frere" correctly.

  130. I speak fluent french, he is saying my little brother. p.s this is awesome :)

  131. His pronunciation is quite astounding, it shows what the mind is truly capable of. definitely Frere.

  132. I can see why people would think it's "fleur" but to my ears it's "frere"

    what I find truly amazing is that the man, in waking doesn't speak french: the accent, at least to my ears, is perfect. I don't know much about the mind in it's dream state but that almost seems impossible.

  133. I'm a French teacher, and I wish my kids could speak French like that! If you go off speaking subconscious French, I feel like it's probably grammatically correct as well, and he clearly says "mon" with the nasalisation and leaves off the "t" that would come with the feminine "petite"...plus, 'l' in French is much clearer than 'R,' so I'm going to have to go with "mon petit frere!"

  134. Hi, I am fluent in french and from canada. he says Touche my little brother. in a VERRRRYYY nice accent. sounds like he really is french :) thats REALLY cool

  135. Matisse is also the name of a famous artist... just an idea.

  136. Neil M - England27 April 2010 at 21:37

    I think the French bit is a line from a film.

    Here in the UK, our local commercial radio station run a competition fairly regularly, where they take a DVD, change the audio language into a foreign language, and play a line. People have to call-in and say what the film is.

    About 4 or 5 years ago, this line was played. I dunno how I remember it, I just do, it's proper weird, but I'm sure it's from a film.

    I'm also 99% sure that the outcome of the competition was that the line is fleur (sp?) I think it translates as cauliflour. I also see Adam made reference to cooking Monkey brains, and serving them to vegies as cauliflour. Coincidence??

  137. It's definately Frere - to use English "sounding" words to explain, the end of frere sounds like air whereas the end of fleur sounds more like the sound when you say earth. Definately "My Little Brother"

  138. It's definitely "frere". He rolled his 'r'. It's not an 'l'.

  139. It's "frère"

  140. Whoa. A few too many people saying "I am French, I would know" or "I am from Quebec, I would know" or "I learned French 20 years ago in school, I would know." My primary language is French and I initially thought I heard 'Fleur' too. The grammar part didn't bother me since this guy is English, not French... After a second listen, I believe it to be Frere.

  141. Hello UK, Adam and Karen ! I just discovered the blog and I really enjoy ! As a French guy, what I hear is "mon petit frère". This cannot be "mon petit fleur" because the right form is "ma petite fleur" to say "My little flower". Greetings from France !

  142. As a French speaking audio professional (enough appeals to authority there?) He clearly says "Touché, mon petit frère!" and with a pretty good accent, rolled "r" and all. Not sure why anybody would hear it as an "l" and others have mentioned the feminine nature of "fleur."

    As for the word order, there is a list of common adjectives that go before the noun in French. Petit is an example, as are such words as mauvais, méchant, beau, vieux, joli, gros etc.

    /thread. Oh and thanks for STM - very entertaining. I think you should get "Ninjas in stilettos. Fashion assassins! Not so stealthy, but oh so stylish!" made into a fashionable design and printed on something sheer and slinky. Fashionistas would lap that up.

  143. "mon petit frère" is definitely what he said. and he sounds almost 100% french!

  144. it is most defiantly Mon petite Fleur I took french and that was definitely not Mon petit frere

  145. To the commenters: the STM is saying "touché, mon petit frère" without the shadow of a doubt. With an impressively good pronunciation, too -- my pronunciation of English is far from being as good (French chick speaking).

    "Mon petite fleur" is faulty -- it would be "MA petite fleur" since fleur is a feminine noun, and it doesn't sound like it at all anyway.

    I doubt it's touchez, too; the fencing term touché is more probable in context, especially since the phrase exists in English.

    (to the authors of the blog, why do you have to pretend any of this is true? it's comedic genius in its own right without having to bullshit your audience)

  146. ... oh, and I forgot, it can't be "touchez" because of the intonation he uses. It's clearly "touché! (pause) mon petit frère", not "touchez-mon-petit-frère".

  147. He is DEFINITELY saying mon petit frere.. Which is really weird because in essence it means touch my little brother, but whatever. Still funny. And he speaks French quite well for someone who doesn't speak French. =)

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. For a little authority: I'm working on my masters in French. I'm most certainly hearing "Touché! Mon petit frère..." and not fleur... which would have had to be "ma petite fleure." His subconscious seems to have a pretty good handle on French.

  150. I've just discovered this blog and I'm LMAO... I'm French so I've decided to comment on this one top tell you that it definetely was "touché mon petit frère" ("Touche my little brother") that your husband said... And not knowing any French how is that possible that he said that... Because he said it really clearly and distinctively almost without no hint of an accent!! That's incredible and awesome...!!!

  151. if the french dont quit trying to get into the heads of others...well...they can easily be french fried

    and something tell me they have ears to hear too...the little scalar bandits
    laughs last...laughs best

    IAM His
    HIS Sister

  152. all the king horses n all the kings men
    ...well....those chips are gonna be french fries too if they don't leave the grapes/grids/energy fields alone
    im spelling it out cause you obviously are not the brightest stars in the sky
    EA's Sofia
    Nephilim War Court
