May 17 2010

"Before you say anything, I want you to take a long, hard think.... Longer... Longer!... Keep thinking... Keeeeep thinking... Did I say stop thinking?... Longer!"
 or click here
"Parsnips are snip at half the price. I say, buy them all and screw everybody!"
 or click here

Karen's notes: Adam kept quiet last night, so these are from my nestegg.


  1. OMG! This blog rocks! Ive been showing it to all my friends! :D Thank you for sharing :D

  2. Ugh, parsnips! I can't stand parsnips. I'll trade mine to Adam for his lentils.

  3. I love the first one. Keeeeep thinnnnkkking! LOL!

  4. "Parsnips are snip at half the price" Sounds like something you`d hear the stall holders yelling at the market.

  5. hee hee hee hee heh hee

  6. "Parsnips are snip at half the price. I say, buy them all and screw everybody!"

    Screwing everybody by buying parsnips. An interesting concept lol

  7. Apparently STM is a big parsnips fan, who knew!

  8. this blog is really good - i love all the things he come out with and frequently quote them to my friends at school, although most of the time they don't have a clue what i'm going on about! Just what a need to cheer me up after a day of mocks :)

  9. The first one might be hard to squeeze on a T-Shirt, but I think it would be worth it! -but then again maybe I am not thinking hard enough: I'll take a long, hard think.... Longer... Longer!... I'll Keep thinking... Keeeeep thinking... I won't stop thinking!

  10. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer17 May 2010 at 22:02

    ...is STM channeling The Th!nker...to think or knott to think...to speak or really, NOT!
    Don't speak (ala Gwen Stef.) another way to keep us in quiet space --- within his wordy kingdom comes to mind and...

    by far, by par...snipped at half the price...
    is really the whole snip.unparred and above par, yet, not on par, to below par with a good deal of goods in his corner of the worldstocked...and nothin' less than grabbing the barrel of root veggies all to hiimself & none for the sharing to rile them feathers...

    ....he's in a parsnickety mood i gather, and turnipping his nose at us, carrot dangling, smelly and flavorfully strong in frost....boiled, roasted, stewwed or souped, all cassaroled or roasted, fried or eaten raw and related to parsley--- once known as an aphrodisiac, romanly speaking....he's onto somthin'...rotten in denmark, skewered and screwing us up'bout it.
    (and we're catchin' ...oooOn... ;}

  11. "Keep thinking" ~ why didn't I have this line when I was still teaching 13 and 14 year olds?!?!? Adam, you are amazing!!

  12. "Keep thinking" immediately made me think of a few of my teachers and their comments to fellow students. I know way too many teachers who would LOVE to have that as a shirt...or a recording to play whenever they needed it, like in the form of the "That was Easy" button in the Staples commercials. There you go, Karen! Another way for people to enjoy STM...portable sound bites! What do you think?

  13. I could completely hear Homer Simpson saying that first one before I listened to the audio.

  14. anon @ 4:43: The first one, I almost thought of Zap in Futurama telling Kiff "Lower...Lower...Looooweeerr. TOO LOW!....looower."

  15. lalalala cant hear properly


  16. What is the reason that you can't hear properly?
    Custom t-shirts
