June 22 2010

"Talk once more, and I will sue you for ear abuse. Shame on you. Shame! Auraphile."
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Added later: There is a fascinating discussion brewing in the comments about this word, "auraphile." I'm pretty sure Adam made it up. That is, it might actually exist and have a meaning, but none that he already knew. I guessing that he was punning on "pedophile" (i.e., love of, and therefore abuse of... well, ears, in this case).


  1. I so want to use this line at work! Adam you say the best things!

  2. Interesting word auraphile. I looked in my dictionary and found no listing, so of course I hit the search engines and found some rather unusual uses for the word. Some I feel Adam would never use, even in his potty mouth sleep, lol. As always, enjoy your postings.

  3. what the hell is Auraphile???

    I so have to use ear abuse sometime.

  4. Wow,nice, one of the best read posts so far.

  5. I think the literal translation would be hearing lover - which doesn't quite meet the requirements for ear abuse...Good on you Adam for inventing it anyway!

  6. Well, the way it's spelled an auraphile would be someone who loves auras. Auralphile would be someone that loves ears. :)

  7. I think he was thinking, like, "pedophile". So love of (and therefore abuse of)....

  8. Auraphile makes me think of 'air-liking,' as in 'aura.' Then again, aura and ear have the same roots...

    Aurophilicity is a sort of bond involving gold, says wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurophilicity

  9. @Reil, Auris = ear. Aurum = Gold. Aura = breeze. They aren't the same word.


  10. Perhaps another listen is in order. If it were Oraphile, it would be someone who loves talking, especially to hear themselves speak at the expense of the ears of others.

  11. Harrumph, I hope we commenters are differentiating between Latin and Greek here. Obviously "phile" comes from one of the many Greek words meaning love. The Greek "aura/aure" means air/breeze, the same as in Latin. "aurum" meaning gold is Latin, as is "auris" meaning ear (as Marilyn rightly corrected). However, I suspect, as Karen said, that sleeping Adam was simply connecting the word "aural" with such words as "pedophile" which has come to adopt negative connotations although the original would technically be positive.

  12. I know what "Auraphile" is! It's going to be the title of a brand new category of videos! Videos which are now in the start-up phase of being hawked on the internet by Nigerian Princes residing in Great Britain!

  13. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer22 June 2010 at 17:18

    stoney13, your funny! and ye commenters are a gas!

    - or a file on AurAphilia - the feel good aura of adams*atom - a universal glowing language sparked and gaslit from a brain mass of discovered happyness in a twosome, and Molly makes three, plus 'kiddies makes for giddies all wrapped into a surprized package unleashed into the atmosphere of time, tunneling towards a trip to stimulate the senses, like a pinpopped balloon-filled with colorful wraparoundwords, letters, and more, gocha numberz wafflin' about, no charge viral etiquette to Dream*On, pass along and then some, even with a sing song and karatechopdrop...


    just another drop-in-the-bucket-thought to add to the mix.mush.munsch

    errr, shhh.ear.scuse me, i have no shame ;}
    zipped now. talked out, sue u later. . . .abuse!

  14. I don't know why but Auraphile looks like the name of an Angel to me. I'm SURE this is not what Adam meant!

  15. Awitchtrying, the Angel of Ear Death?

  16. I think he may mean audiophile:


  17. 4ever =O) laughter22 June 2010 at 17:54

    17:40 ...
    that would tie in more than anything
    ear / audio
    ... i think it could be the accent of
    sleep slur speech or was that in HiFi WiFi...high 5 anyways all...BLAST away. BeeBopBOOOm. - - - GoooonnG - - -

  18. Well, the "proper" construction would be 'otophile':

    (GK 'otos' - ear).

    Does anybody have a copy of Krafft-Ebing handy? 7@=Q

  19. Based on this site...

    abutor : to make full use of, to abuse.
    abutor : to use abusive language / use a word incorrectly.

    So ear abuser would be closer to auris abutor.

    Ear lover would be -phile.

    But then again, what do I know? *smile*

  20. I think it's more oraphile (although the queen's English accent there is throwing me off). Which means to some people someone who like talking too much.


  21. It sounds more like 'Boraphile' to me - someone that likes to bore people.

  22. I'm glad I sparked this debate. Reading over it I do think Karen is right with "auraphile" being a mix between "pedophile" and "aural". Very clever I must say.

  23. Hubby loves this one and wants at least the first part on a t shirt....

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @Marilyn I know what Aurum and Aura are. I could have sworn that Aura and Aural shared a root, though.

    My point was that there were different things that could work with the 'aura' in 'auraphile,' anyway.

  26. I would say that was a slip of tongue and he meant to say "Audaphile".

  27. He said what he meant to say, but it was written incorrectly (I assume)

    Oraphile - A person who loves to talk.

    e.g., Since the girl sitting next to me in English is an oraphile, I can never complete my work.

  28. Actually, the association of abuse with the term pedophile is purely connotative, it's not the actual definition. The suffix "phile" means to love or to have a strong affinity for, while the prefix "ped" means child/young. Not everything with the suffix "phile" means abuse at all. It's very sad that our society associates it as such. To be an auraphile would, as far as I can tell based on the two parts of the word, be to love sounds. But again, the word "phile" does not mean, and has never meant, abuse.

  29. the only thing I found on "auraphile" was a profile for some guy living in UK with that name or variation of it.
    would Adam know some 20 year old bloke that likes computers or spends a bunch of time online?

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