July 1 2010

"Those little rascals! They made a froggie pyramid! That's how they got out. The Great Escape, froglet style."
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Karen's notes: This one's easy. A couple of months ago, we collected two jars worth of frog eggs, and set them up in a tank in our garden. We watched them grow from tiny dots, hatch as tadpoles, grow little legs and arms, and lose their tails. We ended up with a tank full of tiny froggies, which we have been releasing back into the pond from which we took the eggs.

Yesterday, Adam found that the last few had escaped from the tank into our garden.

To put the size of these froggies into perspective, these little ones are sitting on the hands of Adam's nine-year-old son.


  1. wow lol hey Karen can you please add me on msn its chocolat_luva@hotmail.com thanks

  2. Aw, I love when the tadpoles turn into tiny frogs, it's lovely!

  3. omfg those frogs are so cute!

  4. love raising tadpoles in the summer. it's an almost magical transformation. even STM has his soft spots.
    the year we expanded our back deck, we had weeks of rains between digging out the area and the pouring of the concrete. during that time, no less than 8 species of frog and toad laid their eggs in the resulting pond. the day the concrete arrived, our youngest son (then 7) went into spasms of fear over the annihilation of all the tadpoles we hadn't yet caught. i spent over an hour with a little suction bulb, capturing and filling a 10 gallon tank and several buckets with all the little guys.
    the guys from the cement company were delighted to take a break to watch and giggle at the rescue. we ended up with a near plague of froglets and toadlets that summer... and probably tipped the balance of nature in our neighborhood.

  5. Love it - love the way he says "Styleee." Thanks for the laughs - have a great day!

  6. froggie pyramid!
    That's how they got out. The Great Escape, froglet style."

    So nicely picture perfect---> to acrobat into the wild blue yonder, one leapfrog at a time!
    a frogademic...rrrrrribit...

  7. I'm imagining a froglet on a motor bike. Steve McQueen style.

  8. So the frog spawn are now frogs and breaking out of jail, but how could you possibly stay mad at something so tiny and cute! Even if they are slimy.

  9. So the frog spawn have now become frogs and are breaking out of jail, but how could you possibly stay mad at something so small and cute, even if they are slimy!

  10. When I was a child, every spring we were hit with a "plague of frogs" from the local stream. Hundreds of the little buggers all over the place. From my perspective it was awesome. I loved 'em! I felt bad when they died in the wading pool, though.

  11. 4ever =O) laughter1 July 2010 at 16:44

    uh, here's what happened to a few off the wall ones! that got away

    --- the pyramid traveled here:


    --- and some cousins, went underground:


    --- the others scattered into a song'n'dance


    CraaZy as ever offshoots; from the palms!

  12. Years ago we were driving up on Mt Hood in Oregon when we came upon "Frog Lake". It was summer, and the lake bed had mostly dried-up, leaving a layer of dried algae-like substance on the ground for a long distance down to the remaining waters edge. We were walking down to the water... maybe 20 feet into the dried ground cover... when I suddenly realized that the ground was COVERED with TINY little frogs!! So, very carefully we retreated! The name suddenly made sense and I was so pleased to have seen it in full 'bloom'!!

  13. wheres the post for july 3rd? reading this is the highlight of my day. i always turn to my friend and say "ok lets see what sleep talkin man has to say today" and then there was no up date today. i hope everything is ok over there.

  14. Hey, we're having trouble with this process....

    We got a bunch, put some in bins outside with some rocks, pieces of wood and floaty thing. So they would have somewhere to climb out of when need, shade, somewhere to hide, etc.

    Inside we had a tank made for them. Had a rock to climb onto.

    Everytime they turn into frogs, they die within a day. What am I doing wrong?

    I've been feeding them boiled lettuce chopped up real fine and tadpole/frog food I bought from the pet store. HELP!

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