Aug 15 2010

First of all, I found this bizarre noise. Having ruled out me or Molly, we determined that this can only be either Adam or an EVP of something from the spirit world:

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Before this next one, I wish to send a personal message out to Lauren, our vegan friend. Lauren, Adam loves you, and he totally respects your lifestyle choice.
"Flowers for the lovers, schnapps for the thinkers, death to the vegetarians… I don't care if you eat fish, you give yourself that stupid name, you deserve all you get."
 or click here

And the reveal:

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KAREN: You said, "Flowers for the lovers-"
ADAM: That's nice.
KAREN: No, shut up and listen.
ADAM: Oh sorry.
KAREN: "Flowers for the lovers, schnapps for the thinkers, death to the vegetarians!"
ADAM: Mmm. So the vegetarians are getting it again.
KAREN: Poor vegetarians.
ADAM: I've had enough of degrading animals, I'm now back on the veggies... Now, what was it for the thinkers?
KAREN: "Schnapps."
ADAM: Schn- schn-... Schnapps!
KAREN: ... Is that how you guys say it?
ADAM: How do you say it?
KAREN: "Schnapps."
ADAM: "Schnapps." You sound so posh.
KAREN: I'm sorry, it's German!
ADAM: Schna- Well we're English.
KAREN: "Schnaaaaaapps." What's funny is you say it with an American pronunciation and we say it with an English pronunciation. Since when do you guys say "schnaaa-aaaa" for anything?
ADAM: I'm probably pronouncing it wrong, but I pronounce it "schnapps." Schnahhhpps. Ha! Sounds funny. Schnahhhhps. Ahhhhhhh. Schnahhpps (giggles) It tickles me.


  1. Your morning dialogues are getting to be even more hilarious than STM's midnight rants

  2. Also, regarding the mysterious noise, I think it might be STM channeling Michael Jackson

  3. Sounds to me like someone's humming, sort of....

  4. Since the other are items being given to people, perhaps "death to the vegetarians" is actually referring to giving them some meat? Since in a vegetarians often say that's what meat is.

  5. Have you seen The Big Bang Theory?
    Reminds me of one of the goodnepisodes, when they're getting progressively more drunk, and start talking about schnapps, trying to say it - eg schaaaahhhhps, schnaps, schhhhhhnaps.

  6. Also being in an American gal / British guy marriage we've also had the schnapps/schnapps and pasta / pasta debate. LOL And don't get me started on filet! Have you had the Harry/hairy debate yet?

  7. The conversation you guys had makes me love you. Really.

  8. Fish-eaters are pescetarians.

    Lisa you should check out "ferry" and "furry" in Scouse ;-)

  9. I had a debate at work the other day about people who call themselves vegetarians, but then eat fish. It's a pet peeve of mine. But the word "pescetarian" would imply that someone eats only fish. We came up with a new term: vegepescetarian.

  10. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer15 August 2010 at 15:03

    audio aura jingle or new STM lingo...
    the love of flowers,
    that worldly of fruits; eau de vie spirit, plus a tingle to single out through the wonders of disturbance; those ongoing meetings within the meatless -void- of thots...

    all intertwined forwards, yesterdays fishy tale festival to crack the powerbank of woodstoked, within 60 seconds or less in hippy musical pieces
    farmed in dairy-ooOHZzz land of a thousand faces ina thousand places
    h.m.m.m...jeepers, creepers. . .

  11. I say Schnapps same as Adam. So do all my family including my grandad. Why single him out? He's German!

  12. Schnapps? Doesn't matter how you say it, because if you drink enough of it, you can't pronounce it in any way!

    The first sound was the weeping dry of a sad Iguana's spirit who was lost to the world denied of TEA!

    Graffiti Monkey has a fine fat bag of spray paint! I would hate to be those randy fascist who still stand between the sad Iguanas and their tea! All of their secrets will soon be known, and to all people who can still read!

    Large and angry proclamations concerning their wayward behavior will soon be seen in the most public of places complete with names, and dates!

    It could have all been avoided, you know! Just a bit of tea for the poor Iguanas! Was it so much to ask for? ...And a bit of cannabis! Ahhhhhh..... Cannabis!

  13. Vegeterians, pescetarians, vegepesceterians (wouldn't those be the people who only eat fish made out of veggies? Or perhaps just sea cucumbers and kelp). I say we all become boozetafarians and be done with it.

  14. I'm American and I say Schnapps like this- Shnawps, I don't say Snaps.So not sure what that American accent is you're reffering to,but maybe there's a few here that say snapps,but we do have quite a mix of languages!

  15. im vegan too! :D

    now, off to remind myself what a schnaap is...

  16. I'm American, and it is "ahh"

  17. I think that noise is the ghost of a zombie guinea pig.

  18. I was raised in the midwest USA. It's definitely pronounced Schnaaawwwps!

  19. This is absolutely hilarious....

  20. As a german I can tell you that Karen actually pronounced "Schnaps" pretty good the first time she said it!

  21. I'm from Texas and I said it the way Adam did the first time. Sh-NAPs. But I'm notorious for pronouncing things the way I read them. I'm a vegetarian, by the way ;)

  22. Schnahps, schnaaps, pahsta, paasta...oh, let's call the whole thing off.

  23. That is the longest string of giggling I've done since the reveal about Adam air-ing his bottom. So funny!

    I describe myself as mostly vegetarian (I eat some fish and will eat whatever is being served if I am a guest) and it cracks me up when people say they are vegetarian and eat fish. So... fish are... plants?

  24. You guys are so adorable! Never ever take each other for granted. You have something precious. :)

  25. In Culinary College, we were taught that a pecto-vegetarian is one who eats fish. likewise a Lacto vegetarian one who eats dairy, a lactoOvo-vegetarian one who eats dairy and eggs.
    I've always thought of 'Vegetarians' who eat fish or chicken as 'Idiots' commit to the eating habit, or don't.

    anyway, great Schnapps conversation! 'It tickles me' hahah :

  26. @2manywhiskers: So... fish are... plants?

    Technically neither are milk products or eggs, but they're still considered vegetarian. Where do people get the crazy idea that vegetarians eat vegetables? ;)

    P.S. I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants.

  27. Well, in America fish actually IS a vegetable....corn in fact. The powers that control our food supply have incorporated fish DNA into the corn, and feed corn to farm fish. So you should at least cut the American vegetarians a break! I'm a carnivore myself (or should I say omnivore), but I listen to a lot of National Public Radio!

  28. People understand "Schnapps" in UK? Sounds good. Less translating, more ordering... Will try it when i'm there next time.

  29. That mystery noise almost sounds like....a fart?

  30. Finally....Immortalized in the STM blog!!

    Love you guys,

    Your vegan friend Lauren

  31. Oh-just realized how to get my sloth friend and me to appear. Could be bad-an animal AND a vegan canoodling. Whatever will STM think?


  32. That first one, to me, sounds like a whimper or something.

  33. If I may point out, the German word only contains one "p" while the American word contains two "p" for Schnaps.
    German: Schnaps
    American: Schnapps

  34. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media:De-Schnaps.ogg
    This continues from my last message of the German and American versions. I hope this audio helps.
