Sep 1 2010

"You are as much use as a cup full of monkey spunk at a monk's retreat. And just as pointless."
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Karen's notes: This one has been socked away in the nest-egg for a long time, just waiting for it's chance to shine. Adam said it on our honeymoon, when we were sleeping out in a mountain hut with 12 other people.


  1. If they're like the monks I've heard of, there'd be more than a cup.

  2. monkey spunk is that used in Chinese medicine? just about everything else is!!

  3. ...And yet you continue to go on outtings with him that require sleeping around others (camping, etc).... amazing! I would be too embarassed!

  4. you were sleeping in a hut with 12 other people ON YOUR HONEYMOON? Now THAT is true love.

  5. do you feel the love? oh yeah!

  6. The audio from your honeymoon is a lot clearer than from your bedroom. Did you guys do anything differently with the recorder?

  7. Absolute poetry! Right up there with the best Shakespearean insults..... 7@=Q

  8. Okay I have to point out that the "monkey spunk" has been "socked away" since the honeymoon. ;)

    ...please try to do laundry more often, especially if you are using your socks in such a way!

    I've been trying all day to keep this comment to myself, but I just couldn't do it :)

  9. Monkey Spunk. He come up with that all by himself, or is that repeated from The Shawshank Redemption?

  10. ...monkey spunk? How romantic. ^_^
